首页 > 解决方案 > Exception thrown at 0x7A12FF80 (ucrtbased.dll) in Project 3.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000


I have attempted to run this code. Prior to running this, no warnings or errors exist but once it is executed I have an exception thrown and it stops the program from compiling. Here is my code and the error is in the subject line. The CDA file is being used as header file to create a Circular Dynamic Array that is going to be manipulated in Heaps.cpp. The heaps.cpp is to create a binary heap that is to be used in to create Binomial heaps, but that code has not been developed yet.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <class T>
class CDA
	int rear;
	int size;
	int capacity;
	T* circArray;
	int front;
	bool ordered;
	T placeHolder;

	CDA(int s);
	int Front();
	T Data(int n);
	T& operator[](int i);
	void AddEnd(T v);
	void AddFront(T v);
	void DelEnd();
	void DelFront();
	int Length();
	int Capacity();
	int Clear();
	bool Ordered();
	int SetOrdered();
	int S01(int n);
	T Select(int k);
	void InsertionSort();
	void QuickSort();
	void QuickSort1(int low, int high);
	void CountingSort(int m);
	int Search(T e);
	void reSize();
	void Shrink();
	int BinarySearch(int left, int right, T e);
	int QSortPartition(int low, int high);
	void Swap(int* x, int* y);
	int QSelPartition(int front, int rear);
	T QuickSelect(int front, int rear, int k);
	CDA<T>& operator=(const CDA& a);
	CDA(const CDA& old);
	int Median(int low, int high);

template <class T>
	capacity = 1;
	circArray = new T[capacity];
	size = 0;
	rear = size - 1;
	front = -1;
	ordered = false;
	placeHolder = 0;

template <class T>
CDA<T>::CDA(int s)
	size = s;
	capacity = s;
	circArray = new T[capacity];
	front = 0;
	rear = size - 1;
	ordered = false;

template <class T>
CDA<T>::CDA(const CDA& a)
	size = a.size;
	capacity = a.capacity;
	circArray = new T[a.capacity];
	front = a.front;
	rear = a.size - 1;
	ordered = a.ordered;
	for (int i = a.front; i < a.front + (a.size); i++)
		circArray[i % capacity] = a.circArray[i % capacity];

template <class T>

template <class T>
T& CDA<T>::operator[](int i)
	if (i > capacity)
		cout << "Array index is out of bounds; exiting." << endl;
		placeHolder = i;
		cout << endl;

		return placeHolder;
		return circArray[(front + i) % capacity];

template <class T>
void CDA<T>::AddEnd(T v)
	if (front == -1)
		circArray[0] = v;

	if (size > capacity)

	else if (front == -1)
		front = 0;
		rear = size - 1;

		rear = (rear + 1) % capacity;
	circArray[rear] = v;


template <class T>
void CDA<T>::AddFront(T v)
	if (size > capacity)

	if (front == -1) //means the array is empty
		front = 0;
		rear = capacity % size;

	else if (front == 0) //means something is in spot 0
		front = capacity - 1; //puts front at the end and places the input there

	else //go until it is back at zero
	circArray[front] = v;


template <class T>
void CDA<T>::DelEnd()
	if (size <= capacity / 4)

	else if (rear == front)
		front = -1;
		rear = -1;


template <class T>
void CDA<T>::DelFront()

	double shrMeasure;
	shrMeasure = capacity / 4.0;
	if (size <= shrMeasure) // make an empty and shrink function

	else if (front == rear)
		if (front == 0)
			front = size - 1;

		if (front == size) //brings it full circle 
			front = 0;

	if (front > capacity)
		front = front % capacity;

template <class T>
int CDA<T>::Length()
	return size;

template <class T>
int CDA<T>::Capacity()
	return capacity;

template <class T>
int CDA<T>::Clear()
	size = 1;
	circArray[size] = NULL;


template <class T>
bool CDA<T>::Ordered()
	return ordered;

template <class T>
int CDA<T>::SetOrdered()

	for (int i = 1; i < size - 1; i++)
		if (circArray[(i - 1)] > circArray[i])
			ordered = false;
			return -1;
	ordered = true;
	return 1;


template <class T>
T CDA<T>::Select(int k)
	if (ordered == true)
		return circArray[(front + k - 1) % capacity];
		QuickSelect(front, front + (size - 1), k);

template <class T>
int CDA<T>::QSelPartition(int left, int right)
	int pivot = circArray[right % capacity];
	int x = left - 1;

	//Swap(&circArray[pivIndex], &circArray[right]);

	for (int i = left; i <= right - 1; i++)
		if (circArray[i % capacity] <= pivot)
			Swap(&circArray[x % capacity], &circArray[i % capacity]);
	Swap(&circArray[(x + 1) % capacity], &circArray[right % capacity]);

	return (x + 1);

template <class T>
T CDA<T>::QuickSelect(int left, int right, int k)
	if (k > 0 && k <= (right - left) + 1)
		int index = QSelPartition(left, right);

		if (index - 1 == k - 1)
			return circArray[index % capacity];

		else if (index - 1 > k - 1)
			return QuickSelect(left, index - 1, k);

			return QuickSelect(index - 1, right, k - index + left - 1);
	return -1;

template <class T>
void CDA<T>::InsertionSort() //must be utilized in quicksort
	for (int i = front + 1; i < (front + size); i++)
		int val = circArray[i % capacity];
		int inc = (i - 1) % capacity;

		while (inc >= 0 && circArray[inc] > val)
			circArray[(inc + 1) % capacity] = circArray[inc];

			if (inc == -1)
				inc = capacity - 1;
		circArray[(inc + 1) % capacity] = val;
	ordered = true;

template <class T>
void CDA<T>::QuickSort() // change to other quicksort before leaving the ferg 
	QuickSort1(front, front + (size - 1));

template <class T>
void CDA<T>::QuickSort1(int low, int high)
	while (low < high)
		if (high - low < 900)
			int pivot = QSortPartition(low, high);

			if (pivot - low < high - pivot)
				QuickSort1(low, pivot--);
				low = pivot + 1;
				QuickSort1(pivot++, high);
				high = pivot - 1;



template <class T>
int CDA<T>::QSortPartition(int low, int high)
	int pivot = circArray[Median(low, high) % capacity];
	Swap(&circArray[(Median(low, high)) % capacity], &circArray[(high) % capacity]);

	int index = low % capacity;

	for (int i = low; i < high; i++)
		if (circArray[i % capacity] <= pivot)
			T t = circArray[i % capacity];
			circArray[i % capacity] = circArray[index % capacity];
			circArray[index % capacity] = t;
	Swap(&circArray[index % capacity], &circArray[high % capacity]);

	return index;

template <class T>
int CDA<T>::Median(int low, int high)
	T left, mid, right;
	left = circArray[low % capacity];
	mid = circArray[((low + high) / 2) % capacity];
	right = circArray[high % high];

	if (left < right && left > mid)
		return low % capacity;
	if (left < mid && left > right)
		return low % capacity;
	if (right < left && right > mid)
		return high % capacity;
	if (right < mid && right > left)
		return high % capacity;
	if (mid < left && mid > right)
		return ((low + high) / 2 % capacity);
	if (mid < right && mid > left)
		return ((low + high) / 2 % capacity);

template <class T>
void CDA<T>::Swap(int* x, int* y)
	int temp = *x;
	*x = *y;
	*y = temp;

template <class T>
void CDA<T>::CountingSort(int m)  ////NEED TO FIX THIS 
	int* OP = new int[size];
	int* Counter = new int[m + 1];

	for (int i = front; i <= rear; i++)
		cout << "CircArray[" << i << "] is " << circArray[i] << endl;
	for (int i = 0; i <= m; i++)
		Counter[i] = 0;
	for (int i = front; i < front + (size); i++)
		Counter[circArray[i % capacity]]++;
	for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
		Counter[i] += Counter[i - 1];

	for (int i = rear - 1; i > 0; i--)
		OP[Counter[circArray[i]] - 1] = circArray[i];
		cout << "Circular array at " << i << " is " << circArray[i] << endl;
		Counter[circArray[i]] -= 1;
		if (i == front % capacity)

		if (i == 0)
			i = capacity;


	for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
		circArray[i] = OP[i];

	ordered = true;
	front = 0;

template <class T>
int CDA<T>::Search(T e)
	if (ordered == true) //binary search of item e
		return BinarySearch(front, front + (size - 1), e);

	else if (ordered == false)
		for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++)
			if (circArray[i] == e)
				return i;

	return -1;

template <class T>
int CDA<T>::BinarySearch(int left, int right, T e)
	while (left <= right)
		int mid = (left + right) / 2;
		int value = circArray[mid % capacity];
		if (value == e)
			return (mid - front) % capacity;

		else if (value < e)
			return BinarySearch(mid + 1, right, e);

		else if (value > e)
			return BinarySearch(left, mid - 1, e);


	return -1;


template <class T>
void CDA<T>::reSize()
	capacity = capacity * 2;
	T *nArray = new T[capacity];
	for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++)
		int l = (front + i) % (size-1);
		nArray[i] = circArray[l];
	circArray = nArray;
	front = 0;
	rear = (size - 1);

template <class T>
void CDA<T>::Shrink()
	int tFront = front;
	capacity = capacity / 2;
	T* bArr = new T[capacity];
	int index = 0;
	while (front <= rear)
		bArr[index] = circArray[(front + index) % capacity];
	T* circArray = bArr;
	front = 0;
	rear = (size - 1);

template <class T>
CDA<T>& CDA<T>::operator=(const CDA<T>& a)
	if (this != &a)
		size = a.size;
		capacity = a.capacity;
		circArray = new T[a.capacity];
		front = a.front;
		rear = a.size - 1;
		ordered = a.ordered;
		for (int i = a.front; i < a.front + (a.size); i++)
			circArray[i % capacity] = a.circArray[i % capacity];
	return *this;

template <class T>
int CDA<T>::Front()
	return front;

template <class T>
T CDA<T>::Data(int n)
	return circArray[n];

#include <iostream>
#include "CDA-1.cpp"
using namespace std;

template<class keytype, class valuetype>
class Heap
	CDA<keytype>* K;
	CDA<valuetype>* V;
	int size;

		this->K = new CDA<keytype>();
		this->V = new CDA<valuetype>();
		size = 0;

	Heap(keytype k[], valuetype v[], int s)
		//allocate two different arrays for each type
		//fill those arrays concurrently using insert
		//sort concurrently using heapafy recursively
		this->K = new CDA<keytype>(s);
		this->V = new CDA<valuetype>(s);
		this->size = s;
		for (int i = 0; i < s; i++)
			insert(k[i], v[i]);
		heapify(s, K->Front());

	void heapify(int s, int i)
		//Errors for evans to fix:	swap the n's with s. 
									//Fix the left and right variable logic. Hepaify smallest not small at the bottom. 
									//Also we need to pass V[] in a parameter so we can edit it in this. 

		//How to better swap V with K and not just K.
		int smallest = i; 
		int left = 2*i +(-i+1);  
		int right = 2*i + (-i+2);
		keytype kl = K->Data(left);
		keytype kr = K->Data(right);
		keytype ks = K->Data(smallest);
	   	if (left < s && kl < ks) //FIX 
			smallest = left;

		if (right < s && kr < ks) //FIX
			smallest = right;

		if (smallest != i)
			swap(K[i], K[smallest]);
			swap(V[i], V[smallest]); //FIX

			heapify(s, smallest);

	~Heap() {

	//items should be inserted using bottom up heap building method
	void insert(keytype k, valuetype v)
		heapify(size, K->Front());

	keytype peekKey()
		int f = K->Front();
		return K->Data(f);

	valuetype peekValue()
		int f = V->front();
		return V->Data(f);

	keytype extractMin()
		keytype temp = K->Data(K->Front());
		heapify(size, K->Front());
		return temp;

	void printKey()

	void ActualPrintKey(int n)
		keytype rt = K->Data(n);
		if (rt != size)
			cout << K->Data(rt) << " ";
			ActualPrintKey((2 * n) + (-n + 1));
			ActualPrintKey((2 * n) + (-n + 2)); 

template <class keytype, class valuetype>
class BHeap

	BHeap(keytype k[], valuetype v[], int s);


	keytype peekKey();

	valuetype peekValue();

	keytype extractMin();

	//items should be inserted using repeated insertion
	void insert(keytype k, valuetype v);

	void merge(BHeap<keytype, valuetype>& H2);

	void printKey(); 

#include <iostream>
#include "Heaps.cpp"

using namespace std;

int main() {
	string K[10] = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "K" };
	int V[10] = { 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 };

	Heap<string, int> T1, T2(K, V, 10);
	cout << T2.peekKey() << endl;
	cout << endl;

	return 0;

标签: access-violation


一般来说,“访问冲突读取位置”意味着您正在尝试将虚拟内存地址空间读取到不属于您的应用程序的进程,并且操作系统保护机制正在启动以保护其余加载的应用程序和资源不被由您的应用程序“内存泄漏漏洞”访问(读取或写入)。如果我在你的位置,我会检查代码以及所有变量和数组,如果它们在使用前被正确初始化。需要考虑的另一件事是操作系统和应用程序所需的权限(Windows 以管理员身份运行/GNU/Linux sudo)。

