首页 > 解决方案 > 自动售货机项目 - OOP 代码指南 [Python]


对编程很陌生,我的一些 python 代码有问题。我觉得会有一种更简单的方法来编写/简化它。我仍在处理它(之前处理第一个项目,并且在虚拟自动售货机中得到了我的“茶”。但是我不确定使用那么多 if elif 语句是完成代码的最干净的方法吗?另外,我想要该代码不断为用户提供输入,以便他们可以订购更多的一种饮料(如果他们有钱的话)。所以我希望它循环并重新开始而不会丢失硬币,我该怎么做?


class Vending_Machine: 
aussie_coins = (0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.50, 1.00, 2.00)
items = ['Tea','Coffee', 'Coke', 'Orange Juice']
item_price = [0.50, 1.00, 1.50, 1.00]
item_code = ['1', '2', '3', '4']

def __init__(self): #define total in vending machine. 
    self.total = 0.00

def insert_coin(self,coin):
    if float(coin) not in (self.aussie_coins):
        print ('The Vending Machine accepts only: {}. ' .format(self.aussie_coins), end = '')
        self.total += coin
        print ('Currently there is a total of {: .2f} in machine' .format(self.total))

class interface(Vending_Machine):            
def menu(self):
    print(" Welcome to my Vending Machine ")
    print("All items below are readily available")
    print(Vending_Machine.item_code[0], Vending_Machine.items[0], "${: .2f}".format(Vending_Machine.item_price[0])) #
    print(Vending_Machine.item_code[1], Vending_Machine.items[1], "${: .2f}".format(Vending_Machine.item_price[1]))
    print(Vending_Machine.item_code[2], Vending_Machine.items[2], "${: .2f}".format(Vending_Machine.item_price[2]))
    print(Vending_Machine.item_code[3], Vending_Machine.items[3], "${: .2f}".format(Vending_Machine.item_price[3]))

class user_input(interface):
    def choice (self):
        choice = input("Please enter the item code of an item you would like to purchase: ")
        if choice == Vending_Machine.item_code[0]:
            print ("You have selected {} - the price is ${: .2f}. Currently you have a total of ${: .2f} in the machine." .format(Vending_Machine.items[0], Vending_Machine.item_price[0], self.total))
            if self.total < Vending_Machine.item_price[0]: 
                coins = float(input("Insert a coin into the vending machine: "))
                if self.total == Vending_Machine.item_price[0]:
                    self.total -= Vending_Machine.item_price[0]
                    print('Please take your {}. There is currently ${: .2f} left in the Machine. Thanks, have a nice day!'.format(Vending_Machine.items[0], self.total))
                elif self.total > Vending_Machine.item_price[0]:
                    self.total -= Vending_Machine.item_price[0]
                    print ('Please take your {}. There is currently ${: .2f} left in the Machine. Thanks, have a nice day!'.format(Vending_Machine.items[0], self.total))
            elif self.total > Vending_Machine.item_price[0]:
                self.total -= Vending_Machine.item_price[0]
                print('Please take your {}. Total of {: .2f} in the machine' .format(Vending_Machine.items[0],self.total))
            elif self.total == Vending_Machine.item_price[0]:
                self.total -= Vending_Machine.item_price[0]
                print('Please take your {}. Thanks, have a nice day!'.format(Vending_Machine.items[0]))

        elif choice == Vending_Machine.item_code[1]:
            print ("You have selected {} - the price is ${: .2f}. Currently you have a total of ${: .2f} in the machine." .format(Vending_Machine.items[1], Vending_Machine.item_price[1], self.total))
            if self.total < Vending_Machine.item_price[1]: 
                insert_coin(input("Insert a coin into the vending machine: "))
            elif self.total > Vending_Machine.item_price[1]:
                self.total -= Vending_Machine.item_price[1]
                print('Please take your {}. Total of {: .2f} in the machine' .format(Vending_Machine.items[1],self.total))
            elif self.total == Vending_Machine.item_price[1]:
                self.total -= Vending_Machine.item_price[1]
                print('Please take your {}. Thanks, have a nice day!'.format(Vending_Machine.items[1]))

        elif choice == Vending_Machine.item_code[2]:
            print ("You have selected {} - the price is ${: .2f}. Currently you have a total of ${: .2f} in the machine." .format(Vending_Machine.items[2], Vending_Machine.item_price[2], self.total))
            if self.total < Vending_Machine.item_price[2]: 
                insert_coin(input("Insert a coin into the vending machine: "))
            elif self.total > Vending_Machine.item_price[2]:
                self.total -= Vending_Machine.item_price[2]
                print('Please take your {}. Total of {: .2f} in the machine' .format(Vending_Machine.items[2],self.total))
            elif self.total == Vending_Machine.item_price[2]:
                self.total -= Vending_Machine.item_price[2]
                print('Please take your {}. Thanks, have a nice day!'.format(Vending_Machine.items[2]))

        elif choice == Vending_Machine.item_code[3]:
            print ("You have selected {} - the price is ${: .2f}. Currently you have a total of ${: .2f} in the machine." .format(Vending_Machine.items[3], Vending_Machine.item_price[3], self.total))
            if self.total < Vending_Machine.item_price[3]: #if not the price of tea then.. 
                insert_coin(input("Insert a coin into the vending machine: "))
            elif self.total > Vending_Machine.item_price[3]:
                self.total -= Vending_Machine.item_price[3]
                print('Please take your {}. Total of {: .2f} in the machine' .format(Vending_Machine.items[3],self.total))
            elif self.total == Vending_Machine.item_price[3]:
                self.total -= Vending_Machine.item_price[3]
                print('Please take your {}. Thanks, have a nice day!'.format(Vending_Machine.items[3]))

            elif choice not in item_code:
                print("Sorry we do not have item number {} available. Please try again" .format(choice))  

vm = Vending_Machine()
i1 = interface()
u1 = user_input()


标签: python



如果您有 4 行打印自动售货机项目(在开始时),您可以用循环替换它,如下所示:

for index in range(len(VendingMachine.items)):
  print(Vending_Machine.item_code[index], Vending_Machine.items[index], "${: .2f}".format(Vending_Machine.item_price[index]))

希望这可以为您提供足够的信息来确定如何缩小其余代码。如果需要elif(例如,您只想检查其中一个,而不是全部),break请在循环中使用 a(请参阅下面的中断示例)。



while True:
  coins = float(input("Insert a coin into the vending machine: "))
  if coins == "done":
