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我有一个与 json 数据的链接,我想将数据从中分离到两个数据框中。


import pandas as pd
import requests

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 50000)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100)
pd.set_option('display.width', 10000)

headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.163 Safari/537.36'}
url = "https://www.nseindia.com/api/option-chain-indices?symbol=BANKNIFTY"
data = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()

for x in range(len(data['records']['data'])):


{'strikePrice': 13900, 'expiryDate': '23-Apr-2020', 'PE': {'strikePrice': 13900, 'expiryDate': '23-Apr-2020', 'underlying': 'BANKNIFTY', 'identifier': 'OPTIDXBANKNIFTY23-04-2020PE13900.00', 'openInterest': 1597, 'changeinOpenInterest': 1589, 'pchangeinOpenInterest': 19862.5, 'totalTradedVolume': 9101, 'impliedVolatility': 110.76, 'lastPrice': 1.65, 'change': -1.5, 'pChange': -47.61904761904762, 'totalBuyQuantity': 49800, 'totalSellQuantity': 17560, 'bidQty': 40, 'bidprice': 1.75, 'askQty': 460, 'askPrice': 2.35, 'underlyingValue': 20681.45}, 'CE': {'strikePrice': 13900, 'expiryDate': '23-Apr-2020', 'underlying': 'BANKNIFTY', 'identifier': 'OPTIDXBANKNIFTY23-04-2020CE13900.00', 'openInterest': 0, 'changeinOpenInterest': 0, 'pchangeinOpenInterest': 0, 'totalTradedVolume': 2, 'impliedVolatility': 162.07, 'lastPrice': 6901.1, 'change': 3502.4000000000005, 'pChange': 103.05116662253218, 'totalBuyQuantity': 2620, 'totalSellQuantity': 2620, 'bidQty': 200, 'bidprice': 6629.85, 'askQty': 200, 'askPrice': 7208.75, 'underlyingValue': 20681.45}}

{'strikePrice': 13900, 'expiryDate': '30-Apr-2020', 'PE': {'strikePrice': 13900, 'expiryDate': '30-Apr-2020', 'underlying': 'BANKNIFTY', 'identifier': 'OPTIDXBANKNIFTY30-04-2020PE13900.00', 'openInterest': 989, 'changeinOpenInterest': 12, 'pchangeinOpenInterest': 1.2282497441146367, 'totalTradedVolume': 134, 'impliedVolatility': 98.26, 'lastPrice': 16.3, 'change': -4.899999999999999, 'pChange': -23.113207547169807, 'totalBuyQuantity': 32900, 'totalSellQuantity': 4100, 'bidQty': 20, 'bidprice': 16.3, 'askQty': 20, 'askPrice': 17, 'underlyingValue': 20681.45}, 'CE': {'strikePrice': 13900, 'expiryDate': '30-Apr-2020', 'underlying': 'BANKNIFTY', 'identifier': 'OPTIDXBANKNIFTY30-04-2020CE13900.00', 'openInterest': 1, 'changeinOpenInterest': 0, 'pchangeinOpenInterest': 0, 'totalTradedVolume': 0, 'impliedVolatility': 0, 'lastPrice': 5000, 'change': -5000, 'pChange': -100, 'totalBuyQuantity': 2640, 'totalSellQuantity': 2840, 'bidQty': 20, 'bidprice': 6242.05, 'askQty': 20, 'askPrice': 7401.65, 'underlyingValue': 20681.45}}

{'strikePrice': 13900, 'expiryDate': '14-May-2020', 'PE': {'strikePrice': 13900, 'expiryDate': '14-May-2020', 'underlying': 'BANKNIFTY', 'identifier': 'OPTIDXBANKNIFTY14-05-2020PE13900.00', 'openInterest': 0, 'changeinOpenInterest': 0, 'pchangeinOpenInterest': 0, 'totalTradedVolume': 0, 'impliedVolatility': 0, 'lastPrice': 0, 'change': 0, 'pChange': -100, 'totalBuyQuantity': 100, 'totalSellQuantity': 0, 'bidQty': 100, 'bidprice': 0.3, 'askQty': 0, 'askPrice': 0, 'underlyingValue': 20681.45}, 'CE': {'strikePrice': 13900, 'expiryDate': '14-May-2020', 'underlying': 'BANKNIFTY', 'identifier': 'OPTIDXBANKNIFTY14-05-2020CE13900.00', 'openInterest': 0, 'changeinOpenInterest': 0, 'pchangeinOpenInterest': 0, 'totalTradedVolume': 0, 'impliedVolatility': 0, 'lastPrice': 0, 'change': 0, 'pChange': -100, 'totalBuyQuantity': 2420, 'totalSellQuantity': 2420, 'bidQty': 2420, 'bidprice': 6223.45, 'askQty': 2420, 'askPrice': 7565.05, 'underlyingValue': 20681.45}}

我想将 CE 和 PE 值存储在两个单独的数据框中,列名为

['strikePrice','expiryDate', 'underlying', 'identifier', 'openInterest', 'changeinOpenInterest', 'pchangeinOpenInterest', 'totalTradedVolume','impliedVolatility', 'lastPrice', 'change', 'pChange', 'totalBuyQuantity', 'totalSellQuantity', 'bidQty', 'bidprice', 'askQty', 'askPrice', 'underlyingValue']

标签: pythonjsonpython-3.xpandasdataframe



headers = {
        'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.163 Safari/537.36'
url = "https://www.nseindia.com/api/option-chain-indices?symbol=BANKNIFTY"
data = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()

#list comprehension here
#note that it is nested, since the data we are truly keen on
#is embedded in a list
#this will give us a tuple of the key, and the dataframe of the values
#as the values are dictionaries
res = [[(key, pd.DataFrame.from_dict(value, orient='index').T)
        for key, value in entry.items()
        if key in ['PE', 'CE']]
       for entry in data['records']['data']]

from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
d = defaultdict(list)

#group the values into a pair
#they will be a combined list of dataframes
#belonging to either PE or CE    
for k, v in chain.from_iterable(res):

#now we can merge the values
#and keep our result as a dictionary
#this allows us to access PE or CE via keys   
result = {key: pd.concat(values) for key, values in d.items()}

#now, we can access either PE or CE
#dataframe is quite long, so this is a small part of it

 strikePrice    expiryDate  underlying  identifier                openInterest
0   13900      23-Apr-2020  BANKNIFTY   OPTIDXBANKNIFTY23-04-2020PE13900.00 1597
0   13900      30-Apr-2020  BANKNIFTY   OPTIDXBANKNIFTY30-04-2020PE13900.00 989
0   13900      14-May-2020  BANKNIFTY   OPTIDXBANKNIFTY14-05-2020PE13900.00 0
