首页 > 解决方案 > How to upload a image url downloaded from firebase storage to firestore document for newly registered user?


I have made it till uploading the image to firebase storage and download the url.Here, I need to store the newly registered user information in an Firestore document. I am storing some details one of those is the image URL downloaded from firebase storage.

Now, I need to assign the downloaded Url to Firestore to access it in my dart pages.

uploadImage() async {
    var random = Random(25);
    final StorageReference fireref = FirebaseStorage.instance
    StorageUploadTask task = fireref.putFile(profilepic);
    StorageTaskSnapshot snapshottask = await task.onComplete;
    String downloadUrl = await snapshottask.ref.getDownloadURL();
    if (downloadUrl != null) {
      userManagement.addProfilePic(downloadUrl.toString()).then((val) {

The above is the code of getting the image url from firebase storage.And, If you can see I have called a method addProfilePic to add the downloaded URL to firestore. And the method is,

Future addProfilePic(picUrl) async {

What Should i write in this method to upload url to firestore. I am not able to understand. Additional code for understanding:

class UserManagement {
  storeNewUser(user, context) {
      'Email': user.email,
      'uid': user.uid,
      'displayName': user.fullname,
      'photoUrl': user.photoUrl
    }).then((value) {
    }).catchError((e) {

And the below code is near registration the final code that upload data to firestore:

final String userId = await widget.auth
              .createUserWithEmailAndPassword(_email, _password)
              .then((signedInUser) async {
            var userUpdateInfo = new UserUpdateInfo();
            userUpdateInfo.displayName = _fullname;
            userUpdateInfo.photoUrl = _imageurl;
            final user = await FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser();

            user.updateProfile(userUpdateInfo).then((user) {
                      (user) => {UserManagement().storeNewUser(user, context)})
                  .catchError((e) {
            }).catchError((e) {
          }).catchError((e) {
          print('Registered user: $userId');

标签: flutterdartgoogle-cloud-firestorefirebase-authenticationfirebase-storage


Try this:

Future<String> uploadImage(profilepic) async {
StorageUploadTask uploadTask = storageRef.child("profilepics/${random.nextInt(5000).toString()}.jpg").putFile(profilepic);
StorageTaskSnapshot storageTaskSnapshot = await uploadTask.onComplete;
String downlaodUrl = await storageTaskSnapshot.ref.getDownloadURL();
return downlaodUrl;

// String imageUrl = await uploadImage(profilepic); You can store the value of imageUrl in firebase document.

// All fields you want to have in a document
'photoUrl': imageUrl; // use the image url variable

/// To update a currentUser document
// All fields you want to update in a document
'photoUrl': imageUrl; // use the image url variable
