首页 > 解决方案 > 具有默认值的相互递归定义的类型类方法


我想定义一个具有两种方法的类型类,其中实现任何一种方法就足够了(但如果需要,您可以独立实现这两种方法)。Eq这种情况与, wherex == y = not (x /= y)和中的情况相同x /= y = not (x == y)。到目前为止一切顺利,我可以做同样的事情:

class (FunctorB b) => DistributiveB (b :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) where
  bdistribute :: (Distributive f) => f (b g) -> b (Compose f g)
  bdistribute x = bmap (\f -> Compose $ fmap f . bsequence' <$> x) bshape

  bshape :: b ((->) (b Identity))
  bshape = bdistribute' id

bdistribute' :: (DistributiveB b, Distributive f) => f (b Identity) -> b f
bdistribute' = bmap (fmap runIdentity . getCompose) . bdistribute


class (FunctorB b) => DistributiveB (b :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) where
  bdistribute :: (Distributive f) => f (b g) -> b (Compose f g)

  default bdistribute
    :: forall f g
    .  CanDeriveDistributiveB b f g
    => (Distributive f) => f (b g) -> b (Compose f g)
  bdistribute = gbdistributeDefault

  bshape :: b ((->) (b Identity))
  bshape = bdistribute' id


class (FunctorB b) => DistributiveB (b :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) where
  bdistribute :: (Distributive f) => f (b g) -> b (Compose f g)
  bdistribute x = bmap (\f -> Compose $ fmap f . bsequence' <$> x) bshape

  default bdistribute
    :: forall f g
    .  CanDeriveDistributiveB b f g
    => (Distributive f) => f (b g) -> b (Compose f g)
  bdistribute = gbdistributeDefault

  bshape :: b ((->) (b Identity))
  bshape = bdistribute' id



现在,我可以看到这个错误是如何产生的;而且,我认为我想要的也是合理且定义明确的:如果您手写DistributiveB实例,则可以覆盖bdistribute和/或bshape,但如果您只是编写,instance DistributiveB MyB那么您将bshape根据.bdistributebdistributegdistributeDefault

标签: haskellgenericstypeclass



class FunctorB b => DistributiveB b where
  bdistribute :: Distributive f => f (b g) -> b (Compose f g)

  default bdistribute :: CanDeriveDistributiveB b f g => ...
  bdistribute = ...

  bshape :: b ((->) (b Identity))
  bshape = ...

-- Default implementation of bdistribute with an explicitly defined bshape
bdistributeDefault :: DistributiveB b => f (b g) -> b (Compose f g)
bdistributeDefault x = bmap (\f -> Compose $ fmap f . bsequence' <$> x) bshape


-- Generic default
instance DistributiveB MyB

-- Manual bshape
instance DistributiveB MyB where
  distribute = distributeDefault  -- one extra line of boilerplate
  bshape = ...  -- custom definition

-- Manual distribute
instance DistributiveB MyB where
  distribute = ...
  -- bshape has a default implementation
