首页 > 解决方案 > 达到 k 的最小步数



让我们最初设置m = n = 1找到最小的移动次数,以便至少有一个数字等于k

保证有一个解决方案(即存在一系列导致 k 的移动)

例如:给定k = 5 最小移动次数,使得mor n 等于k3

1, 1
1, 2
3, 2
3, 5


我想出了一个在python中使用递归的解决方案,但它似乎不适用于大数字(即10 ^ 6)

def calc(m, n, k):
    if n > k or m > k:
        return 10**6
    elif n == k or m == k:
        return 0
        return min(1+calc(m+n, n, k), 1+calc(m, m+n, k))

k = int(input())
print(calc(1, 1, k))


标签: pythonalgorithm



State: (sum_, m, n, path)
    sum_ is current sum (i.e. m + n)
    m and n are the first and second numbers
    path is the sequence of (m, n) pairs to get to the current sum


  1. 用总和替换第一个数字
  2. 用总和替换第二个数字


  1. 移动:数量较少的状态具有较高的优先级
  2. sum:总和较高的国家优先级较高



from heapq import heappush, heappop

def calc1(k):
  if k < 1:
    return None, None  # No solution

  m, n, moves = 1, 1, 0
  if m == k or n == k:
    return moves, [(m, n)]

  h = []  # Priority queue (heap)
  path = [(m, n)]
  sum_ = m + n
  # Python's heapq acts as a min queue.
  # We can order thing by max by using -value rather than value
  # Thus Tuple (moves+1, -sum_, ...) prioritizes by 1) min moves, and 2) max sum
  heappush(h, (moves+1, -sum_, sum_, n, path))
  heappush(h, (moves+1, -sum_, m, sum_, path))

  while h:
    # Get state with lowest sum
    moves, sum_, m, n, path = heappop(h)
    sum_ = - sum_

    if sum_ == k:
      return moves, path  # Found solution

    if sum_ < k:
      sum_ = m + n  # new sum
      # Replace first number with sum
      heappush(h, (moves+1, -sum_, sum_, n, path + [(sum_, n)]))
      # Replace second number with sum
      heappush(h, (moves+1, -sum_, m, sum_, path + [(m, sum_)]))
    # else:
    #  so just continues since sum_ > k

  # Exhausted all options, so no solution
  return None, None



for k in [5, 100, 1000]:
  moves, path = calc1(k)
  print(f'k: {k}, Moves: {moves}, Path: {path}')


k: 5, Moves: 3, Path: [(1, 1), (2, 3), (2, 5)]
k: 100, Moves: 10, Path: [(1, 1), (2, 3), (5, 3), (8, 3), (8, 11),
                         (8, 19), (27, 19), (27, 46), (27, 73), (27, 100)]
k: 1000, Moves: 15, Path: [(1, 1), (2, 3), (5, 3), (8, 3), (8, 11),
                          (19, 11), (19, 30), (49, 30), (79, 30), (79, 109), 
                          (188, 109), (297, 109), (297, 406), (297, 703), (297, 1000)]



  1. 不包括路径,仅包括步数(为 k = 10,000 提供 3 倍加速
  2. 不使用对称对(在 k = 10, 000 时额外提供 2x

对称对是指 m, n 的前向和后向相同的对,例如 (1, 2) 和 (2, 1)。


from heapq import heappush, heappop

def calc(k):
  if k < 1:
    return None, None

  m, n, moves = 1, 1, 0
  if m == k or n == k:
    return moves

  h = []    # Priority queue (heap)
  sum_ = m + n
  heappush(h, (moves+1, -sum_, sum_, n))

  while h:
    moves, sum_, m, n = heappop(h)
    sum_ = - sum_

    if sum_ == k:
      return moves

    if sum_ < k:
      sum_ = m + n
      steps = [(sum_, n), (m, sum_)]
      heappush(h, (moves+1, -sum_, *steps[0]))
      if steps[0] != steps[-1]: # not same tuple in reverse (i.e. not symmetric)
        heappush(h, (moves+1, -sum_, *steps[1]))


Tested up to k = 100, 000 which took ~2 minutes.


@גלעדברקן 将解决方案从 JavaScript 转换为 Python 以进行测试

def g(m, n, memo):
  key = (m, n)
  if key in memo:
    return memo[key]
  if m == 1 or n == 1:
    memo[key] = max(m, n) - 1
  elif m == 0 or n == 0:
    memo[key] = float("inf")

  elif m > n:
    memo[key]  = (m // n) + g(m % n, n, memo)

    memo[key]  = (n // m) + g(m, n % m, memo)
  return memo[key] 

def f(k, memo={}):
  if k == 1:
    return 0

  return min(g(k, n, memo) for n in range((k // 2) + 1))

@גלעדברקן 代码的性能

Completed 100K in ~1 second 

This is 120X faster than my above heap based solution.
