首页 > 解决方案 > $(window).scroll() 监听器中的逻辑只更改一次值。从不按预期每次增加


我有一个简短的 jQuery 块,它应该在 ajax 调用后更新表行数。一旦滚动条到达页面底部,就会发生此 ajax 调用。该逻辑在您第一次到达底部时起作用,但在随后的每一次之后,该值都被卡住了。我不知道为什么。


$(window).scroll(function(e) {
     //If typing in search field, don't listen for scroll event
     if($('#search_server_ip_input').val()) {
     } else {
         //else do the things
         let windowHeight = $(window).height();
         let documentHeight = $(document).height();
         let windowScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
         let row = Number($('#unused_row').val());
         let allcount = Number($('#unused_all').val());
         let rowperpage = 200;
         let countertext = $('#counter_text');
         let url = 'includes/search_ajax/list-unused-server-addresses.php';
         let tablerow = $('.table-row');

         if (windowScrollTop + windowHeight === documentHeight) {
              //Add 200 more to the value of row
             row += rowperpage;
             $(countertext).text('Showing ' + row + ' out of ' + allcount + ' results');
              if (row >= allcount) {
                 row = allcount;
                 $(countertext).text('Showing ' + row + ' out of ' + allcount + ' results');
             if (row <= allcount) {
                 console.log('Reached if (row <= allcount)');
                     type: 'post',
                     url: url,
                     data: {row: row},
                     success: function (data) {
                         //Show 200 additional rows of table
                         //Update the text
                         $(countertext).text('Showing ' + row + ' out of ' + allcount + ' results');


MySQL 日志显示相同的内容,所以我知道第一次后在 ajax 调用中传递的值不正确。它应该是LIMIT 600,200,但它仍然是LIMIT 400,200

SELECT * FROM network_servers where (ping_response = 'N' and mac_address = 'n/a') ORDER BY INET_ATON(ip_address) LIMIT 200,200
SELECT * FROM network_servers where (ping_response = 'N' and mac_address = 'n/a') ORDER BY INET_ATON(ip_address) LIMIT 400,200
SELECT * FROM network_servers where (ping_response = 'N' and mac_address = 'n/a') ORDER BY INET_ATON(ip_address) LIMIT 400,200

第三个查询应该是 1 600,200,但它仍然是 400。

标签: jqueryajaxdom-events


由于某种原因,第一次到达页面底部后,行的值没有更新。因此,我创建了一个单独的 php 文件,该文件在第一次单击按钮时检索到 200 行的静态值。这个 php 文件在一个新函数中被调用。它与原始的 ajax 函数相同,只是没有data:{row:row}部分。$row我没有设置be的值,而是将其设为$_POST['row']200:


$('#server_unused_ip_btn').on('click', function() {
   getUnused(); //<-- No parameter this time


function getUnused() {
        url: 'includes/search_ajax/get-unused-server-addresses.php',
        type: 'post',
        success: function(data) {
            $('#server_result_table tbody').html(data);
            let row = $('#server_result_table tr').not('thead tr').length; //<-- Here is how row is calculated now
            $('#unused_row').val(row); //<-- Now give the hidden input the new value
            $('#counter_text').text('Showing '+ row + ' out of <?php echo $allcount; ?> results'); //<-- Correctly update the text with new value of row
        error: function(jqXHR, status, error) {
            console.log('Error: '+error);

现在我的 MySQL 查询反映了更改已纠正它:

SELECT * FROM network_servers where (ping_response = 'N' and mac_address = 'n/a') ORDER BY INET_ATON(ip_address) LIMIT 200,200
SELECT * FROM network_servers where (ping_response = 'N' and mac_address = 'n/a') ORDER BY INET_ATON(ip_address) LIMIT 400,200
SELECT * FROM network_servers where (ping_response = 'N' and mac_address = 'n/a') ORDER BY INET_ATON(ip_address) LIMIT 600,200
SELECT * FROM network_servers where (ping_response = 'N' and mac_address = 'n/a') ORDER BY INET_ATON(ip_address) LIMIT 800,200

所以基本上,简而言之,初始按钮单击执行一个获取静态值 200 的查询,然后当您滚动到页面底部时,通过计算存在的行数通过 ajax 发送新值。除非有人提供更好的解决方案,否则这是有效的,我很乐意接受。
