首页 > 解决方案 > Python:Netcdf:是否有一种方法可以从一个变量中获得总体平均值,而另一个变量与唯一值重叠?


我有一个 netcdf 文件,其中包含一个名为 tag(形状时间 lat lon)的 3D int32 变量和一个名为 p(形状时间 lat lon)的 3D float64 变量。两个变量的形状大小相同。tag 变量的整数值的起始值为 0,其结束值为未知数(它们是单调递增的)。不需要 0 值,因此我想开始对 p var 进行总体(时空)平均,其中标记值 = 1 到最大标记值 n。

示例(数组空间(时间、纬度、经度)):第一个整数标记值为 1。该值出现在 (0,45,45) 和 (1,45,46) 处。这些标签 = 1 数组空间的 p 值是 2 和 4。所以平均结果应该等于 3。下一个整数标签值是 2。这个值出现在说 (2,100,99)、(2,101,99) , 和 (3,101,98),这些数组空间中的 p 值等于 3、8 和 1。所以平均结果应该等于 4。最后一个整数值是 n。该值出现在 (360,200,100)、(361,200,100)、(361,201,100) 和 (361(202,100) 处,这些数组空间中的 p 值等于 1、1、5 和 9。所以平均结果应该等于4. 将这些写入文本文件时,应如下所示:


下面的 python 代码读取 netcdf 文件和变量:

import datetime as dt  # Python standard library datetime  module
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset  # http://code.google.com/p/netcdf4-python/

def ncdump(nc_fid, verb=True):
    ncdump outputs dimensions, variables and their attribute information.
    The information is similar to that of NCAR's ncdump utility.
    ncdump requires a valid instance of Dataset.

    nc_fid : netCDF4.Dataset
        A netCDF4 dateset object
    verb : Boolean
        whether or not nc_attrs, nc_dims, and nc_vars are printed

    nc_attrs : list
        A Python list of the NetCDF file global attributes
    nc_dims : list
        A Python list of the NetCDF file dimensions
    nc_vars : list
        A Python list of the NetCDF file variables
    def print_ncattr(key):
        Prints the NetCDF file attributes for a given key

        key : unicode
            a valid netCDF4.Dataset.variables key
            print "\t\ttype:", repr(nc_fid.variables[key].dtype)
            for ncattr in nc_fid.variables[key].ncattrs():
                print '\t\t%s:' % ncattr,\
        except KeyError:
            print "\t\tWARNING: %s does not contain variable attributes" % key

    # NetCDF global attributes
    nc_attrs = nc_fid.ncattrs()
    if verb:
        print "NetCDF Global Attributes:"
        for nc_attr in nc_attrs:
            print '\t%s:' % nc_attr, repr(nc_fid.getncattr(nc_attr))
    nc_dims = [dim for dim in nc_fid.dimensions]  # list of nc dimensions
    # Dimension shape information.
    if verb:
        print "NetCDF dimension information:"
        for dim in nc_dims:
            print "\tName:", dim 
            print "\t\tsize:", len(nc_fid.dimensions[dim])
    # Variable information.
    nc_vars = [var for var in nc_fid.variables]  # list of nc variables
    if verb:
        print "NetCDF variable information:"
        for var in nc_vars:
            if var not in nc_dims:
                print '\tName:', var
                print "\t\tdimensions:", nc_fid.variables[var].dimensions
                print "\t\tsize:", nc_fid.variables[var].size
    return nc_attrs, nc_dims, nc_vars

nc_f = './tag.nc'  # Your filename
nc_fid = Dataset(nc_f, 'r')  # Dataset is the class behavior to open the file
                             # and create an instance of the ncCDF4 class
nc_attrs, nc_dims, nc_vars = ncdump(nc_fid)
# Extract data from NetCDF file
lats = nc_fid.variables['lat'][:]  # extract/copy the data
lons = nc_fid.variables['lon'][:]
time = nc_fid.variables['time'][:]
tag = nc_fid.variables['tag'][:]  # shape is time, lat, lon as shown above

nc_p = '../p/p.nc'  # Your filename
nc_fid = Dataset(nc_p, 'r')  # Dataset is the class behavior to open the file
                             # and create an instance of the ncCDF4 class
nc_attrs, nc_dims, nc_vars = ncdump(nc_fid)

p = nc_fid.variables['p'][:]  # shape is time, lat, lon as shown above


NetCDF Global Attributes:
NetCDF dimension information:
        Name: time
                size: 365
                type: dtype('float64')
                axis: u'T'
                calendar: u'standard'
                standard_name: u'time'
                units: u'hours since 1800-01-01 00:00'
        Name: lat
                size: 287
                type: dtype('float64')
                long_name: u'latitude'
                units: u'degrees_north'
                standard_name: u'latitude'
                axis: u'Y'
        Name: lon
                size: 612
                type: dtype('float64')
                long_name: u'longitude'
                units: u'degrees_east'
                standard_name: u'longitude'
                axis: u'X'
NetCDF variable information:
        Name: tag
                dimensions: (u'time', u'lat', u'lon')
                size: 64110060
                type: dtype('int32')

我一直在玩 pandas groupby 函数,但我还没有找到适合我的例子的东西。

标签: pythonpandasnumpynetcdf



使用 xarray 打开数据,然后我将数据转换为数据帧。之后我可以使用 pandas groupby 进行计算。

from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import netCDF4

# Open data with xarray
dt = xr.open_mfdataset(['../tag.nc', '../p/p.nc'], combine='by_coords')

# Convert to data frame
dtdf = dt.to_dataframe()

dm = {'p': ['mean']}
mean = dtdf.groupby('tag').agg(dm)
mean.columns = ['_'.join(col) for col in mean.columns.values]
p_mean = mean.loc[1:, 'p_mean']
