首页 > 解决方案 > 在我的程序显示其输出后,如何避免此回溯错误?


这是我正在尝试实施的一个详细程序:一位博物学家要去探索亚马逊丛林,需要一个计算机程序来记录有关所有发现的新物种的信息。对于每个新物种,必须存储名称(最多 128 个字符)、大小(实数)和动物类型。哺乳动物、昆虫、鸟类或鱼类)。这是示例运行的样子(键盘输入以斜体显示)...

> NewSpecies
Enter animal information ("exit" to exit)
What is the name : bloatfish
What is the size : 12.47
What is the type : fish
Enter animal information ("exit" to exit)
What is the name : stingybeasty
What is the size : 0.13
What is the type : insect
Enter animal information ("exit" to exit)
What is the name : toothfulsloth
What is the size : 33.33
What is the type : mammal
Enter animal information ("exit" to exit)
What is the name : exit

The following new species were found:
bloatfish            has size  12.47 and is a fish
stingybeasty         has size   0.13 and is a insect
toothfulsloth        has size  33.33 and is a mammal 
You must ...
Implement the program in C.

必须使用结构数组,以便每个新物种都可以记录在数组的元素中。动物的类型表示为枚举类型,表示哺乳动物、昆虫、鸟类或鱼类中的一种。事先不知道会发现多少新物种,所以程序必须 malloc 为一个大小为 1 的初始数组,并根据需要使用加倍 realloc 技术来获取更多内存。您必须始终检查 malloc 的返回值,就像在 Malloc 包装函数中所做的那样(或者只使用 Malloc :-)。


    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>

    #define MAX_CHAR 128
    #define LENGTH(A) (sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0]))

    typedef char String[MAX_CHAR];
    typedef enum {mammal, insect, bird, fish, error} AnimalType;

    typedef struct{
      String name;
      double size;
      AnimalType type;
    } Animal;

    void * Malloc(size_t Size) {

        void * Memory;

        if ((Memory = malloc(Size)) == NULL) {
            perror("Cannot malloc");
        } else {

    AnimalType CheckAnimalType(String type) {
        if (!strcmp(type,"mammal")) {
            return (mammal);
        if (!strcmp(type,"insect")) {
            return (insect);
        if (!strcmp(type,"bird")) {
            return (bird);
        if (!strcmp(type,"fish")) {
            return (fish);
        return (error);

    char *PrintAnimalType(AnimalType type){
        case mammal: return "mammal"; break;
        case insect: return "insect"; break;
        case bird: return "bird"; break;
        case fish: return "fish"; break;
        case error: return "error";
      return "error";

    void printData(Animal *animal, int size) {
        printf("The following species were found:\n");
        for(int i = 0; i < size-1; i++)
            printf("%s has size %.2lf and is a %s\n", animal[i].name, animal[i].size, PrintAnimalType(animal[i].type));

    void MainMenu(Animal *animal, int *size){
        Animal newAnimal;
        String animalName;
        double animalSize;
        String animalType;

        printf("Enter animal information (\"exit\" to exit)\n");

        printf("What is the name : ");
        scanf("%s", animalName);
        if(!strcmp(animalName, "exit")) break;
        strcpy(newAnimal.name, animalName);

        printf("What is the size : ");
        scanf("%lf", &animalSize);
        if(newAnimal.size == 0) break;
        newAnimal.size = animalSize;

        printf("What is the type : ");
        scanf("%s", animalType);
        newAnimal.type = CheckAnimalType(animalType);

        if((animal = realloc(animal, sizeof(newAnimal)*((*size)+1))) == NULL) {
                printf("MEMORY ERROR: problem reallocating array\n");
         animal[(*size)-1] = newAnimal;
      printData(animal, *size);

    int main(void) {
      int size = 1;
      Animal *animal = Malloc(sizeof(Animal));
      MainMenu(animal, &size);
      return 0;

我正在尝试在 C 中实现上述内容,但执行后直接出现此错误:

错误链接:https ://pastebin.com/Wcu0wtet


标签: cpointersmemory-managementmemory-leaks




您需要将修改后的缓冲区指针作为返回值或通过将指针传递给原始变量 ( Animal **) 传回给调用者。
