首页 > 解决方案 > Sequelize:如果声明不是基于 PK 并且适用于 PK 搜索,getOne() 将抛出“字段列表中的未知列 (...)”


我正在使用getOne()函数来提取具有关联模型的用户数据。如果我PK在这样的where子句中使用:where: { ID: 128 }- 它工作正常。这意味着关联和查询配置是正确的。

但是,如果我试图按email这样的字段查找用户:where: { email: 'email_of@user_with_ID_128.com' }- Sequelize 会为最深关联模型的字段引发错误Unknown column (...) in field list。电子邮件是正确的,它指向与按 ID 搜索相同的用户。如果我从查询配置或设置中排除关联required: false- 查询成功并且可以使用email.


return models.User.findOne(config).then(user => { console.log(user) });


config = {
    where: { ID: 128 }, // THIS WORKS
    // OR
    where: { email: 'email_of@user_with_ID_128.com' }, // THIS THROWS ERROR
    include: [
            nested: true,
            model: models.UserComponent,
            attributes: ['ID', 'isDisplayed', 'displayIndex'],
            include: [
                    model: models.Component,
                    required: true,
                    include: [
                            model: models.ComponentType, // error relates to this model
                            required: true // doesn't throw error if set to false
                            model: models.ObjectType, // and error relates to this model
                            required: true // doesn't throw error if set to false
                            model: models.ComponentContent,
                            required: false
    nested: true    


const User = connectionPool.define('user', {
    ID: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
        autoIncrement: true,
        allowNull: false,
        primaryKey: true
    name: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING,
        allowNull: false,
    email: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING,
        allowNull: false
    surname: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING,
        allowNull: false,
const Component = connectionPool.define('component', {
    ID: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
        autoIncrement: true,
        allowNull: false,
        primaryKey: true
    defaultIsDisplayed: {
        type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN,
        allowNull: false
    defaultDisplayIndex: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
        allowNull: false
    obligatory: {
        type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN,
        allowNull: false,
        default: false
}, {
    defaultScope: {
        attributes: {
            exclude: ['createdAt', 'updatedAt',
                'componentContentID', 'objectTypeID',

const UserComponent = connectionPool.define('user_component', {
    ID: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
        autoIncrement: true,
        allowNull: false,
        primaryKey: true
    isDisplayed: {
        type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN,
        allowNull: false
    displayIndex: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
        allowNull: false
}, {
    defaultScope: {
        attributes: { exclude: ['createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'componentID', 'userID', 'ID'] }

const ComponentType = connectionPool.define('component_type', {
    ID: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
        autoIncrement: true,
        allowNull: false,
        primaryKey: true
    name: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING,
        allowNull: false
}, {
    defaultScope: {
        attributes: { exclude: ['ID', 'createdAt', 'updatedAt'] }
const ComponentContent = connectionPool.define('component_content', {
    ID: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
        autoIncrement: true,
        allowNull: false,
        primaryKey: true
    content: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING,
        allowNull: false


models.Component.belongsTo(models.ComponentContent, { foreignKey: 'componentContentID', onDelete: 'CASCADE' });
models.Component.belongsTo(models.ComponentType, { foreignKey: 'componentTypeID', onDelete: 'CASCADE' });
models.Component.belongsTo(models.ObjectType, { foreignKey: 'objectTypeID', onDelete: 'CASCADE' });

models.Component.hasMany(models.UserComponent, { foreignKey: 'componentID', onDelete: 'CASCADE' });
models.UserComponent.belongsTo(models.Component, { foreignKey: 'componentID', onDelete: 'CASCADE' });
models.User.hasMany(models.UserComponent, { foreignKey: 'userID', onDelete: 'CASCADE' });


标签: sequelize.js

