首页 > 解决方案 > Keycloak-Admin-Client in a JPMS/Jigsaw Java 11 Maven application - Dependency Problems


maybe someone has already figured that out or has some tips, I would be really thankful.

I'm trying to use the Keycloak-Admin-Client maven dependency in a modularized Java 11 application. The Application is modularized via JPMS/Jigsaw.

I'm using the version 9.0.2 of the Keycloak-Admin-Client.



My current Problem: java.lang.module.FindException: Module javax.ws.rs.api not found, required by com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.base

But I already have this in my module-info and POM:

requires java.ws.rs;


The javax.ws.rs-api jar is also in my libs folder (module-path):

module-path lib folder

Some additional informations from the jackson-jaxrs-providers GitHub-Repo:

    requires static javax.ws.rs.api;
    requires static java.ws.rs;
    requires static jakarta.ws.rs.api;


I hope my problem is understandable, please ask if more details are needed.

Thanks a lot and best regards.


标签: javamavenkeycloakjava-platform-module-system


问题是 javax.ws.rs-api 工件版本 2.1 具有不同的工件 ID“java.ws.rs-api”而不是“javax.ws.rs-api”。

在 2.0.1 版中。是否缺少包裹。版本 2.1-m08 有效。

   <!-- pwi: JAX-RS 2.x has different artifact-id, "javax.ws.rs-api" and Version 2.0.1 has missing packages -->
