首页 > 解决方案 > Firebase Dynamic Links -> universal links only for sub paths


My website is hosted in Firebase without problems. I also have an matching iOS app that is successfully using Firebase dynamic links (added keys to plist file, entitlements...) with configured universal links (via Firebase) to this website. I have setup this custom domain for the dynamic links also. Works beautifully but...

Firebase correctly generates the apple-app-site-association file (in my hosted website) :

    "applinks": {
        "apps": [],
        "details": [{
            "appID": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
            "paths": ["NOT /_/*", "/*"]

But this matches my whole website -> there are not paths defined.

I would only like to match universal links of format mydomain.com/link how can I do this?

How can I tell Firebase to generate a different apple-app-site-association file?

标签: firebase-hostingfirebase-dynamic-links


I have been in contact with Firebase support and for the moment the AASA file is always generated as shown in the question = for the full site. A change request has been filed :-)

As a work around:

  • disable the automatic generation of the AASA, by setting appAssociation field in your project's firebase.json file to NONE.
  • Then manually create the AASA-file and upload it (usual way via Firebase hosting).
