首页 > 解决方案 > 痛苦的缓慢查询,我有什么选择?


我在医院做了一些 sql 工作(还没有 COVID 病例!)。有一个表格 ,[dbo].A.diagnosis其中包含我们所有患者的所有诊断的历史记录。我不是专家,但桌子……很糟糕。这个古老的软件使用它来处理诊断(除其他外)。该表的工作方式,它有 30+ 列和 300k+ 行,但没有索引(除了它的主键)。每次患者更新他们的诊断时,他们的所有诊断都会重新写入新的diagnosis_date. diagnosis_date存储在数据类型date而不是datetime,但患者一天内多次更新诊断的情况并不少见。

我需要获得一份我们所有目前入院患者的名单,并使其保持合理的最新状态(我认为在过去 24 小时内是合理的,但越早越好)。

我目前最好的查询在运行时间上仍然变化很大,运行时间从 1 到 15(!!!) 分钟不等。这是不可接受的,所以我想知道我的选择是什么来改进它。


-- [dbo].A.diagnosis
| patient_id | diagnosis_type | diagnosis_date | diagnosis_code | diagnosis_text              |
| 0369344991 | I              | 2020-01-04     | E669           | Obesity, unspecified        |
| 0369344991 | I              | 2020-01-04     | M545           | Low back pain               |
| 0369344991 | I              | 2020-01-04     | NULL           | NULL                        | -- Separator
| 0369344991 | U              | 2020-01-04     | E669           | Obesity, unspecified        |
| 0369344991 | U              | 2020-01-04     | M545           | Low back pain               |
| 0369344991 | U              | 2020-01-04     | L709           | Acne, unspecified           | -- Updated later that day to add the acne diagnosis
| 0369344991 | U              | 2020-01-04     | NULL           | NULL                        |
| 0369344991 | U              | 2020-01-16     | E669           | Obesity, unspecified        |
| 0369344991 | U              | 2020-01-16     | L709           | Acne, unspecified           |
| 0369344991 | U              | 2020-01-16     | E785           | Hyperlipidemia, unspecified | -- Updated 12 days later, low back pain resolved, added hyperlipidemia
| 0369344991 | U              | 2020-01-16     | NULL           | NULL                        |

-- [dbo].A.patients
| patient_id |
| 0369344991 |

-- [dbo].B.diagnosis_priority
| diagnosis_type | diagnosis_priority |
| I              | 1                  |
| A              | 2                  |
| U              | 3                  |
| D              | 4                  |


SELECT DISTINCT dx.patient_id -- (decimal(10,0), null)
,       dx.diagnosis_date -- (date, null)
,       dx.diagnosis_code -- (varchar(5), null)
,       dx.diagnosis_text -- (varchar(253, null) 
,       dx.diagnosis_type -- (varchar(1), null)
FROM    [dbo].A.patients -- Starting with a list of our current patients.
JOIN    [dbo].A.diagnosis dx
    ON  [dbo].A.patients.patient_id = dx.patient_id
JOIN    [dbo].B.diagnosis_priority dp 
    ON  dx.diagnosis_type = dp.diagnosis_type
-- This is a table I wrote to help determine which diagnoses are more 'up-to-date' if multiple updates are done on 
-- a single day. The join assigns a priority number to each diagnosis_type as diagnosis_priority.
WHERE   dx.diagnosis_code IS NOT NULL
AND     dx.diagnosis_date = ( -- Trying to get the diagnoses as of the most recent diagnosis date.
            SELECT  MAX(dx_a.diagnosis_date) 
            FROM    [dbo].A.diagnosis dx_a 
            WHERE   dx_a.patient_id = dx.patient_id
AND     dp.diagnosis_priority = (  
-- Trying to get the highest priority diagnoses applied on the most recent date.
-- A patient will not get a lower priority diagnosis on a later date, but newer diagnoses will not 
-- necessarily get a higher priority in [dbo].A.diagnosis
            SELECT  MAX(dp_a.diagnosis_priority) 
            FROM    [dbo].A.diagnosis dx_a 
            JOIN    [dbo].B.diagnosis_priority dp_a 
                ON dx_a.diagnosis_type = dp_a.diagnosis_type 
            WHERE dx_a.patient_id = dx.patient_id

我是db_datareaderon的成员[dbo].A,但我是同一服务器上的 on 的db_owner成员。[dbo].B由于上述古老的软件,修改方式[dbo].A.diagnosis功能是不可行的。


标签: sql-servertsqloptimizationdatabase-designquery-optimization



CREATE TABLE #diagnosis_tmp (patient_id decimal(10,0), diagnosis_type varchar(1), diagnosis_date date, diagnosis_code varchar(5), diagnosis_text varchar(253))

INSERT INTO #diagnosis_tmp (patient_id,diagnosis_type,diagnosis_date,diagnosis_code)
SELECT patient_id,diagnosis_type,diagnosis_date,diagnosis_code
FROM [dbo].A.diagnosis
    WHERE diagnosis_code IS NOT NULL

--CREATE INDEX i_patient_date ON #diagnosis_tmp (patient_id,diagnosis_date)
