首页 > 解决方案 > 将元素插入动态数组的后面时,有没有办法防止写访问冲突?



抛出未处理的异常:写访问冲突。this->arr 是 0x1110116。

我不确定我做错了什么;我教授的职位和前提条件让我感到困惑。我也不知道如何使用 allocate 以及我将容量翻倍的方法是否正确。


#include <iostream>

template<typename T>
class container
    template <typename T2>
    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const container<T2> &cobj);
    // Postcondition: contents of the container object cobj is displayed
    // Postcondition: an empty container object is created with data members 
    // arr set to NULL, n set to -1 and Capacity set to 0
    // Destructor; required as one of the Big-3 (or Big(5) because of the 
    // presence of a pointer data member. Default version results in 
    // memory leak!
    // Postcondition: dynamic memory pointed to by arr has been release back to 
    // the “heap” and arr set to NULL or nullptr
    // In order to see the action, message "destructor called and 
    // dynamic memory released!" is displayed
    bool isEmpty() const;
    // Postcondition: returns true is nothing is stored; returns false otherwise
    bool isFull() const;
    // Postcondition: returns true if arr array is filled to capacity; 
    // returns false otherwise
    int size() const;
    // Postcondition: returns the size or the number of elements (values) 
    // currently stored in the container
    int capacity() const;
    // Postcondition: returns the current storage capacity of the container
    bool insertBack(const T& val);
    // Postcondition: if container is not full, newVal is inserted at the 
    // end of the array; 
    // otherwise, double the current capacity followed by the insertion
    void allocate(T* &temp);
    // Postcondition: if Capacity = 0, allocate a single location; 
    // otherwise the current capacity is doubled
    T *arr;
    int Capacity;   // Note: Capital 'C' as capacity is used as a function name
    int n;          // size or actual # of values currently stored in the container; 
                    // n <= SIZE


template<typename T2>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const container<T2> &cobj)
    std::cout << "Currently it contains " << cobj.size() << " value(s)" << std::endl
        << "Container storage capacity = " << cobj.capacity() << std::endl
        << "The contents of the container:" << std::endl;

    if (cobj.isEmpty())
        std::cout << "*** Container is currently empty!" << std::endl;
        for (int i=0; i<cobj.size(); ++i)
            std::cout << cobj.arr[i];

    return out;

template<typename T>
    arr = nullptr;
    Capacity = 0;
    n = 0;

template<typename T>
    delete arr;
    arr = nullptr;
    std::cout << "Destructor called! (this line is normally not displayed)" 
              << std::endl;

template<typename T>
bool container<T>::isEmpty() const
    return n==0;

template<typename T>
bool container<T>::isFull() const
    return n==Capacity;

template<typename T>
int container<T>::capacity() const
    return Capacity;

template<typename T>
int container<T>::size() const
    return n;

template<typename T>
bool container<T>::insertBack(const T& val)
    if (size()>=Capacity)
        Capacity = Capacity*2;
        arr[n] = val;
        return true;
        return false;

template<typename T>
void container<T>::allocate(T* &temp)
    if (Capacity==0)
        temp = new T;
        return Capacity*2;

int main()
    container<int> a1;
    std::cout << a1 << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "Currently, the container object contains 0 element(s) or 0 value(s)" 
              << std::endl;

    std::cout << "\nWe now insert 3 values at the back of the array, one at a time:" 
              << std::endl;

    const int num = 3;
    for (int i=0, c=0; i<=num; ++i, c+=10)

    std::cout << a1;

标签: c++arraysclassdynamic


当你使用insertback()andsize() >= Capacity时,你的数组并没有真正扩展。您只需将名为的变量加倍Capacity,但数组本身实际上并没有加倍。


T* old_array = arr; arr = new T[Capacity<<=1];  //double array
for(int i=0;i<n;++i) arr[i]=old_array[i]   //copy you can use memcpy instead for loop
delete [] old_array;    //free space


  1. 析构函数

    你应该delete []arr改用delete arr.

    delete释放分配了指向 new的单个对象指针的内存。

    delete []释放新分配的对象数组指针指向的内存。

    并且记得在使用 delete 之前检查 arr 是否为 nullptr。

  2. insertback


  3. void container<T>::allocate(T* &temp)

    的返回类型allocate()void。因此你不能return Capacity*2;


我建议为Container. 所以在没有指定容量的时候,请求默认容量空间,而不是把容量设置为零。
