首页 > 解决方案 > 为工作站配置 RAM (InnoDB/SphinxSearch/Python)


今天我的服务器坏了。它围绕 Threadripped 3960x 构建,具有 126GB RAM。它在 Ubuntu 上运行 MySQL、SphinxSearch 和多线程 Python 脚本。

我目前为 InnoDB 缓冲池分配 60GB,为 MyIsam 分配 10GB,SphinxSearch 索引为 46GB。Python 将“可能”需要 12G 之类的东西来运行我需要执行的任务。

MySQLTuner 说内存没问题(好像没有被 Sphinx 打扰)。在我写这篇文章时,Glances 报告了 39.6G 的可用内存(36.8G 缓存;4GB 的 SWAP 使用了 1.4GB)。所以一切看起来都不错。然而它崩溃了,我看到了分段错误。在增加 InnoDB 池的大小以容纳一个新的和更大的表之后更是如此(现在回到 60G 并且从那以后没有问题,但还为时过早。

通常的建议是,对于 MySQL 服务器,将 75% 以上的可用 RAM 分配给池(在我的情况下为 96GB),当其他进程竞争 RAM 时这是不可行的。




尽管这在很大程度上无关紧要,因为这与我的实际问题无关(在哪里可以找到有关数据科学工作站 RAM 分配的讨论),下面是部分编辑的 MySQLTuner 输出。

  1 [!!] Currently running unsupported MySQL version 8.0.19-0ubuntu0.19.10.3
  2 [OK] Operating on 64-bit architecture
  4 -------- Log file Recommendations ------------------------------------------------------------------
  5 [OK] /var/log/mysql/error.log doesn't contain any error.
  7 -------- Storage Engine Statistics -----------------------------------------------------------------
  8 [--] Data in MRG_MYISAM tables: 351.0G (Tables: 2)
  9 [--] Data in MyISAM tables: 589.1G (Tables: 131)
 10 [--] Data in InnoDB tables: 103.9G (Tables: 5)
 11 [OK] Total fragmented tables: 0
 13 -------- Performance Metrics -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 14 [--] Up for: 1d 4h 42m 38s (4M q [42.365 qps], 869K conn, TX: 2G, RX: 8G)
 15 [--] Reads / Writes: 0% / 100% 
 16 [--] Binary logging is disabled
 17 [--] Physical Memory     : 125.7G
 18 [--] Max MySQL memory    : 81.6G
 19 [--] Other process memory: 9.1G
 20 [--] Total buffers: 74.0G global + 19.3M per thread (400 max threads)
 21 [OK] Maximum reached memory usage: 74.9G (59.57% of installed RAM)
 22 [OK] Maximum possible memory usage: 81.6G (64.87% of installed RAM)
 23 [OK] Overall possible memory usage with other process is compatible with memory available
 24 [OK] Slow queries: 0% (0/4M) 
 25 [OK] Highest usage of available connections: 11% (46/400)
 26 [OK] Aborted connections: 0.00%  (5/869580)
 27 [OK] Sorts requiring temporary tables: 3% (29 temp sorts / 766 sorts)
 28 [OK] No joins without indexes
 29 [OK] Temporary tables created on disk: 0% (0 on disk / 948 total)
 30 [OK] Thread cache hit rate: 99% (46 created / 869K connections)
 31 [!!] Table cache hit rate: 10% (628 open / 6K opened)
 32 [OK] Open file limit used: 2% (219/10K)
 33 [OK] Table locks acquired immediately: 99% (60K immediate / 60K locks)
 35 -------- MyISAM Metrics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 36 [!!] Key buffer used: 26.5% (2B used / 10B cache)
 37 [OK] Key buffer size / total MyISAM indexes: 10.0G/210.8G
 38 [OK] Read Key buffer hit rate: 99.2% (676M cached / 5M reads)
 39 [!!] Write Key buffer hit rate: 11.0% (96M cached / 10M writes)
 41 -------- InnoDB Metrics ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 42 [--] InnoDB is enabled. 
 43 [--] InnoDB Thread Concurrency: 0
 44 [OK] InnoDB File per table is activated
 45 [!!] InnoDB buffer pool / data size: 64.0G/103.9G
 46 [!!] Ratio InnoDB log file size / InnoDB Buffer pool size (18.75 %): 6.0G * 2/64.0G should be equal 25%
 47 [OK] InnoDB buffer pool instances: 64
 48 [--] Number of InnoDB Buffer Pool Chunk : 512 for 64 Buffer Pool Instance(s)
 49 [OK] Innodb_buffer_pool_size aligned with Innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size & Innodb_buffer_pool_instances
 50 [OK] InnoDB Read buffer efficiency: 99.91% (2063007809 hits/ 2064876225 total)
 51 [OK] InnoDB Write log efficiency: 97.25% (325355628 hits/ 334571627 total)
 52 [OK] InnoDB log waits: 0.00% (0 waits / 9215999 writes)
 54 -------- Recommendations ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 55 General recommendations: 
 56     Control warning line(s) into /var/log/mysql/error.log file
 57     Configure your accounts with ip or subnets only, then update your configuration with skip-name-resolve=1
 58     Increase table_open_cache gradually to avoid file descriptor limits
 59     Read this before increasing table_open_cache over 64:
 60     Read this before increasing for MariaDB https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/optimizing-table_open_cache/
 61     This is MyISAM only table_cache scalability problem, InnoDB not affected.
 62     See more details here: https://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=49177
 63     This bug already fixed in MySQL 5.7.9 and newer MySQL versions.
 64     Beware that open_files_limit (10000) variable 
 65     should be greater than table_open_cache (1000)
 66     Before changing innodb_log_file_size and/or innodb_log_files_in_group read this:
 67 Variables to adjust:
 68     table_open_cache (> 1000)
 69     innodb_buffer_pool_size (>= 103.9G) if possible.
 70     innodb_log_file_size should be (=8G) if possible, so InnoDB total log files size equals to 25% of buffer pool size.

[编辑 2]

添加了部分编辑的 MySQL 全局变量和 Glances,以及由 SYSSTAT 剔除的 SWAP/Paging 统计信息。注意,可能是相对较大的 SWAP 分配(68G)。很可能有很多“浪费”的空间,但由于我有大量的驱动器空间,所以不用担心。明显过度,但会根据 SWAP/寻呼统计数据进行调整。不是一眼“警告”内存压力。可能表明警告假定为 8GB 机器。另请注意,MyQQLtuner 建议使用 100G+ innoDB 缓冲区,这是不现实的。但我还是想把它推到目前的 60G 以上。存储为 NVMe RAID0 (7+GB/s)(使用常规 rsync())


08:35:01 AM  pswpin/s pswpout/s
08:45:01 AM      0.05      0.04
08:55:01 AM      0.05      0.00
09:05:01 AM      0.04      0.00
09:15:01 AM      0.04      0.01
09:25:01 AM      0.04      0.01
09:35:01 AM      0.03      0.02


08:35:01 AM kbswpfree kbswpused  %swpused  kbswpcad   %swpcad
08:45:01 AM     67.4G    652.5M      0.9%    137.2M     21.0%
08:55:01 AM     67.4G    652.5M      0.9%    137.2M     21.0%
09:05:01 AM     67.4G    652.5M      0.9%    137.2M     21.0%
09:15:01 AM     67.4G    652.2M      0.9%    137.1M     21.0%
09:25:01 AM     67.4G    652.2M      0.9%    137.2M     21.0%


pop-os (Ubuntu 19.10 64bit / Linux 5.3.0-7642-generic) - IP Pub xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx                                Uptime: 2 days, 22:40:52

CPU  [  0.5%]   CPU -     0.5%  nice:     0.0%  ctx_sw:    3K       GPU GeForce GTX 1       MEM -   71.6%       SWAP -    0.9%       LOAD    48-core
MEM  [ 71.6%]   user:     0.4%  irq:      0.0%  inter:   2371       proc:          0%       total:   126G       total:   68.0G       1 min:    0.37
SWAP [  0.9%]   system:   0.1%  iowait:   0.0%  sw_int:   879       mem:           4%       used:   90.1G       used:     637M       5 min:    0.33
                idle:    99.5%  steal:    0.0%                                              free:   35.6G       free:    67.4G       15 min:   0.29

NETWORK                  Rx/s   Tx/s   TASKS 581 (1007 thr), 1 run, 350 slp, 230 oth sorted automatically by memory consumption
enp68s0                   4Kb    1Kb
lo                       264b   264b   CPU%   MEM%  VIRT  RES      PID USER          TIME+ THR  NI S  R/s W/s  Command
                                       0.3    62.9  90.0G 79.1G   1661 mysql      12h14:52 161   0 S    ? ?    /usr/sbin/mysqld
DefaultGateway                  31ms   0.3    6.0   51.1G 7.50G  57191 analyst       10:04 81    0 S    0 0    /home/analyst/sphinx-3.2.1/bin/searchd
                                       22.0   0.5   2.55G 669M   39164 analyst     4h48:08 1     0 R    0 1K   /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/glances
DISK I/O                  R/s    W/s   0.0    0.1   2.79G 71.4M   1815 gdm            1:15 12    0 S    ? ?    /usr/bin/gnome-shell
dm-0                        0      0   0.3    0.0   2.50G 58.0M  59975 analyst        0:05 34    0 S    0 0    /usr/bin/python3 /home/analyst/.vim/bu
md126                       0      0   0.0    0.0   159M  27.9M    840 root           0:02 1    -1 S    ? ?    /lib/systemd/systemd-journald
md127                       0      0   0.0    0.0   175M  23.8M   1685 gdm            0:05 2     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg vt1 -displayfd 3 -a
nvme0n1                     0      0   0.0    0.0   2.23G 14.9M  59972 analyst        0:13 32    0 S    0 0    vim _getComments.py
nvme0n1p1                   0      0   0.0    0.0   348M  8.98M   2048 gdm            0:00 4     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-key
nvme1n1                     0      0   0.0    0.0   178M  8.95M  84003 root           0:00 3     0 S    ? ?    /usr/sbin/cups-browsed
nvme1n1p1                   0      0   0.0    0.0   32.6M 8.89M 109769 root           0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    mysql
nvme2n1                     0      0   0.0    0.0   40.2M 8.79M  60015 analyst        0:00 1     0 S    0 0    /usr/bin/python3 /home/analyst/.vim/bu
nvme2n1p1                   0      0   0.0    0.0   18.7M 8.72M 109332 root           0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    sshd: analyst [priv]
nvme3n1                     0      0   0.0    0.0   18.7M 8.10M  82827 root           0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    sshd: analyst [priv]
nvme3n1p1                   0      0   0.0    0.0   1.86G 7.64M   1497 root           0:03 1     0 S    ? ?    /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/glances -s
nvme4n1                     0     1K   0.0    0.0   18.7M 7.17M  76386 root           0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    sshd: analyst [priv]
nvme4n1p1                   0      0   0.0    0.0   47.2M 7.11M   1397 root           0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/networkd-dis
nvme4n1p2                   0      0   0.0    0.0   341M  7.08M   1433 root           0:04 3     0 S    ? ?    /usr/sbin/NetworkManager --no-daemon
nvme4n1p3                   0     1K   0.0    0.0   165M  7.04M      1 root           0:13 1     0 S    ? ?    /sbin/init splash
nvme4n1p4                   0      0   0.0    0.0   385M  6.98M   1434 root           0:00 5     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/udisks2/udisksd
nvme5n1                     0      0   0.0    0.0   502M  6.88M   2032 gdm            0:00 4     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-col
nvme5n1p1                   0      0   0.0    0.0   18.7M 6.58M  59923 root           0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    sshd: analyst [priv]
nvme6n1                     0      0   0.0    0.0   111M  6.57M  84002 root           0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    /usr/sbin/cupsd -l
nvme6n1p1                   0      0   0.0    0.0   18.7M 6.50M  60098 root           0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    sshd: analyst [priv]
                                       0.0    0.0   348M  6.47M   2045 gdm            0:00 4     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-pow
FILE SYS                 Used  Total   0.0    0.0   19.1M 6.45M 109364 analyst        0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    3
/ (nvme4n1p3)            454G   908G   0.0    0.0   250M  6.40M   2103 colord         0:00 3     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/colord/colord
/BU (md127)              560G  1.83T   0.0    0.0   230M  6.35M   1517 root           0:02 3     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/policykit-1/polkitd --no-debu
/data (md126)            609G  1.79T   0.0    0.0   753M  6.20M   2053 gdm            0:00 4     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-med
/recovery (nvme4n1p2)   2.36G  3.99G   0.0    0.0   18.7M 6.00M  39114 root           0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    sshd: analyst [priv]
                                       0.0    0.0   19.1M 5.88M  82859 analyst        0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    5
RAID disks               Used  Avail   0.0    0.0   411M  5.37M   1805 gdm            0:00 4     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/gnome-session/gnome-session-b
RAID0 md126                 2      -   0.0    0.0   19.1M 5.33M  76419 analyst        0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    4
RAID0 md127                 4      -   0.0    0.0   306M  5.24M   1432 root           0:00 3     0 S    ? ?    /usr/sbin/ModemManager --filter-policy
                                       0.0    0.0   256M  5.24M   1965 root           0:00 3     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/upower/upowerd
SENSORS                                0.0    0.0   223M  5.20M  38840 analyst        0:00 3   -11 S    0 0    /usr/bin/pulseaudio --daemonize=no
SYSTIN                           28C   0.0    0.0   243M  5.12M   1576 root           0:00 3     0 S    ? ?    /usr/sbin/gdm3
CPUTIN                           33C   0.0    0.0   348M  5.11M   2033 gdm            0:01 4     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-xse
Tdie                             46C   0.0    0.0   20.1M 5.08M 109365 analyst        0:00 1     0 S    0 0    -bash
Tctl                             46C   0.0    0.0   345M  4.94M   2145 gdm            0:00 3     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-pri
                                       0.0    0.0   26.6M 4.89M 109768 root           0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    sudo mysql
                                       0.0    0.0   14.8M 4.87M  84036 lp             0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/cups/notifier/dbus dbus:// 
                                       0.0    0.0   20.1M 4.86M  82860 analyst        0:00 1     0 S    0 0    -bash
                                       0.0    0.0   178M  4.83M   1653 root           0:00 3     0 S    ? ?    gdm-launch-environment]
                                       0.0    0.0   19.1M 4.83M  59958 analyst        0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    0
                                       0.0    0.0   347M  4.80M   1982 gdm            0:00 4     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/ibus/ibus-x11 --kill-daemon
                                       0.0    0.0   20.1M 4.74M  76420 analyst        0:00 1     0 S    0 0    -bash
                                       0.0    0.0   347M  4.73M   2035 gdm            0:00 4     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-wac
                                       0.0    0.0   19.1M 4.73M  60130 analyst        0:09 1     0 S    ? ?    1
                                       0.0    0.0   19.0M 4.52M  39152 analyst        0:07 1     0 S    ? ?    2
                                       0.0    0.0   9.68M 4.47M   1412 messagebu      0:04 1     0 S    ? ?    /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system --addres
                                       0.0    0.0   243M  4.44M   1436 root           0:02 3     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/accountsservice/accounts-daem
                                       0.0    0.0   20.4M 4.43M   1383 systemd-r      0:53 1     0 S    ? ?    /lib/systemd/systemd-resolved
                                       0.0    0.0   252M  4.38M   2031 gdm            0:00 3     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-pri
                                       0.0    0.0   242M  4.20M   2339 root           0:00 3     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/bolt/boltd
                                       0.0    0.0   18.4M 3.82M   2310 analyst        0:00 1     0 S    0 0    /lib/systemd/systemd --user
                                       0.0    0.0   267M  3.74M   1774 gdm            0:00 4     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/gnome-session/gnome-session-b
                                       0.0    0.0   16.2M 3.68M   1431 root           0:00 1     0 S    ? ?    /lib/systemd/systemd-logind
                                       0.0    0.0   350M  3.65M   1388 root           0:03 6     0 S    ? ?    /usr/bin/pop-upgrade daemon
                                       0.0    0.0   317M  3.43M   2029 gdm            0:00 5     0 S    ? ?    /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gsd-sma

                                       High memory consumption
                                       2020-04-09 08:03:30 (ongoing) - MEM (71.7)

MySQL 全局变量

| Variable_name                                         | Value 
+-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------| Aborted_clients                                       | 9  
| Aborted_connects                                      | 7  
| Bytes_received                                        | 15128841585 
| Bytes_sent                                            | 3894567345  
| Com_admin_commands                                    | 2326733  
| Com_begin                                             | 5  
| Com_change_db                                         | 384
| Com_commit                                            | 64448 
| Com_create_db                                         | 1  
| Com_create_table                                      | 432
| Com_delete                                            | 202
| Com_drop_table                                        | 420
| Com_flush                                             | 7  
| Com_insert                                            | 2289982  
| Com_insert_select                                     | 116
| Com_load                                              | 109
| Com_lock_tables                                       | 18 
| Com_rename_table                                      | 1  
| Com_select                                            | 11127 
| Com_set_option                                        | 6955771  
| Com_show_create_func                                  | 3  
| Com_show_create_table                                 | 667
| Com_show_databases                                    | 28 
| Com_show_engine_status                                | 4  
| Com_show_fields                                       | 835
| Com_show_function_status                              | 26 
| Com_show_keys                                         | 17 
| Com_show_procedure_status                             | 23 
| Com_show_processlist                                  | 38 
| Com_show_slave_hosts                                  | 1  
| Com_show_slave_status                                 | 1  
| Com_show_status                                       | 4  
| Com_show_storage_engines                              | 1  
| Com_show_table_status                                 | 368
| Com_show_tables                                       | 46 
| Com_show_triggers                                     | 360
| Com_show_variables                                    | 28 
| Com_truncate                                          | 36 
| Com_unlock_tables                                     | 15 
| Com_update                                            | 25421 
| Com_update_multi                                      | 168
| Connections                                           | 2317785  
| Created_tmp_files                                     | 326
| Created_tmp_tables                                    | 1928  
| Current_tls_ca                                        | ca.pem
| Current_tls_cert                                      | server-cert.pem 
| Current_tls_key                                       | server-key.pem  
| Current_tls_version                                   | TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3
| Flush_commands                                        | 6  
| Handler_commit                                        | 2274457  
| Handler_delete                                        | 27812140 
| Handler_external_lock                                 | 67855375 
| Handler_read_first                                    | 12790 
| Handler_read_key                                      | 391325575
| Handler_read_last                                     | 373
| Handler_read_next                                     | 664372409
| Handler_read_prev                                     | 61672829 
| Handler_read_rnd                                      | 58877032 
| Handler_read_rnd_next                                 | 3293654196  
| Handler_update                                        | 253770790
| Handler_write                                         | 301001614
| Innodb_buffer_pool_dump_status                        | Dumping of buffer pool not started 
| Innodb_buffer_pool_load_status                        | Buffer pool(s) load completed at 200406 17:06:16 
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data                         | 3678440  
| Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data                         | 60267560960 
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed                      | 29131111 
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free                         | 66018 
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc                         | 449846
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total                        | 4194304  
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead                         | 468754
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted                 | 184556
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests                      | 2964325318  
| Innodb_buffer_pool_reads                              | 6052218  
| Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free                          | 1343  
| Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests                     | 339070408
| Innodb_data_fsyncs                                    | 6189745  
| Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs                            | 47 
| Innodb_data_read                                      | 178272179200
| Innodb_data_reads                                     | 10881128 
| Innodb_data_writes                                    | 42038814 
| Innodb_data_written                                   | 998294239744
| Innodb_dblwr_pages_written                            | 29131192 
| Innodb_dblwr_writes                                   | 329933
| Innodb_log_write_requests                             | 289208990
| Innodb_log_writes                                     | 12317906 
| Innodb_os_log_fsyncs                                  | 54945 
| Innodb_os_log_written                                 | 29770651136 
| Innodb_page_size                                      | 16384 
| Innodb_pages_created                                  | 983218
| Innodb_pages_read                                     | 10881093 
| Innodb_pages_written                                  | 29131333 
| Innodb_rows_inserted                                  | 28771085 
| Innodb_rows_read                                      | 3341654628  
| Innodb_rows_updated                                   | 58409363 
| Innodb_system_rows_deleted                            | 5860  
| Innodb_system_rows_inserted                           | 6255  
| Innodb_system_rows_read                               | 154443
| Innodb_system_rows_updated                            | 1127  
| Innodb_num_open_files                                 | 152
| Innodb_undo_tablespaces_total                         | 2  
| Innodb_undo_tablespaces_implicit                      | 2  
| Innodb_undo_tablespaces_active                        | 2  
| Key_blocks_unused                                     | 8467954  
| Key_blocks_used                                       | 7529603  
| Key_read_requests                                     | 2466462788  
| Key_reads                                             | 16762725 
| Key_write_requests                                    | 268675258
| Key_writes                                            | 43521415 
| Max_used_connections                                  | 48 
| Max_used_connections_time                             | 2020-04-09 04:10:02
| Mysqlx_address                                        | :: 
| Mysqlx_port                                           | 33060 
| Mysqlx_socket                                         | /var/run/mysqld/mysqlx.sock  
| Mysqlx_ssl_ctx_verify_depth                           | 18446744073709551615  
| Mysqlx_ssl_ctx_verify_mode                            | 5  
| Mysqlx_ssl_server_not_after                           | Feb 23 07:05:50 2030 GMT 
| Mysqlx_ssl_server_not_before                          | Feb 26 07:05:50 2020 GMT 
| Mysqlx_worker_threads                                 | 2  
| Open_files                                            | 196
| Open_table_definitions                                | 262
| Open_tables                                           | 433
| Opened_files                                          | 196
| Opened_table_definitions                              | 1342  
| Opened_tables                                         | 14379 
| Performance_schema_session_connect_attrs_longest_seen | 206
| Queries                                               | 17248784 
| Questions                                             | 11669042 
| Select_full_join                                      | 145
| Select_range                                          | 316
| Select_scan                                           | 3634  
| Sort_merge_passes                                     | 130
| Sort_rows                                             | 4489141  
| Sort_scan                                             | 1862  
| Ssl_accepts                                           | 2317707  
| Ssl_ctx_verify_depth                                  | 18446744073709551615  
| Ssl_ctx_verify_mode                                   | 5  
| Ssl_finished_accepts                                  | 2317706  
| Ssl_server_not_after                                  | Feb 23 07:05:50 2030 GMT 
| Ssl_server_not_before                                 | Feb 26 07:05:50 2020 GMT 
| Ssl_session_cache_mode                                | SERVER
| Ssl_session_cache_size                                | 128
| Ssl_used_session_cache_entries                        | 18 
| Table_locks_immediate                                 | 67009 
| Table_locks_waited                                    | 132
| Table_open_cache_hits                                 | 33915254 
| Table_open_cache_misses                               | 14379 
| Table_open_cache_overflows                            | 10555 
| Threads_cached                                        | 45 
| Threads_connected                                     | 3  
| Threads_created                                       | 48 
| Threads_running                                       | 2  
| Uptime                                                | 251184
| Uptime_since_flush_status                             | 251184

标签: mysqlserverconfigurationram


是的,将 75% 或 80% 的 RAM 专用于缓冲池的通常建议是基于这样的假设,即该主机上唯一对 RAM 有高要求的进程是mysqld. 在许多站点中,数据库在自己的主机上运行,​​而应用程序在单独的主机上运行,​​因此它们不会竞争相同的 RAM 资源。


在专用数据库服务器上,您可以将缓冲池大小设置为机器物理内存大小的 80%。


它预计会占用专用 MySQL/Innodb 服务器上的大部分 RAM,但当然,其他本地服务可能会影响它的调整方式。


在运行所有 InnoDB 的专用 MySQL 服务器上,根据经验,建议将 innodb-buffer-pool-size 设置为服务器上总可用内存的 80%。

为什么不是 90% 或 100%?



这篇博文中的注意事项适用于 MySQL 专用的 Linux 系统。

mysqld每当我看到给出的建议时,当是 RAM 的唯一重要消费者时,这适用的假设是一个非常一致的限定词。

您可以根据同一主机上其他服务的 RAM 要求调整此比率。




  • Sphinx 搜索 - 您的索引为 46GB。有关估计内存使用情况的一些指导,请参阅http://sphinxsearch.com/blog/2011/11/11/sphinx-memory-consumption/。减去 .spd 和 .spp 文件的大小。添加rt_mem_limit. 在构建索引时添加mem_limit。但出于本示例的目的,我们将其称为 46GB。

  • Python - 你估计你需要 12GB 的内存。

  • MyISAM - 我不会费心为 MyISAM 分配大量内存。我总是喜欢将数据存储在 InnoDB 中。InnoDB 在性能上比 MyISAM 更好,而且MyISAM 也不支持 ACID。您可以将内存集中在 InnoDB 缓冲池上。因此,只需保留默认的 MyISAM 密钥缓冲区值 8MB。

  • Ubuntu 需要一些内存来进行基本的操作系统活动。不是很多,也许4GB就足够了。

  • 文件系统缓存是灵活的。如果其他应用程序不使用内存,Linux 将使用内存进行文件缓存。这就是为什么您经常在缓存中看到像 36.8GB 这样的数字。但如果其他应用程序需要内存,缓存使用量会自动缩减。不过,我希望允许至少 2-4GB 是有好处的。

从您的系统 RAM 中减去上面的数字。假设 MySQL 有大约 60GB 可用空间。

InnoDB 缓冲池需要比你分配的多 10%,因为它维护一些数据结构,如空闲页面列表。除了 InnoDB 缓冲池之外,MySQL 还使用了更多内存。这取决于连接的客户端数量、查询的复杂性、结果集的大小。这很难预测,它可以在没有警告的情况下迅速增长。没有办法对 MySQL 内存使用进行硬性限制。

在这些条件下,我会为 InnoDB 缓冲池大小选择大约 32GB。但继续监视或中mysqld进程的驻留内存(RSS)大小。如果它看起来经常超过我们预期的 60GB,您可能必须减少缓冲池,或者在服务器上安装更多物理 RAM,或者将 Sphinx Search 或 Python 移动到它们自己的单独服务器上。topps

