首页 > 解决方案 > SQLite, check if Database Exist and have correct data, More efficient way


Im making a Xamarin.Android application and i use SQLite for some images (300+). I store the images as Templates in a group of 5 images like this:

    public class Template
        [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Category { get; set; }
        public List<TemplateImage> TemplateImages { get; set; }
        public string ImagesHash { get; set; }
    public class TemplateImage
        [PrimaryKey, AutoIncrement]
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public int Category { get; set; }
        public int Image { get; set; }
        public int TemplateId { get; set; }

And the first time the App is launched i use this code To check if the Database exist or Create the DB:

public static void AddTemplate(int category, List<int> images)
            var tmpl = new Template()
                Category = category,
            if (images != null)
                var img1 = new TemplateImage()
                    Category = category,
                    Image = images[0],
                var img2 = new TemplateImage()
                    Category = category,
                    Image = images[1],
                var img3 = new TemplateImage()
                    Category = category,
                    Image = images[2],
                var img4 = new TemplateImage()
                    Category = category,
                    Image = images[3],
                var img5 = new TemplateImage()
                    Category = category,
                    Image = images[4],
                tmpl.TemplateImages = new List<TemplateImage>() { img1, img2, img3, img4, img5 };
            tmpl.ImagesHash = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();


        public static List<Template> GetAllTemplates()
            return DatabaseHelper.Db().GetAllWithChildren<Template>();

        public static Template GetTemplate(int id)
            var result = DatabaseHelper.Db().GetWithChildren<Template>(id);
            if (result == null)
                result = DatabaseHelper.Db().GetAllWithChildren<Template>().Where(record => record.Category == (int)TemplateCategory.Emojis).OrderBy(record => record.Id).FirstOrDefault();
            return result;

public static void CreateDB()
            DatabaseHelper.Db().RunInTransaction(() =>
                if (DatabaseHelper.Db().Table<Template>().Count() != 0)

                    new List<int>

     new List<int>

...//AND many more AddTemplate() functions like those 2.

This was working great until i saw one day in a very rare situation that sometimes the application was showing.. other images from those i have select it a random way. So i realised that the compiler for some reasons is deciding to change the ResourceId of the ImageDrawables and so, despite the fact that my DB exist, it is completely wrong,

So i have start thinking again what is the correct way of doing something like that, without recreating every time the database, i found the idea of recreating the DB every time a bad one, but if it is the only correct way and the only way that i can be 100% sure for the result i will keep it.

I have see from my tests that usually the first sets of images are getting changed (The first Templates) and i was thinking if it is a good idea to do something like this:

public static bool ExistingDBItemsFound(int id)
            var returnValue = false;
            var result = GetTemplate(1);
            if (result.TemplateImages.Count == 5)
                if (result.TemplateImages[0].Image == Resource.Drawable.ic_angry
                    && result.TemplateImages[1].Image == Resource.Drawable.ic_sad
                    && result.TemplateImages[1].Image == Resource.Drawable.ic_neutral
                    && result.TemplateImages[1].Image == Resource.Drawable.ic_happy
                    && result.TemplateImages[1].Image == Resource.Drawable.ic_smiling)
                    returnValue = true;
            return returnValue;

But if i do something like this how i can be sure that all the rest of the resource ids are correct? i only checking 5 of 300+.

Can i avoid recreate every time the database items of app creation? i yes how?

Is there a way to save a resource in the database in another format rather than resourceId?

标签: c#androidsqlitexamarinxamarin.android


永远不要将资源 ID 用作唯一标识符,因为编译器有时很容易更改它们,因此最好的方法是完全避免使用它们。

我的问题的一种解决方案可能是使用此处建议的答案:Best way to store Resource id in Database on Android


var iconName = Context.Resources.GetResourceEntryName( Resource.Drawable.your_icon );

然后从名称中获取 id:

var id = Context.Resources.GetIdentifier( iconName, "drawable", Context.PackageName )

这样,即使 Resource Id 改变了,我们也会得到正确的图像,只要我们不重命名我们的资源。

如果您还想检查用户数据库是否具有正确的值作为您的 apk 数据库,您可以执行@martin venter 建议的操作并以某种方式创建哈希(例如:资源名称的哈希)并比较它们
