首页 > 解决方案 > 我的主循环中的步骤有问题


基本上,这个程序接收一个新动漫剧集的对象数组列表,将它们下载到一个文件夹,utorrent 将自动检测其中的 .torrent 文件并将它们作为输出下载到另一个文件夹,同时还将 .torrent 输出到“完成”目录。该程序将下载,等待下载完成,重命名并移动文件,然后检查下一个并从下一个重新开始。

但是我遇到了一个问题,由于某种原因要下载多个项目,它只会跳过“等待下载&&重命名/移动文件”,并且在第一次迭代工作正常后结束,它仍然会下载实际的项目 2文件,但在开始后忽略其余的 do/while,并在实际代码中打印出我的调试 sysoutprint,表明程序正在执行这些步骤,但在第一次之后忽略 do/while。我已经尝试在每次迭代中启动 Mover 和 DownloadProgressTracker,而不是之前和仍然相同的情况。我确信使用线程/易失性布尔值我可以使它工作,但现在宁愿避免它。


public class TestingMain
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Program p = new Program();


public class Program
    private final String Torrent_Working_Dir = "torrent working path";
    private final String Torrent_Finished_Dir = "torrent finished path";
    private final String Completed_Downloads_Dir = "output files of torrent path";

    public boolean Downloading_Still;
    public boolean Renaming_Still;

    private ArrayList<ToDownload> Items_To_Download = new ArrayList<ToDownload>();
    private ToDownload dls;
    private Mover mv;
    private DownloadProgressTracker Prog;

    public Program()

    public void FillArray() // putting fake elements into array as examples
        dls = new ToDownload("AnimeOne", "linkOne", "RawAnimeOne", "formatedTitleOne", "DirOne");
        dls = new ToDownload("AnimeTwo", "linkTwo", "RawAnimeTwo", "formatedTitleTwo", "DirTwo");

    public void PrintArray() // debugging
        for(ToDownload t : Items_To_Download)
            System.out.println("Title: " + t.getTitle() + "\nLink: " + t.getLink() + "\nRaw: "
                    + t.getRaw() + "\nFinal: " + t.getFinal() + "\nRoot: " + t.getRoot() + "\n\n");

    public void DownloadThese(ArrayList<ToDownload> dls)
        ArrayList<ToDownload> temp;
        int target = dls.size(); // the amount of downloads to do
        int count = 0; // keeps track of how many are done
        mv = new Mover();
        Prog = new DownloadProgressTracker(Torrent_Finished_Dir);
            for(ToDownload dl : dls)
                // step 1
                // download the torrent file into torrent working dir
                Downloading_Still = true;
                Renaming_Still = true;
                    // step 2
                    // wait for utorrent to finish downloading and put the torrent into it's finished dir
                    do{Prog.waitForDownload(this);}while(Downloading_Still != false);

                    // step 3
                    // rename and move the file to the folder it belongs in from utorrents file output folder
                    do{mv.checkExist(this, dl.getTitle(), dl.getFinal(), Completed_Downloads_Dir, dl.getRoot());}while(Renaming_Still != false);
                catch(IOException e)

                // step 4
                // count = 0, count++, count now = 1
        // step 5
        // if count is not == target go back to step 1
        while(count != target);


是的,我忽略了实际的下载部分。在这种情况下,这不是问题。只需从 dls 中的当前 dl 获取信息并将 .torrent 文件下载到指定目录。


public class DownloadProgressTracker
    private String Path;
    private File Root;
    private File[] Root_Folder;

    private boolean Still_Downloading;

    public DownloadProgressTracker(String path)
        Path = path;

    public void waitForDownload(Program p) throws IOException
        Still_Downloading = true; // set true before checking
        Root = new File(Path); // initiate folder step 1
        Root_Folder = Root.listFiles(); // initiate folder step 2
        while(Root_Folder.length == 0) // if folder is empty just update folder
            Root_Folder = Root.listFiles(); // update folder until not empty
        int length = Root_Folder.length; // so that next while can be updated by first
        while(length != 0) // if folder contains something
            for(File f : Root_Folder) // for each File in folder do something
                try{f.delete();}catch(Exception e){} // delete the file
        Still_Downloading = false;
        p.Downloading_Still = Still_Downloading; // return false


public class ToDownload
    private String Title, Link, Raw_Title, Final_Title, Root_Folder;

    public ToDownload(String title, String link, String raw, String finalT, String root)
        Title = title;
        Link = link;
        Raw_Title = raw;
        Final_Title = finalT;
        Root_Folder = root;

    public String getTitle()
        return Title;

    public String getLink()
        return Link;

    public String getRaw()
        return Raw_Title;

    public String getFinal()
        return Final_Title;

    public String getRoot()
        return Root_Folder;


public class Mover
    private File from, to, Finished_Dls;
    private File[] start;

    private String toDest, toOther, fromDest;

    private boolean Moving_File, Renaming_File, Renaming_Still;

    public void checkExist(Program p, String Title, String finalTitle, String FromDest, String ToDest)
        Finished_Dls = new File(FromDest);
        start = Finished_Dls.listFiles();
        toDest = ToDest + "\\";
        toOther = toDest;
        fromDest = Finished_Dls.getPath() + "\\";
        Renaming_Still = true;
        Moving_File = true;
        Renaming_File = true;

        for(File f : start)
                fromDest += f.getName();
                toDest += f.getName();
                do{MoveFileTo(fromDest, toDest);}while(Moving_File);
                do{RenameFile(toOther, toDest, finalTitle);}while(Renaming_File);
        Renaming_Still = false;
        p.Renaming_Still = Renaming_Still;

    public void MoveFileTo(String from, String to)
        this.from = new File(from);
        this.to = new File(to);
            Files.copy(this.from.toPath(), this.to.toPath());
            Moving_File = false;
        catch(IOException e)
            System.out.println("Failed To Move File");

    public void RenameFile(String from, String to, String finalTitle)
        this.from = new File(to);
        this.to = new File(from + "\\" + finalTitle);
            Renaming_File = false;
        catch(Exception e)
            System.out.println("Failed To Rename File");

标签: java

