首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在不有效破坏单词的情况下将句子分成固定长度的块?



CHUNK_SIZE:200,(假设它有 200 个字符长)。






标签: javascriptalgorithm


一种选择是使用正则表达式贪婪地匹配 200 个字符,并让它回溯,直到匹配的最后一个字符后面跟着一个空格字符或字符串的结尾:

const str = "This process was continued for several years for the deaf child does not here in a month or even in two or three years the numberless items and expressions using the simplest daily intercourse little hearing child learns from these constant rotation and imitation the conversation he hears in his home simulates is mine and suggest topics and called forth the spontaneous expression of his own thoughts.";
const chunks = str.match(/.{1,200}(?= |$)/g);


const str = "This process was continued for several years for the deaf child does not here in a month or even in two or three years the numberless items and expressions using the simplest daily intercourse little hearing child learns from these constant rotation and imitation the conversation he hears in his home simulates is mine and suggest topics and called forth the spontaneous expression of his own thoughts.";
const chunks = str.match(/\S.{1,198}\S(?= |$)/g);


const chunkSize = 200;
const str = "This process was continued for several years for the deaf child does not here in a month or even in two or three years the numberless items and expressions using the simplest daily intercourse little hearing child learns from these constant rotation and imitation the conversation he hears in his home simulates is mine and suggest topics and called forth the spontaneous expression of his own thoughts.";
const chunks = str.match(new RegExp(String.raw`\S.{1,${chunkSize - 2}}\S(?= |$)`, 'g'));


const chunkSize = 200;
const str = "This process was continued for several years for the deaf child does not here in a month or even in two or three years the numberless items and expressions using the simplest daily intercourse little hearing child learns from these constant rotation and imitation the conversation he hears in his home simulates is mine and suggest topics and called forth the spontaneous expression of his own thoughts.";
const chunks = str.match(new RegExp(String.raw`\S(?:.{0,${chunkSize - 2}}\S)?(?= |$)`, 'g'));
