首页 > 解决方案 > 无法在 Java 应用程序中实现 DAO 设计模式


我是 Java 新手,我正在尝试设计一个应用程序,该应用程序具有从数据库getCountries()获取数据的方法,该方法通过搜索输入 ID 值findCountryByCode(int codeID)和最后,一种将新国家/地区保存到表中的方法称为saveCountry(Country countries)。我被要求在本练习中使用 OOP 和设计模式的所有良好实践。

我有几个类管理数据封装,但我在尝试调试一些输出错误时遇到了困难。连接到数据库MySqlCountryDAO的类建立了连接,但不仅没有在终端上返回任何表值,而是提示我“java.lang.NullPointerException”。我做了我的研究,但找不到为什么会出现这个错误。有人可以看看这门课并给我一个灯吗?这是连接到DataSource 类[即数据库连接器] 的类的代码。

public class MySqlCountryDAO implements CountryDAO {

DataSource db = SingletonInstance.getInstance();

 * Returns an ArrayList of all the Countries in the database
 * @returns arrayList of country Objects
public ArrayList<Country> getCountries() {

    ArrayList<Country> countries = new ArrayList<Country>();
    String query = "SELECT * FROM country"; // MySQL query
    ResultSet rs = db.select(query); // catch the ResultSet and place the result of the query in the result set

    int code = 0;
    String name = "";
    Continent continent = null;
    long surfaceArea = 0;
    String headOfState = "";
    Country c = null;

    // loop over the resultSet to fill ArrayList w results
    try {
        while (rs.next()) {
            code = rs.getInt(1); // don't quite get it why starts at 1
            name = rs.getString(2);
            continent = Continent.valueOf(rs.getString(3));
            surfaceArea = rs.getLong(4);
            headOfState = rs.getString(5);

            //builder pattern to be implemented here
            c = new Country(code, name, continent, surfaceArea, headOfState); //new instance of Country class
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    return countries;



public class Main{

public static void main (String[] args){
     * instance of the client connecting to the DataSource class
    MySqlCountryDAO dao = new MySqlCountryDAO(); //instance of dao

    ArrayList<Country> countries = dao.getCountries();
    for (Country c : countries){

下面是我运行代码时返回的输出。 SQL Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at MySqlCountryDAO.getCountries(MySqlCountryDAO.java:28) at Main.main(Main.java:11)


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标签: javadesign-patternssingletondaobuilder

