首页 > 解决方案 > 具有附加约束的最小成本问题





标签: algorithm



让我们将其分解为子问题,其中每个子问题的解决方案是从供应商处购买产品的(p, s)成本,以及要购买的供应商列表。这是算法:0p0s

memo = {}
# example memo entry: memo[3, 4] = 50, [a, b, c] means the 3 products cost 50, and the first is bought
# at supplier number a, the second at b, etc (out of 4 possible suppliers)

for s in range(0, len(suppliers)):
    for p in range(0, len(products)):
        # first we have some base cases
        if p == 0 and s == 0:
             # one product, one supplier
             memo[p, s] = cost(suppliers[s], products[p]), [s]
        elif p == 0:
             # one product, from any supplier
             old_cost, old_list = memo[p, s-1]
             new_cost = cost(suppliers[s], products[p]) + shipping(suppliers[s])
             if new_cost < old_cost:
                 memo[p, s] = new_cost, [s]
                 memo[p, s] = old_cost, old_list
        elif s == 0:
             # multiple products, one supplier
             cost, old_list = memo[p-1, s]
             cost += cost(suppliers[s], products[p])
             memo[p, s] = cost, old_list + [s]
            # cost of using the first s-1 suppliers for the first p-1 products
            new_cost, new_sublist = memo[p-1, s-1]
            # add the cost of buying current product (p) at current supplier (s)
            new_cost += cost(suppliers[s], products[p])
            # calculate new shipping costs as well
            if s not in new_sublist:
                # s is a new supplier that we weren't using before, so add shipping
                new_cost += shipping(suppliers[s])
            # add new supplier to list
            new_sublist += [s]
            # now calculate other option, where we don't use this supplier for this product
            old_cost, old_sublist = memo[p, s-1]
            if new_cost < old_cost:
                result = new_cost, new_sublist
                result = old_cost, old_sublist
            memo[p, s] = result

最终结果是memo[P, S](其中 S 是供应商的数量,P 是产品类型的数量)。该算法的运行时间为 O(S*P)
