首页 > 解决方案 > PyGeoprocessing 库中允许重新分类栅格值的函数是什么?


我正在尝试使用 QGIS Reclassify by Table 重新分类栅格值,但它正在下降。我遇到了 PyGeoprocessing 库,显然它比 R 重新分类函数快得多。但是,我在任何地方都找不到该库的文档或教程。


标签: raster


PyGeoProcessing 的重分类函数被调用reclassify_raster,可以这样调用:

import pygeoprocessing
from osgeo import gdal

raster_path = 'the/path/to/your/input/raster.tif'

# You'll need to load your source and destination pixel values into a dictionary
# like this.  Oftentimes, this will be loaded in from a table.
reclassification_map = {
    1: 0.35
    2: 0.6

    (raster_path, 1),  # Use band 1
    gdal.GDT_Float32,  # You could use any gdal.GDT_* datatype, this example just uses Float32
    target_nodata=-1  # You could set the nodata value to whatever you wanted it to be

It's possible that the maintainers might release some API documentation, but until they do that, you can always just take a look at the function docstrings.  `reclassify_raster`, for example, is found in this file: https://github.com/natcap/pygeoprocessing/blob/main/src/pygeoprocessing/geoprocessing.py
