首页 > 解决方案 > VBA正则表达式:从最后使用的行中,在一列中,获取另一个模式之间匹配模式的计数


我是使用正则表达式的 VBA 新手。在工作表上,我有一列包含具有多个特定名称的单元格,并且这些名称之间有几个限定符。我需要帮助将 VBA/宏代码放在一起,使用正则表达式循环遍历列并获取名称之间的限定符的计数,并将计数值放在名称右侧的单元格中。名称均以大写字母开头,而限定词以小写字母开头。所以我使用 ^[AZ]* 来匹配名称,使用 ^[az]* 来匹配限定符。每个值都在单独的单元格中,并且出现是随机的。到目前为止,我只能获得所有预选赛的总数。我很感激帮助。


标签: regexexcelvba


喜欢而不是 RegEx


Option Explicit

'START ****************************************************************** START'
' Title:        Count Owners                                                   '
' Purpose:      Counts the number of cells containing a string starting with   '
'               a lower-case character below a cell containing a string        '
'               starting with an upper-case character and writes the result    '
'               to the same row of the string starting with the upper-case     '
'               character, in another (specified) column.                      '
Sub CountOwners()

    Const wsName As String = "Sheet1"   ' Worksheet Name
    Const rowHeader As Long = 3         ' Header Row
    Const colOwner As Long = 2          ' Owner Column Number
    Const colCount As Long = 3          ' Count Column Number

    Dim rng As Range                    ' Owner Column, Owner Column Range,
                                        ' Count Column Range
    Dim vntOwner As Variant             ' Owner Array
    Dim vntCount As Variant             ' Count Array
    Dim LneRinC As Long                 ' Last Non-Empty Row in Owner Column
    Dim UB As Long                      ' Arrays Last Element Count
    Dim lngOwner As Long                ' Current Owner Element (Row)
    Dim lngCount As Long                ' (Current) Owner Count(er)
    Dim i As Long                       ' First Arrays Element Counter
    Dim j As Long                       ' Second Arrays Element Counter
    Dim strChar As String * 1           ' Current Char


    ' Define Owner Column.
    Set rng = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(wsName).Columns(colOwner)
    ' Using the Find method, try to define Owner Column Range.
    Set rng = rng.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , , xlPrevious)
    ' Check if no data in Owner Column.
    If rng Is Nothing Then GoTo NoData
    ' Calculate Last Non-Empty Row in Owner Column.
    LneRinC = rng.Row
    ' Check if no Owners in Owner Column Range.
    If LneRinC <= rowHeader Then GoTo NoOwners
    ' Define Owner Column Range.
    Set rng = rng.Parent.Cells(rowHeader + 1, colOwner).Resize(LneRinC - rowHeader)
    ' Write values of Owner Column Range to Owner Array.
    vntOwner = rng


    ' Define Arrays Last Element Count
    UB = UBound(vntOwner)
    ' Resize Count Array (vntCount) to the size of Owner Array (vntOwner).
    ReDim vntCount(1 To UB, 1 To 1)
    ' Loop through elements of Owner Array.
    For i = 1 To UB
        ' Write first characterg of current element in Owner Array
        ' to Current Char.
        strChar = Left$(vntOwner(i, 1), 1)
        ' Check if current char is an uppercase character.
        If strChar Like "[A-Z]" Then
            ' Assign the value of the current row of Owner Array
            ' to Current Owner Element (Row).
            lngOwner = i
            ' Reset Current Owner Element.
            lngCount = 0
            ' Loop through the rest of the elements in Owner Array.
            For j = i + 1 To UB
                ' Write first character of current element in Owner Array
                ' to Current Char.
                strChar = Left$(vntOwner(j, 1), 1)
                ' Check if Current Char is an uppercase letter.
                If strChar Like "[A-Z]" Then
                    ' Reset First Arrays Element Counter.
                    i = j - 1
                    Exit For
                    ' Check if Current Char is a lowercase letter.
                    If strChar Like "[a-z]" Then
                        ' Increase (Current) Owner Counter.
                        lngCount = lngCount + 1
                    End If
                End If
            ' Write value of (Current) Owner Counter to Count Array.
            vntCount(lngOwner, 1) = lngCount
        End If


    ' Define Count Column Range.
    Set rng = rng.Offset(, colCount - colOwner)
    ' Write values of Count Array to Count Column Range.
    rng = vntCount


Exit Sub

    MsgBox "There is no data in Owner column (" & colOwner & ")."
    GoTo ProgramError

    MsgBox "There are no Owners in Owner column (" & colOwner & ")."
    GoTo ProgramError

End Sub
' Remarks:    Values not starting with alpha characters are not counted.       '
'             Owner Column Range doesn't have to start with an Owner.          '
'             Owner Column Range can end with an Owner; the count will be 0.   '
'END ********************************************************************** END'
