首页 > 解决方案 > 循环遍历不规则的数字列表以将行附加到汇总表


我正在尝试编写将循环遍历与多个传感器相关的整数列表的代码,以提供汇总统计信息(在此阶段只是 cor())。

    corr_table <-data.frame(ID = integer()
                            , HxT = double())
    for(j in gt_thrsh_key){ #this is currently set to 2:5 for testing - its a list of sensors I want to summarise

            # extract humidity and time vectors
            x <- sqldf(sprintf("SELECT humidity FROM data_agg_2 WHERE ID = %s",j))
            y <- sqldf(sprintf("SELECT time_elapsed FROM data_agg_2 WHERE ID = %s",j))

            # format into row
            new_row <- data.frame(ID = c(j), HxT = c(cor(x,y))) #insert new variables into row

            # append to dataframe
            corr_table <- rbind(corr_table, new_row)
            print(sprintf("Sensor %s has been summarised.",j)) # check 1
            print(cor(x,y)) # check 2

    assign("data_agg_2", data_agg_2, envir = .GlobalEnv)


    [1] "Sensor 2 has been summarised." "Sensor 3 has been summarised." "Sensor 4 has been summarised." "Sensor 5 has been summarised."
    humidity -0.08950285        
       ID HxT
    1  2 -0.08950285 #INCORRECT
    2  3 -0.08950285 #INCORRECT
    3  4 -0.08950285 #INCORRECT
    4  5 -0.08950285 #correct

这只是循环 (id = 5) 最终迭代的正确测量,所以我必须以某种方式覆盖以前的条目。有谁知道为什么会这样?或者你能推荐一种更好的方法来执行这个循环吗?


编辑:检查 2 通过循环打印 x 和 y 的 cor() 确认只有循环的最终运行正在计算一个值。有没有人见过这个?

标签: sqlr


这是一个基本 R 解决方案,用于lapply()生成相关性并将它们写入list(). 该列表将转换为带有 的数据框do.call(rbind,...)

# simulate some data
set.seed(19041798) # ensure consistency across multiple runs
ID <- rep(1:10,20)
humidity <- rnorm(200,mean = 30,sd = 15)
elapsed_time <- rpois(200,2.5)

data <- data.frame(ID,humidity, elapsed_time)

uniqueIDs <- unique(data$ID)

correlationList <- lapply(uniqueIDs,function(x){
     y <- subset(data,ID == x)
     HxT <- cor(y$humidity,y$elapsed_time)
     # return as data frame
     data.frame(ID = x,HxT = HxT)

correlations <- do.call(rbind,correlationList)


> correlations
   ID        HxT
1   1 -0.1805885
2   2 -0.3166290
3   3  0.1749233
4   4 -0.2517737
5   5  0.1428092
6   6  0.3112812
7   7 -0.3180825
8   8  0.3774637
9   9 -0.3790178
10 10 -0.3070866

sqldf() 版本

我们可以从原始帖子中重构代码,以便通过单个 SQL 查询提取所需的所有数据,并在 R 中执行所有后续处理。

首先,我们模拟 60,000 行数据。

set.seed(19041798) # ensure consistency across multiple runs
ID <- rep(1:30,2000)
humidity <- rnorm(60000,mean = 30,sd = 15)
elapsed_time <- rpois(60000,2.5)

data <- data.frame(ID,humidity, elapsed_time)

接下来,我们从具有 的数据中提取前 5 个传感器的数据sqldf(),以及 uniqueID 的向量。

# select ID <= 5
sqlStmt <- "select ID, humidity,elapsed_time from data where ID <= 5"
dataSubset <- sqldf(sqlStmt)
sqlStmt <- "select distinct ID from data where ID <= 5"
uniqueIDs <- sqldf(sqlStmt)[[1]]

此时,dataSubset数据框有 10,000 个观测值。我们使用lapply()uniqueIDs 的向量来生成相关性ID,计算complete.cases()每个相关性中包含的相关性,并将结果写入数据帧列表。

correlationList <- lapply(uniqueIDs,function(x){
     y <- subset(dataSubset,ID == x)
     count <- sum(complete.cases(y)) # number of obs included in cor()
     HxT <- cor(y$humidity,y$elapsed_time)
     # return as data frame
     data.frame(ID = x,count = count,HxT = HxT)


correlations <- do.call(rbind,correlationList)


> correlations
  ID count          HxT
1  1  2000  0.015640244
2  2  2000  0.017143573
3  3  2000 -0.011283180
4  4  2000  0.052482666
5  5  2000  0.002083603
