首页 > 解决方案 > 在 R 的 for 循环中嵌入脚本


我在 R 中有一个数据框,看起来像这样:

 sample <- tribble(~subj, ~session,
            "A", 1,
            "A", 2, 
            "A", 3,
            "B", 1,
            "B", 2,
            "C", 1,
            "C", 2,
            "C", 3,
            "C", 4)

正如您从这个示例中看到的,每个主题都有多个会话,但并非所有主题都具有相同数量的会话。我的真实数据集中有 94 行(5 个主题,每个主题在 15 到 20 个不同的会话之间)。

我有另一个脚本,它采用我的主要数据集(一组语言数据,每个会话中每个主题都有详细的语音特征,有近 200,000 行)并按主题和会话过滤,以创建一个距离矩阵,显示不同单词之间的欧几里得距离。由于实际原因,我无法在此处复制它,但在这里创建了一个示例脚本:

 data <- tribble(~subj, ~session, ~Target, ~S1C1_target,           # S1C1 = syllable 1, consonant 1
                 ~S1C1_T.Sonorant, ~S1C1_T.Consonantal,            # _T. = target consonant of S1C1
                 ~S1C1_T.Voice, ~S1C1_T.Nasal, ~S1C1_T.Degree,     # .Voice/.Nasal/etc are phonetic 
                                                                   # properties of the target word
            "A", 1, "electricity", "i", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            "A", 1, "hectic", "h", 0.8, 0, 1, 0, 0,
            "A", 1, "pillow", "p", -1, 1, -1, 0, 0,
            "A", 2, "hello", "h", -0.5, 1, 0, -1, 0,
            "A", 2, "cup", "k", 0.8, 0, 1, 0, 0,
            "A", 2, "exam", "e", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            "B", 1, "wug", "w", 0.8, 0, 1, 0, 0,
            "B", 1, "wug", "w", 0.8, 0, 1, 0, 0,
            "B", 1, "hug", "h", 0.8, 0, 1, 0, 0,
            "B", 2, "wug", "w", -0.5, 1, 0, -1, 0,
            "B", 2, "well", "w", 0.8, 0, 1, 0, 0,
            "B", 2, "what", "w", 0.8, 0, 1, 0, 0)

我想首先为每个会话中的每个主题创建一个数据子集。有时参与者在 中具有多个相同单词的标记Target,因此我在这里也为重复迭代创建了一个平均值:

 matrixA1 <- data %>%                          # name the data after the subj and session name/number
   filter(subj == "A" & session == 1) %>%  
   dplyr::select(-subj, -session) %>%          # leave only the numeric values + `Target`
   group_by(Target) %>% 
   summarize_all(.funs = list(mean))           # Average across targets with more than one token

 ##### Calculate Euclidean distance between each phonetic property of each S1C1 target consonant

 ones <- rep(1,nrow(matrixA1))  # count repeated rows

 Son.mat.S1C1_T <- matrixA1$S1C1_T.Sonorant %*% t(ones) - ones %*% t(matrixA1$S1C1_T.Sonorant)
 rownames(Son.mat.S1C1_T) <- matrixA1$Target
 colnames(Son.mat.S1C1_T) <- matrixA1$Target
 colnames(Son.mat.S1C1_T) <- paste(colnames(Son.mat.S1C1_T), "Son.S1C1_T", sep = "_")

 Son.mat.S1C1_T <- Son.mat.S1C1_T^2

 Con.mat.S1C1_T <- matrixA1$S1C1_T.Consonantal %*% t(ones) - ones %*% t(matrixA1$S1C1_T.Consonantal)
 rownames(Con.mat.S1C1_T) <- matrixA1$Target
 colnames(Con.mat.S1C1_T) <- matrixA1$Target
 colnames(Con.mat.S1C1_T) <- paste(colnames(Con.mat.S1C1_T), "Con.S1C1_T", sep = "_")

 Con.mat.S1C1_T <- Con.mat.S1C1_T^2

 Voice.mat.S1C1_T <- matrixA1$S1C1_T.Voice %*% t(ones) - ones %*% t(matrixA1$S1C1_T.Voice)
 rownames(Voice.mat.S1C1_T) <- matrixA1$Target
 colnames(Voice.mat.S1C1_T) <- matrixA1$Target
 colnames(Voice.mat.S1C1_T) <- paste(colnames(Voice.mat.S1C1_T), "Voice.S1C1_T", sep = "_")

 Voice.mat.S1C1_T <- Voice.mat.S1C1_T^2

 Nasal.mat.S1C1_T <- matrixA1$S1C1_T.Nasal %*% t(ones) - ones %*% t(matrixA1$S1C1_T.Nasal)
 rownames(Nasal.mat.S1C1_T) <- matrixA1$Target
 colnames(Nasal.mat.S1C1_T) <- matrixA1$Target
 colnames(Nasal.mat.S1C1_T) <- paste(colnames(Nasal.mat.S1C1_T), "Nasal.S1C1_T", sep = "_")

 S1C1.1A <- Son.mat.S1C1_T +
   Con.mat.S1C1_T +
   Voice.mat.S1C1_T +

 colnames(S1C1.1A) = gsub("_Son.S1C1_T", "", colnames(S1C1.1A))


             electricity hectic pillow
 electricity    0.00      1.64   3.00
 hectic         1.64      0.00   8.24
 pillow         3.00      8.24   0.00


  1. 对于 中的每一行sample,创建一个数据框,其名称中包含subjsession作为标识符
  2. 对于这些数据帧中的每一个,运行上面的脚本 from #####,为每个主题和每个会话创建一个矩阵,如上图所示。

为此,我认为最好的方法是将脚本嵌入到一个 for 循环中,并指定它应该为sample.

标签: rfor-looptibble


在我看来,您不需要参考您的sample数据框,因为有关subj和组合的信息session都在您的data. 如果不是这样,请告诉我。否则,这是我的方法。

首先,在根据主题-会话组合对数据进行分组之后,无需手动过滤 和 的每个组合的数据,而是一次性过滤您的subj数据sessionsummarize在此之前,给每个组合一个idwith group_indices

data_summ <- data %>%                          
  mutate(id = group_indices(., subj, session)) %>%
  group_by(subj, session, Target) %>% 
  summarize_all(.funs = list(mean))


data_list <- data_summ %>%
  split(., f = .$id)


mat_list = list()

for (i in 1:length(data_list)) {

  element <- data_list[[i]]

  ones <- rep(1, nrow(element))

  sonorant_vec <- element$S1C1_T.Sonorant
  sonorant_mat <- (sonorant_vec %*% t(ones) - ones %*% t(sonorant_vec))^2

  consonantal_vec <- element$S1C1_T.Consonantal
  consonantal_mat <- (consonantal_vec %*% t(ones) - ones %*% t(consonantal_vec))^2

  voice_vec <- element$S1C1_T.Voice
  voice_mat <- (voice_vec %*% t(ones) - ones %*% t(voice_vec))^2

  nasal_vec <- element$S1C1_T.Nasal
  nasal_mat <- (nasal_vec %*% t(ones) - ones %*% t(nasal_vec))^2

  all_mat <- sonorant_mat + consonantal_mat + voice_mat + nasal_mat
  rownames(all_mat) <- element$Target
  colnames(all_mat) <- element$Target

  mat_list[[i]] <- all_mat


            electricity hectic pillow
electricity        0.00   1.64   3.00
hectic             1.64   0.00   8.24
pillow             3.00   8.24   0.00

       cup exam hello
cup   0.00 1.64  4.69
exam  1.64 0.00  2.25
hello 4.69 2.25  0.00

    hug wug
hug   0   0
wug   0   0

     well what  wug
well 0.00 0.00 4.69
what 0.00 0.00 4.69
wug  4.69 4.69 0.00

编辑:如果您想避免 for 循环,可以将循环内的块放入一个函数中,然后lapply将其放入data_list

lapply(data_list, FUN = function(element) {

  ones <- rep(1, nrow(element))

  sonorant_vec <- element$S1C1_T.Sonorant
  sonorant_mat <- (sonorant_vec %*% t(ones) - ones %*% t(sonorant_vec))^2

  consonantal_vec <- element$S1C1_T.Consonantal
  consonantal_mat <- (consonantal_vec %*% t(ones) - ones %*% t(consonantal_vec))^2

  voice_vec <- element$S1C1_T.Voice
  voice_mat <- (voice_vec %*% t(ones) - ones %*% t(voice_vec))^2

  nasal_vec <- element$S1C1_T.Nasal
  nasal_mat <- (nasal_vec %*% t(ones) - ones %*% t(nasal_vec))^2

  all_mat <- sonorant_mat + consonantal_mat + voice_mat + nasal_mat
  rownames(all_mat) <- element$Target
  colnames(all_mat) <- element$Target


编辑 2


data_summ <- data %>%                          
  group_by(subj, session, Target) %>% 
  summarize_all(.funs = list(mean)) %>%
  mutate(subj_session = paste(subj, session))


data_list <- data_summ %>%
  split(., f = .$subj_session)
