首页 > 解决方案 > 为什么 Visual Studio 既可以工作又会为看起来稳定的 c++ 数据库程序提供错误?



在开发过程中,我确保每个输入都工作多次。初始测试,每次运行程序时它都有效。我能够添加一个 id 为 1010 的用户(尚未在系统中。如果该 ID 已经存在,则系统会丢弃该信息并通知用户),然后创建一个无意义的用户,并且它起作用了。


  1. 在第一次运行时,该程序检测到我输入的所有员工 ID(甚至是 99999 之类的无意义的 ID)都已经存在。当我退出并返回程序时,这个ID突然被接受了,好像什么也没发生一样
  2. 当我成功地将用户输入数据库时​​,它会立即自动退出程序(功能的选择是通过 switch/case 语句完成的)。
  3. 2.发生后,我尝试重新运行程序,只是它反复输入“名称”输入,然后跳过所有其他输入并立即退出程序。没有错误信息,什么都没有
  4. 当我试图恢复我的所有更改时,它继续发生,即使是在我几天前制作的最稳定的版本上,然后突然再次重复这种行为。



这是案例 3 的代码,即处理入口的代码

        case 3:
            cout << "Please Enter the employee number of the employee to add" << endl;
            cin >> empNum;
            failsafe = findEmployee(conn, empNum, emp);
            if (failsafe == 1) {
                if (emp.empNum == 0) {

                    cout << "Employee does not exist or is not in our records. Entry can proceed" << endl;
                    cout << "proceeding with entry" << endl;
                    cout << "-------------" << endl;
                    cout << "Enter the employee's Number: ";
                    cin >> emp.empNum;
                    cout << "Enter the employee's first name: ";
                    cin >> emp.firstName;
                    cout << "Last name: ";
                    cin >> emp.lastName;
                    cout << "Enter Employee Email: ";
                    cin >> emp.email;
                    cout << "Enter Employee's Extension: ";
                    cin >> emp.extension;
                    cout << "Enter the employee number of the person this employee reports to: ";
                    cin >> emp.reportsTo;
                    cout << "What is this employees' current position? ";
                    cin >> emp.jobTitle;
                    cout << "What city is this employee working within? ";
                    cin >> emp.city;
                    cout << "Compiling employee data" << endl;
                    insertEmployee(conn, emp);

                else {
                    cout << empNum;
                    cout << "An employee with the same number exists." << endl;
            else if (failsafe == 0) {
            cout << "Judging from the way this program reads data, you shouldn't be able to see this"<<endl; //In case the function for some reason *doesnt* return a 1 like it's been doing every time


    void insertEmployee(MYSQL* conn, struct Employee& emp) {
        int queResult;
        MYSQL_RES* res;
        cout << "This and the below line is just here for testing to see what exactly it's skipping over" << endl;
        if (conn) {
            string query = ("INSERT INTO schoolschema.employees(employeeNumber, lastName, firstName, extension, email, officeCode, reportsTo, jobTitle)"
                " VALUES (" + std::string(" \' " ) + to_string(emp.empNum)  + std::string(" \' ") + " , " + " \' " + emp.lastName + " \' " + " , " + " \' " + emp.firstName + " \' " + " , " + std::string(" \' ") + emp.extension + " \' " + " , " + " \' " + emp.email + " \' " + " , " + to_string(1) + " , " + std::string(" \' ") + emp.reportsTo + " \' "+ " , " + " \' " + emp.jobTitle + " \' " + ");");
            const char* q = query.c_str();
            queResult = mysql_query(conn, q);
            if (!queResult) {
                cout << "Employee successfully added, check to verify by checking the number of the employee from the main menu, or using your DBMS application" << endl;
            else {
                cout << "Error occurred: " << mysql_errno(conn) << " " << mysql_error(conn) << endl;


+" \' "+



作为补充说明,我认为问题不在于“查找员工”,因为该函数似乎正确地返回了信息,只是编译器似乎在挑选这些数据是否正确。(您可以在下面看到我可以删除用户 1010 但我无法将其添加回来)


********************* HR Menu *********************
1)  Find Employee
2)  Employees Report
3)  Add Employee
4)  Update Employee
5)  Remove Employee
0)  Exit
Enter employee number to delete: 1010
Employee found, deleting
Employee successfully deleted
********************* HR Menu *********************
1)  Find Employee
2)  Employees Report
3)  Add Employee
4)  Update Employee
5)  Remove Employee
0)  Exit
Please enter number to add
employee does not exist, proceeding with entry
Enter Employee number: 1010
Last name: Enter Employee Email: Enter Employee's Extension: Enter the employee number of the person this employee reports to: What is this employees' current position? What city is this employee working within? Compiling employee data
Press enter to continue...


标签: c++mysql

