首页 > 解决方案 > Cannot deserialize instance of `com.example.million.model.Domain` out of START_ARRAY token


I'm using Kotlin, Spring Boot, Jackson dataformat csv. Not sure, how I can return response from my csv as List of domain objects. and I have the following error Cannot deserialize instance of com.example.million.model.Domain out of START_ARRAY token

My code is the following:

class DomainService {
    fun getDomains(): List<Domain> {

        val mapper = CsvMapper()
        val csvFile = File("myCsv.csv")
        val response: List<Domain> = mapper.readerFor(Domain::class.java).readValues<Domain>(csvFile).readAll()
        return response

data class Domains(var domain: String){}

标签: springlistcsvkotlinjackson


Deleting this line, as otherwise you are wrapping each csv line in an array, which leads to your error message.


Your code otherwise looks fine.
