首页 > 解决方案 > How do I add an if and else statement to python?


I'm currently learning python and I'm trying to add if/else statements.

For example, I have this script that changes the file names within a directory to something else:

import os

#changes directory

for f in os.listdir('/home/rachellegarcia/Documents/agreements'):
    f_name, f_ext = os.path.splitext(f)
    f_patient, f_conf, f_agmt, f_email = f_name.split('_')
    f_agmt_type, f_agmt_staff = f_agmt.split('-')

    #sets the new name
    new_name = '{}-{}{}'.format(f_agmt_staff, f_email, f_ext)

    #renames the file
    os.rename(f, new_name.replace('-', '@'))

What I would like is if a new file gets added to the directory, then it'll change it too.

But I think because don't have an if/else statement I get an error:

File "/home/Documents/python/renamefiles.py", line 8, in <module>
  f_patient, f_conf, f_agmt, f_email = f_name.split('_')
ValueError: need more than 1 value to unpack

So, I wanted to know if I can add something like;

if the new_name is set, then skip and continue the loop.

Thanks for the help! :)

标签: python


您的错误正在发生,因为它遇到的文件不符合您期望的格式......由 . 分隔的四个部分组成_

try ... except ...您可以通过在有问题的行周围使用 a来解决这个问题,continue如果它不符合该格式,则 -ing 循环。

for f in os.listdir('/home/rachellegarcia/Documents/agreements'):
    f_name, f_ext = os.path.splitext(f)

        f_patient, f_conf, f_agmt, f_email = f_name.split('_')
    except ValueError:
        # ... it wasn't the format expected, skip it

    # ... it was the format expected
    f_agmt_type, f_agmt_staff = f_agmt.split('-')

    #sets the new name
    new_name = '{}-{}{}'.format(f_agmt_staff, f_email, f_ext)

    #renames the file
    os.rename(f, new_name.replace('-', '@'))

