首页 > 解决方案 > Facebook Graph retrieve post informations


I'm totally new with Facebook Graph. I don't know if it's possible, I think it's not after some researches, but it seems so weird to be unable to do that kind of thing that I prefer ask.

I have create an app. And I have successfully bind this app to an Android app.

From this app, I want to load some public posts from public pages where I already know post ID and page ID.

When I try, I get "(#100) Pages Public Content Access requires either app secret proof or an app token"...

Do you confirm it is impossible to load a public post from a public page without certify my facebook app ? (I don't own that page)

Thanks you

标签: facebookfacebook-graph-api


是的,未经Page Public Content Access批准,无法获取公共页面的数据。
