首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 popen 命令行参数包含单引号和双引号?


我想在 python3中运行以下jq命令。subprocess.Popen()

$ jq  'INDEX(.images[]; .id) as $imgs | {
        | select(.attributes.type=="letter" )
        | $imgs[.image_id] + {label:.text}
        | {id:.id} + {filename:.file_name} + {label:.label}
   }' image_data_annotation.json > image_data_annotation_with_label.json

请注意,第一个命令行参数包含点、美元符号、单引号内的双引号。仅供参考,jq是用于处理 json 文件的 JSON 处理器实用程序。

我编写了以下 python3 脚本,用于使用jq实用程序自动处理 JSON 文件。

# file name: letter_image_tool.py

import os, subprocess

command line example to automate
$ jq  'INDEX(.images[]; .id) as $imgs | {
        | select(.attributes.type=="letter" )
        | $imgs[.image_id] + {label:.text}
        | {id:.id} + {filename:.file_name} + {label:.label}
   }' image_data_annotation.json > image_data_annotation_with_label.json

# define first command line argument
jq_filter='\'INDEX(.images[]; .id) as $imgs | { "filename_with_label" : [ .annotations[] | select(.attributes.type=="letter" ) | $imgs[.image_id] + {label:.text} | {id:.id} + {filename:.file_name} + {label:.label} ] }\''

input_json_files= [ "image_data_annotation.json"]
output_json_files= []

for input_json in input_json_files:
    print("Processing %s" %(input_json))
    filename, ext = os.path.splitext(input_json)
    output_json = filename + "_with_label" + ext
    print("output file is : %s" %(output_json))

    #jq_command ='jq' + " " +  jq_filter, input_json + ' > ' +  output_json
    jq_command =['jq', jq_filter,  input_json + ' > ' +  output_json]
    subprocess.Popen(jq_command, shell=True)

在 bash 上运行上述 python 脚本会导致以下结果:

$ ./letter_image_tool.py
Processing image_data_annotation.json
output file is : image_data_annotation_with_label.json
['jq', '\'INDEX(.images[]; .id) as $imgs | { "filename_with_label" : [ .annotations[] | select(.attributes.type=="letter" ) | $imgs[.image_id] + {label:.text} | {id:.id} + {filename:.file_name} + {label:.label} ] }\'', 'image_data_annotation.json > image_data_annotation_with_label.json']
jq - commandline JSON processor [version 1.6-124-gccc79e5-dirty]

Usage:  jq [options] <jq filter> [file...]
        jq [options] --args <jq filter> [strings...]
        jq [options] --jsonargs <jq filter> [JSON_TEXTS...]

jq is a tool for processing JSON inputs, applying the given filter to
its JSON text inputs and producing the filter's results as JSON on
standard output.

The simplest filter is ., which copies jq's input to its output
unmodified (except for formatting, but note that IEEE754 is used
for number representation internally, with all that that implies).

For more advanced filters see the jq(1) manpage ("man jq")
and/or https://stedolan.github.io/jq


        $ echo '{"foo": 0}' | jq .
                "foo": 0

For a listing of options, use jq --help.


'INDEX(.images[]; .id) as $imgs | {
        | select(.attributes.type=="letter" )
        | $imgs[.image_id] + {label:.text}
        | {id:.id} + {filename:.file_name} + {label:.label}


我认为主要问题与第一个命令行参数(jq_filter在上面的 python 脚本中)中使用的点、美元符号、单引号和双引号有关。但是我不知道如何处理这种与bash相关的复杂元字符。




使用 jq_filter 定义的三引号和空格分隔连接,如下所示

# file name: letter_image_tool.py

import os, subprocess

command line example to automate
$ jq  'INDEX(.images[]; .id) as $imgs | {
        | select(.attributes.type=="letter" )
        | $imgs[.image_id] + {label:.text}
        | {id:.id} + {filename:.file_name} + {label:.label}
   }' image_data_annotation.json > image_data_annotation_with_label.json

# define first command line argument with triple quotes
jq_filter=""" 'INDEX(.images[]; .id) as $imgs | { 
       "filename_with_label" : [ 
       | select(.attributes.type=="letter" ) 
       | $imgs[.image_id] + {label:.text} 
       | {id:.id} + {filename:.file_name} + {label:.label} ] } ' """

input_json_files= [ "image_data_annotation.json"]
output_json_files= []

for input_json in input_json_files:
    print("Processing %s" %(input_json))
    filename, ext = os.path.splitext(input_json)
    output_json = filename + "_with_label" + ext
    print("output file is : %s" %(output_json))

    #jq_command ='jq' + " " +  jq_filter, input_json + ' > ' +  output_json
    # jq command composed with space separated join
    jq_command =' '.join['jq', jq_filter,  input_json, ' > ',  output_json]

    # shell keyword argument should be set True
    subprocess.Popen(jq_command, shell=True)

使用三重双引号,jq_filter 可以使用多行定义而不是单行定义更具可读性。

标签: pythonbashescapingpopenquote


您需要单引号的原因是为了防止 shell 对您的参数进行任何扩展。这是一个问题,只有在使用shell=True. 如果未设置,shell 将永远不会触及您的参数,也无需“保护”它们。

然而,shell 也负责stdout重定向(即[... '>', output_json])。不使用 shell,需要在 Python 代码中处理重定向。然而,这就像将参数添加stdout=...Popen.


import os
import subprocess

# Still define first command line argument with triple quotes for readability
# Note that there are no single quotes though
jq_filter = """INDEX(.images[]; .id) as $imgs | {
       "filename_with_label" : [
       | select(.attributes.type=="letter" )
       | $imgs[.image_id] + {label:.text}
       | {id:.id} + {filename:.file_name} + {label:.label} ] }"""

input_json_files = ["image_data_annotation.json"]
output_json_files = []

for input_json in input_json_files:
    print("Processing %s" % (input_json))
    filename, ext = os.path.splitext(input_json)
    output_json = filename + "_with_label" + ext
    print("output file is : %s" % (output_json))

    # Keep command as list, since this is what we need when NOT using shell=True
    # Note also that the redirect and the output file are not parts of the argument list
    jq_command = ['jq', jq_filter,  input_json]

    # shell keyword argument should NOT be set True
    # Instead redirect stdout to an out_file
    # (We must open the file for writing before redirecting)
    with open(output_json, "w") as out_file:
        subprocess.Popen(jq_command, stdout=out_file)

通常建议不要使用shell=True,因为这会打开另一个针对代码的攻击向量,因为注入攻击可以完全访问 shell。此外,不使用 shell 的另一个小好处是,它将减少创建的子进程的数量,因为不需要额外的 shell 进程。
