首页 > 解决方案 > 这个函数(用汇编编写)打印十六进制数字有什么问题?


我只是一个汇编初学者,正在阅读 Nick Blundell 的操作系统书籍,当时我遇到了编写一个可以打印十六进制数字的函数的问题。但是,尽管多次验证逻辑,我似乎无法找到为什么这段代码不起作用。请帮忙,我将不胜感激。

HEX_OUT:    db  '0x0000', 0
MASK:       dw  0b1111000000000000
COUNTER:    db  3

print_string :

    pusha                               ;SAVES ALL REGISTER VALUES TO BE RESTORED WHEN RETURNING.
    mov ah, 0x0e

    jmp print_loop                      ;NOT COMPULSORY

    print_loop :
        mov al, [bx]
        add bx, 1                       ;ADD 1, NOT 8, NOT 16.
        int 0x10
        cmp al, 0                       ;SETS A FLAG ACCORDING TO RESULT OF COMPARISON.
        jne print_loop                  ;CAUSES LOOP.
        jmp final_block                 ;CAN BE REPLACED BY THE STATEMENTS IN final_block, NO NEED FOR MAKING NEW LABEL.

    final_block :
        ret                             ;RETURNS TO THE POINT WHERE CALL HAPPENED.

print_hex :

    mov bx, HEX_OUT
    add bx, 2

    alter_loop :                        ;LOOP TO ALTER HEX_OUT
        mov ax, [MASK]
        cmp ax, 0                       ;CONDITION TO END LOOP
        je after_loop

        mov ax, dx                      ;GETTING(INTO AX) THE DATA FOR N-TH POSITION 
        and ax, [MASK]

        mov cx, [COUNTER]

        shift_loop :
            cmp cx, 0
            je end_shift_loop
            shr ax, 4
            sub cx, 1

        cmp ax, 0x0009                       ;DO HEX->ALPHABET IF NUMBER IS GREATER THAN 9
        jle skip_hex_to_alphabet

        add ax, 39                       ;EQUIVALENT TO (sub ax, 48--- sub ax, 9 ---add ax, 96)

        skip_hex_to_alphabet :

        add ax, 48                      ;ADDING 48(ASCII OF 0), IS ALREADY SUBTRACTED IF N-TH NUMBER>9

        mov [bx], al                    ;STORING DATA IN LOCATION POINTED TO BY BX
        add bx, 1                       ;INCREMENT FOR LOOP
        mov ax, [MASK]                  ;CHANGING MASK
        shr ax, 4
        mov [MASK], ax

        mov ax, [COUNTER]               ;UPDATING COUNTER
        sub ax, 1
        mov [COUNTER], ax

        jmp alter_loop

    after_loop :
    mov bx, HEX_OUT
    call print_string    

在调用函数时: -

mov dx, 0x1fd6
call print_hex


标签: assemblyprintingx86hex



既然你使用mov cx, [COUNTER],COUNTER必须是一个词,修复它:

COUNTER:    dw  3

最后,您没有正确移动掩码值。在第一次迭代中,and ax, [MASK]produces0x1000和 in theshift_loop被减少到,0x0100因为它只迭代一次。

    shift_loop :
        cmp cx, 0
        je end_shift_loop
        shr ax, 4
        sub cx, 1
    jmp shift_loop


您可以简单地使用减少四的可变移位计数器和(常量)掩码来提取半字节。然后,您甚至可以使用 16 字节查找表将半字节转换为字符,从而避免分支。

此外,由于您正在为 DOS 编程,因此非常值得在网上找到一份 TASM 副本并使用它的调试器(td-Turbo Debugger)。很容易为变量使用错误的大小并处理垃圾,调试器会立即向您显示这一点。


;AX = number to print in hex
  mov cx, 12              ;Shift counter, we start isolating the higher nibble (which starts at 12)
  mov bx, hexDigits       ;Lookup tables for the digitals
  mov dx, ax              ;We need a copy of the number and AX is used by the int10 service

  mov si, dx              ;Make a copy of the original number so we don't lose it. Also we need it in SI for addressing purpose
  shr si, cl              ;Isolate a nibble by bringing it at the lower position
  and si, 0fh             ;Isolate the nibble by masking off any higher nibble

  mov al, [bx + si]       ;Transform the nibble into a digit (that's why we needed it in SI)
  mov ah, 0eh             ;You can also lift this out of the loop. It put it here for readability.
  int 10h                 ;Print it

  sub cx, 4               ;Next nibble is 4 bits apart
jnc .extract              ;Keep looping until we go from 0000h to 0fffch. This will set the CF


hexDigits db "0123456789abcdef"
