首页 > 解决方案 > Linq 查询处理结果的时间太长


我有 3 张桌子

我正在尝试使用以下查询从这 3 个表中获取数据:.. 表 ERPApp 与其他 2 个表处于不同的上下文中,这就是我使用 2 个查询的原因

var res = (from s in ERPDB.ERPEntrys
         join t in ERPDB.ERPEntryTypes
         on s.EntryTypeID equals t.EntryTypeID
         where s.UserIDAdded == '250176'
         select new {s.EntryTypeID, s.DateAdded, t.EntryTypeName, s.AppID }).OrderByDescending(d => d.DateAdded).Take(10).ToArray();

var erpResult = (from a in APPDB.ERPApps.AsEnumerable()
         join b in res on a.AppId equals b.AppId
         select new ERPInfo
          EntryId = b.EntryID,
          EntryType = b.EntryTypeName,
          ERPApp = a.ApplicationName,
          DateAdded = b.DateAdded

我得到了想要的结果,但是第二个查询需要将近 4 分钟的时间来处理并将结果返回到变量 erpResult 中......关于如何解决这个性能问题的任何帮助?

标签: c#performancelinq



var res = (from s in ERPDB.ERPEntries
join t in ERPDB.ERPEntryTypes
on s.EntryTypeID equals t.EntryTypeID
where s.UserIdAdded == "250176"
select new { s.EntryID, s.EntryTypeID, s.DateAdded, t.EntryTypeName, s.AppId })
.OrderByDescending(d => d.DateAdded).Take(10).ToArray();

/* Which immediately executes:

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP (10) [t0].[EntryID], [t0].[EntryTypeID], 
[t0].[DateAdded], [t1].[EntryTypeName], [t0].[AppId]
FROM [dbo].[ERPEntry] AS [t0]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[ERPEntryType] AS [t1] ON [t0].[EntryTypeID] = [t1]. 
WHERE [t0].[UserIdAdded] = @p0
ORDER BY [t0].[DateAdded] DESC',N'@p0 varchar(8000)',@p0='250176'


// Get the distinct AppID values in res
// Executes in memory
var distinctApps = (from r in res select r.AppId).Distinct();

// Query APPDB with the distinct values
var matchingApps = (from a in APPDB.ERPApps where distinctApps
.Contains(a.AppId) select new { a.AppId, a.ApplicationName }).ToArray();

/* Which immediately executes this efficient query:

exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [t0].[AppId], [t0].[ApplicationName]
FROM [dbo].[ERPApp] AS [t0]
WHERE [t0].[AppId] IN (@p0, @p1, @p2, @p3)',N'@p0 bigint,@p1 bigint,@p2 
bigint,@p3 bigint',@p0=101,@p1=123,@p2=125,@p3=129

var erpResultWithAppNames = (from a in matchingApps
join b in res on a.AppId equals b.AppId
select new
EntryId = b.EntryID,
EntryType = b.EntryTypeName,
ERPApp = a.ApplicationName,
DateAdded = b.DateAdded




  1. 您必须将 25.000 行加载到内存中(并将它们转换为对象),

  2. 您不仅要加载 25.000 行。您正在加载 25.000 x 173 个单元格并创建 25.000 个对象,每个对象具有 173 个字段。

  3. 如果您可以只加载您需要的两个字段(AppId 和 ApplicationName)而不是所有 173 个字段(以及它们拥有的任何数据),那么性能将会提高,但考虑到您要实现的目标仍然效率低下。

  4. 当前的性能问题部分是由于将整个表及其所有 173 个字段传输到您的服务器,部分是由于将所有这些行映射到对象和字段映射到属性。每一项的影响都可以作为进一步的研究来衡量。

LINQ 到 SQL。使用 SqlProfiler 检查时:

from a in APPDB.ERPApps.AsEnumerable() join b ...

SELECT [t0].[AppId], [t0].[ApplicationName], [t0].[Field1], [t0].[Field2],
[t0].[Field3], [t0].[Field4], [t0].[Field5], [t0].[Field6], [t0].[Field7],
[t0].[Field8], [t0].[Field9], ... ... ... ... [t0].[Field176], [t0].[Field173],
FROM [dbo].[ERPApp] AS [t0]


var erpResult = (from a in APPDB.ERPApps
select new { AppId = a.AppId, ApplicationName = a.ApplicationName }


SELECT [t0].[AppId], [t0].[ApplicationName]
FROM [dbo].[ERPApp] AS [t0]
