首页 > 解决方案 > spawn 和 post 如何与 asio 一起工作?


// I asked this question
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61026135/asio-use-future-instead-of-yieldec
// and comments lead to need to modify code of answer and put in in this new
// question.
// I tried to ask questions in form  of code trials and causes of writing them
// or how i under stand them

// asio_packaged_task.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

//#include "stdafx.h"
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/spawn.hpp>
#include <boost/asio/use_future.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <iostream>

using boost::system::error_code;
namespace asio = boost::asio;

template <typename Token>
auto async_meaning_of_life(bool success, Token&& token) {
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 106600
    using result_type =
        typename asio::async_result<std::decay_t<Token>, void(error_code, int)>;
    typename result_type::completion_handler_type handler(

    result_type result(handler);
    typename asio::handler_type<Token, void(error_code, int)>::type handler(

    asio::async_result<decltype(handler)> result(handler);

    if (success)
        handler(error_code{}, 42); // 4-18-2020 this line happens when
                                   // async_meaning_of_life work is done,this
                                   // line is calling the handler and passing it
                                   // the result of  async_meaning_of_life
                                   // function which here for simplicity are
                                   // supplied as error_code{} and 42
        handler(asio::error::operation_aborted, 0);

    return result.get();

void using_yield_ec(asio::yield_context yield) {
    for (bool success : { true, false }) {
        boost::system::error_code ec;
        auto answer = async_meaning_of_life(success, yield[ec]);
        std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Result: " << ec.message() << "\n";
        std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Answer: " << answer << "\n";

void using_yield_catch(asio::yield_context yield) {
    for (bool success : { true, false })
        try {
            auto answer = async_meaning_of_life(success, yield);
            std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Answer: " << answer << "\n";
        } catch (boost::system::system_error const& e) {
            std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Caught: " << e.code().message()
                      << "\n";
// 4-18-2020 something interesting happens here,when we call the function
// using_future or using_handler in the same thread we get into these two
// functions then inside them we call async_meaning_of_life which is an
// initiating function ,the async_meaning_of_life has two parts: its code which
// ends before if(success) then it calls the completion token passed to it which
// is promise OR lambda "it might be fuction object ,functor,function pointer, "
// using handler(error,42) where handler represents the true handler type
// according to the token passed to function. then it returns the result by
// result.get to using_future or using_handler. inside using handler we notice
// that code returns back to lambda after handler(error,42) .if completion token
// were bind or function object,we would have seen code jumping to bound
// function or function object

void using_future() {
    for (bool success : { true, false })
        try {
            auto answer = async_meaning_of_life(success, asio::use_future);
            std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Answer: " << answer.get() << "\n";
        } catch (boost::system::system_error const& e) {
            std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Caught: " << e.code().message()
                      << "\n";

void using_handler() {
    for (bool success : { true, false })
        async_meaning_of_life(success, [](error_code ec, int answer) {
            std::cout << "using_handler: Result: " << ec.message() << "\n";
            std::cout << "using_handler: Answer: " << answer << "\n";

void print(const boost::system::error_code& /*e*/) {
    std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
template <typename Token>
auto async_meaning_of_life_composed(bool success, Token&& token) {
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 106600
    using result_type =
        typename asio::async_result<std::decay_t<Token>, void(error_code, int)>;
    typename result_type::completion_handler_type handler(

    result_type result(handler);
    typename asio::handler_type<Token, void(error_code, int)>::type handler(

    asio::async_result<decltype(handler)> result(handler);

    // here i will add intermediate initiating functions

    async_meaning_of_life(success, [](error_code ec, int answer) {
        std::cout << "using_handler: Result: " << ec.message() << "\n";
        std::cout << "using_handler: Answer: " << answer << "\n";

    try {
        auto answer = async_meaning_of_life(success, asio::use_future);
        std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Answer: " << answer.get() << "\n";
    } catch (boost::system::system_error const& e) {
        std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Caught: " << e.code().message() << "\n";

    // using_yield_ec(asio::yield_context yield);
    // spawn(svc, using_yield_ec);
    if (success)
        handler(error_code{}, 42); // 4-18-2020 this line happens when
                                   // async_meaning_of_life work is done,this
                                   // line is calling the handler and passing it
                                   // the result of  async_meaning_of_life
                                   // function which here for simplicity are
                                   // supplied as error_code{} and 42
        handler(asio::error::operation_aborted, 0);

    return result.get();

void using_future_composed() {
    for (bool success : { true, false })
        try {
            auto answer =
                async_meaning_of_life_composed(success, asio::use_future);
            std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Answer: " << answer.get() << "\n";
        } catch (boost::system::system_error const& e) {
            std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Caught: " << e.code().message()
                      << "\n";

int main() {
    asio::io_service svc;

    boost::asio::steady_timer t(svc, boost::asio::chrono::seconds(45));
    // this function returns immediately and make new thread

    // this function returns immediately>>>>also it adds 1 out standing work to
    // svc.is async_wait body runned in main threaed OR in another thread????if
    // it is ran in another thread,how immediate return happens"not
    // blocking"??why async_meaning is not returning immediately like
    // async_wait?

    auto answer = async_meaning_of_life(true, asio::use_future);
    // this function does not return immediately and is executing in main thread
    // >>>>>how can we make it behave like async_wait???? first

    std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Answer: " << answer.get() << "\n";
    svc.post([]() { // this adds 1 outstanding work to svc and does not start
        auto answer = async_meaning_of_life(true, asio::use_future);
        std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Answer: " << answer.get() << "\n";

    // this increase outstanding work by 1

    // boost::asio::yield_context yield;
    // 4-18-2020 this is only used with spawn ,if you want to use stakeful
    // coroutines,use push and pull types of coroutine "i wonder how to do
    // this???"

    // using_yield_ec( yield);this is wrong usage
    // using_yield_catch( yield);this is wrong usage

    // using_future();this is normal usage but it does not return immediately
    // and it executes in main thread.
    // using_handler();
    spawn(svc, using_yield_ec);
    // this adds 2 outstanding work to svc why 2 works are made while we are
    // launching one function????

    spawn(svc, using_yield_catch);
    // what i think i understand about mechanism of work of spawn:spawn is
    // called from main thread>>>>it is just used with coroutines taking
    // yield_context as argument,spawn post function to service,spawn makes link
    // between the context in which service will be ran"may be main thread or
    // new thread AND the context of coroutine function ran in same thread as
    // service" or may be the coroutine makes new thread in which it is
    // running???".Then when svc.run is called,svc calls task"here svc is caller
    // and coroutine is callee",task is executing,yield is called as completion
    // token"can we call yield outside initiating function to switch to caller
    // "here caller is svc"????. then we are now in svc context which calls
    // another task .....

    // t.async_wait(&using_future);wrong usage leading to error?why can not in
    // use using_future function as completion callback with async_wait???

    // spawn(svc, using_future);wrong usage as using_future is not coroutine?

    std::thread work([] {
        auto answer = async_meaning_of_life(true, asio::use_future);
        // this function does not return immediately and is executing in main
        // thread >>>>>how can we make it behave like async_wait???? first

        std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Answer: " << answer.get() << "\n";

    std::thread work_io([&] { // this starts new thread in which svc is run

    svc.run(); // this run svc in main thread

    // general question:
    using_* is considered normal function or coroutine OR composed operation??
    async_meaning is considered initiating function?

    why does not it return immediately when ran in main thread?how can we make
    it return immediately and then when certain result is present ,it calls its

    async_wait is considered initiating function? why does it return
    immediately then when timer expires ,it calls back its completion token??

    can i make the following composed operation:

    i will make composed operation which returns future to caller thread,

    and inside it i shall call another composed operation with coroutine,


标签: boost-asio


boost::asio::steady_timer t(svc, boost::asio::chrono::seconds(45));
// this function returns immediately and make new thread

不,它不会创建新线程。它只是构造一个服务对象(计时器)并返回。显然是立即的,就像std::string s("hello");在构造字符串时返回一样。

// this function returns immediately>>>>also it adds 1 out standing work to
// svc. is async_wait body runned in main threaed OR in another thread????if
// it is ran in another thread,how immediate return happens"not
// blocking"??why async_meaning is not returning immediately like
// async_wait?






为什么async_meaning_of_life不是马上回来之类的 async_wait


现在,有点微妙:即使您将它与 yield_context 一起使用(在协程内)。它将立即返回并导致协程屈服。这意味着其他任务有机会在服务线程上运行,并且只有当异步操作完成时,协程才会恢复。从协程的角度来看,它看起来好像调用被阻塞了。这是(堆栈式)协程的重点。它“抽象”了异步性。


svc.post([]() { // this adds 1 outstanding work to svc and does not start


    auto answer = async_meaning_of_life(true, asio::use_future);
    std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Answer: " << answer.get() << "\n";



// using_yield_ec( yield);this is wrong usage
// using_yield_catch( yield);this is wrong usage

正确的。正确使用,Asio 服务将为您提供一个收益上下文。

// boost::asio::yield_context yield;
// 4-18-2020 this is only used with spawn ,if you want to use stakeful
// coroutines,use push and pull types of coroutine "i wonder how to do
// this???"

不知道。只需参考 Boost Coroutine 的文档(我建议 Boost Coroutine2)。这与 Asio 异步操作无关。

// using_future();this is normal usage but it does not return immediately
// and it executes in main thread.

嗯,呃。您从一个仅显示不同 async_result 令牌机制的最小示例中获取它。








spawn(svc, using_yield_ec);
// this adds 2 outstanding work to svc why 2 works are made while we are
// launching one function????

老实说,我不知道。我认为这是因为 coro 本身的启动已发布到工作队列中,因此它从一个工作线程安全地运行异常。

这里更重要的一点是,您实际上还没有启动任何 io-workers,请参见上面的 [²]。

spawn(svc, using_yield_catch);
// what i think i understand about mechanism of work of spawn:spawn is
// called from main thread>>>>it is just used with coroutines taking
// yield_context as argument,spawn post function to service,spawn makes link
// between the context in which service will be ran"may be main thread or
// new thread AND the context of coroutine function ran in same thread as
// service"...


//          ... or may be the coroutine makes new thread in which it is
// running???" ...

当然不。协程和 Asio 都是无需多线程即可实现并发的设备/框架。协程永远不会创建线程。Asio通常不会创建任何线程(除非在某些平台上实现某些类型的服务,但它们将是实现细节并且您的任务/处理程序永远不会在这样的隐藏线程上运行)。

//         ... .Then when svc.run is called,svc calls task"here svc is caller
// and coroutine is callee",task is executing,yield is called as completion
// token"can we call yield outside initiating function to switch to caller
// "here caller is svc"????. then we are now in svc context which calls
// another task .....


我不太清楚你所说的''call yield'是什么意思,所以当你考虑从启动函数之外调用它时,我会说:可能不要那样做。

// t.async_wait(&using_future);wrong usage leading to error?why can not in
// use using_future function as completion callback with async_wait???


auto ignored_future = t.async_wait(boost::asio::use_future);


// spawn(svc, using_future);wrong usage as using_future is not coroutine?


std::thread work([] 
    auto answer = async_meaning_of_life(true, asio::use_future);
    // this function does not return immediately and is executing in main
    // thread >>>>>how can we make it behave like async_wait???? first

    std::cout << __FUNCTION__ << ": Answer: " << answer.get() << "\n";


我相信您只是复制/粘贴了评论,但如果您真的担心:不,那不是在主线程上运行的。它在work线程上运行,是的,那是因为你在future::get(). 见上文¹。

std::thread work_io([&] { // this starts new thread in which svc is run

迟到总比不到好 :)

svc.run(); // this run svc in main thread

正确,多跑也无妨。在多个线程上运行服务可能需要处理程序同步:为什么我在使用 boost::asio 时需要每个连接的链?

// general question:
using_* is considered normal function or coroutine OR composed operation??


async_meaning is considered initiating function?


why does not it return immediately when ran in main thread? 


how can we make
it return immediately and then when certain result is present ,it calls its

通常的做法是启动其他异步操作。比如说,您等待网络操作完成(异步,例如使用boost::asio::async_write),完成后,您调用handler. async_result助手使您不必知道实际的,completion_handler_type并且无论您的启动函数如何被调用,它都会“神奇地”做正确的事情。

async_wait is considered initiating function? why does it return
immediately then when timer expires ,it calls back its completion token??


can i make the following composed operation:

i will make composed operation which returns future to caller thread,

and inside it i shall call another composed operation with coroutine,

您可以自由地启动协程。只需确保您转移了 async_result 结果的所有权,这样您就可以从那里调用处理程序,以发出操作完成的信号。

在期货的情况下,组合操作的常用方法是组合期货,例如:https ://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_72_0/doc/html/thread/synchronization.html#thread.synchronization.futures 。然后

std::string someotheroperation(int);

future<int> fut1 = foo();
future<std::string> fut2 = foo().then(someotheroperation);


关于使用 Asio 编写组合操作的最终文档(具有讽刺意味的是)是 Beast 文档中的此页面。也许看到更多现实生活中的例子可能会给你更多的想法。

请记住,Beast 附带了一些工具,可以使 /them/ 的库维护变得更容易一些,但对于您自己的应用程序来说,这很可能是矫枉过正。再说一次,如果您在自己的道路上犯了错误,您将不会忽略我们之前在这里讨论过的重要事情:

