首页 > 解决方案 > 如何将 options.txt 文件中的选项和价格列表读入 vb.net 中的相应数组



客户可以为他们的旅行选择以下选项中的一个且仅一个: • 教练类型(3 个选项:12 座、21 座、55 座) • 游览长度(3 个选项:3 天、7 天、10 天)

客户可以选择以下一种或多种可选观光选项进行游览: • 布兰城堡 • LiBEARty Sanctuary • Peles Castle • Turda Salt Mine



文本文件应名为 options.txt,并应以 Sightseeing Option 1 的名称进行布局,下一行是该选项的价格,四个选项依此类推。例如,文本文件会这样设置: 在此处输入图像描述



  1. 将 options.txt 文件中的可选观光旅游和价格列表读入适当的数组

  2. 从数组中填充组合框或其他选定的控件。您应该使用 for 循环遍历数组并将项目添加到组合框中。

  3. 编写事件代码以将观光旅游从最低到最高进行排序。在将游览选项添加到复选框之前执行此操作

  4. 在复选框中填写观光旅游的详细信息

见下面的界面; 在此处输入图像描述


Public Class frmOptions
    Dim CoachType() As String = {"12 Seater", "21 Seater", "55 Seater"}   ' an array of 3 strings
    Dim CoachCost() As Integer = {150, 100, 70}   ' an array of 3 integers
    Dim TourLength() As String = {"3 days", "7 days", "10 days"}   ' an array of 3 strings
    Dim strCoachType As String
    Dim intCoachCost As Integer
    Dim intTourLength As Integer
    Dim strSightseeingOptions() As String 'Array to store selected sight seeing options
    Dim intSightseeingPrices As Integer
    Dim intTotal As Integer

    Private Function getSelectedItems()
        'Get selected Coach Type
        If rb12Seater.Checked Then
            strCoachType = "12 Seater"
            'multiply cost per day by number of coach seats
            intCoachCost = 150 * 12
        ElseIf rb21Seater.Checked Then
            strCoachType = "21 Seater"
            'multiply cost per day by number of coach seats
            intCoachCost = 100 * 21
        ElseIf rb55Seater.Checked Then
            strCoachType = "55 Seater"
            'multiply cost per day by number of coach seats
            intCoachCost = 70 * 55
        End If

        'Get selected Tour Length
        If rb3Days.Checked Then
            intTourLength = 3
        ElseIf rb7Days.Checked Then
            intTourLength = 10
        ElseIf rb10Days.Checked Then
            intTourLength = 11
        End If

        'Calculate total amount
        intTotal = intCoachCost * intTourLength

    End Function

    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        btnPurchase.Enabled = False

        rb12Seater.Text = CoachType(0)
        rb21Seater.Text = CoachType(1)
        rb55Seater.Text = CoachType(2)

        rb3Days.Text = (TourLength(0))
        rb7Days.Text = TourLength(1)
        rb10Days.Text = TourLength(2)
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
        btnPurchase.Enabled = True
        lblTotalCost.Text = "€" + intTotal.ToString
    End Sub

    Private Sub gbCoachType_Enter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles gbCoachType.Enter

    End Sub

    Private Sub btnPurchase_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPurchase.Click
        btnPurchase.Enabled = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub CheckedListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CheckedListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged

    End Sub
End Class

标签: vb.net




  • 12 座 x 150/座/天 = 1800/天
  • 21 座 x 100/座/天 = 2100/天
  • 55 座 x 70/座/天 = 3850/天

将(Coach Type)中单选按钮的tag属性分别设置为GroupBox11800、2100、3850。

GroupBox2将(Length of Tour) 中单选按钮的 tag 属性设置为 3、7、10 。

MaximumSize Width标签 2 的属性设置为适合您的表单的值。每个选项的标题和描述应该能够适合表格。

删除 和 上的文本Label1Label2



Public Class Options

    Public Property Title As String

    Public Property Cost As Decimal 'Use a Decimal type for money

    Public Property Description As String

    'The parameterized constructor makes it easy to create an instance

    Public Sub New(t As String, c As Decimal, d As String)
        Title = t
        Cost = c
        Description = d
    End Sub

    'The ListBox will call .ToString to display your Options
    Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
        Return $"{Title} - {Cost}"
    End Function
End Class



Private Sub Tours_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    'Read the text file stored in bin\Debug
    '.ReadAllLine returns an array of the lines in the text file
    Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines("Options.txt")
    'Declare a list to hold the contents of the file
    Dim olst As New List(Of Options)
    'Loop through each line from the text file
    For Each line In lines
        'split each line into an array by the delimiter comma
        'the .Split method expects a Char, the small c following the string tells the compiler it is a Char
        Dim splits = line.Split(","c)
        'Create an instance of the Options class passing the values of the properties
        Dim o As New Options(splits(0), CDec(splits(1)), splits(2))
        'Add the Options instance to the List(Of Options)
    'Bind the ListBox to the list of Options
    'The ListBox calls .ToString() on each Option in the list (the class overrides .ToString)
    ListBox1.DataSource = olst
    ListBox1.SelectedIndex = -1
End Sub

'The Calculate button
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    'Find the checked RadioButton in GroupBox1
    Dim rButton1 As RadioButton = GetCheckedRadioButton(GroupBox1)
    'The Tag property was set to Seat rate X Number of seats at design time
    Dim Total As Decimal = CDec(rButton1.Tag)
    'The Tag property was set to the number of days at design time
    Dim rButton2 As RadioButton = GetCheckedRadioButton(GroupBox2)
    'Multiply Total by number of days
    Total *= CDec(rButton2.Tag)
    'Add costs of optional tours
    For Each item As Options In ListBox1.SelectedItems
        Total += item.Cost
    Label1.Text = "$" & Total.ToString
End Sub

Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
    Label2.Text = ""
    For Each item As Options In ListBox1.SelectedItems
        Label2.Text &= $"{item.Title}{Environment.NewLine}{item.Description}{Environment.NewLine}{Environment.NewLine}"
End Sub

Private Function GetCheckedRadioButton(Container As Control) As RadioButton
    'This is a bit of LINQ magic. It can be handy in many situations. Sometimes the Container is a Form which is, indeed, a Control!
    Dim rButton As RadioButton = Container.Controls.OfType(Of RadioButton).FirstOrDefault(Function(r) r.Checked = True)
    Return rButton
End Function

