首页 > 解决方案 > 有没有办法在没有静态变量 JAVA 的情况下将数据从一个函数“传输”到另一个函数?


下面的代码有 2 个函数。(感谢帮助我的@AlexRudenko)


// Returns true if the lines intersect, false otherwise
    public boolean isIntersecting(Line other) {
        if (equals(other)){
            return false;
        double x11 = this.start.getX();
        double y11 = this.start.getY();
        double x12 = this.end.getX();
        double y12 = this.end.getY();

        double x21 = other.start.getX();
        double y21 = other.start.getY();
        double x22 = other.end.getX();
        double y22 = other.end.getY();

        if (x11 == x12 && x21 == x22) {  // both lines are constant x

            // no intersection point
            return false;

        } else if (x11 == x12 || x21 == x22) { // either line is constant x
            double x;
            double m;
            double b;
            if (x11 == x12) { // first line is constant x, second is sloped
                x = x11;
                m = (y22 - y21) / (x22 - x21);
                b = (x22 * y21 - x21 * y22) / (x22 - x21);
            } else { // second line is constant x, first is sloped
                x = x21;
                m = (y12 - y11) / (x12 - x11);
                b = (x12 * y11 - x11 * y12) / (x12 - x11);
            double y = m * x + b;

            Point.intersection = new Point (x,y);

            return true;

        } else { // both lines are sloped
            double m1 = (y12 - y11) / (x12 - x11);
            double b1 = (x12 * y11 - x11 * y12) / (x12 - x11);

            double m2 = (y22 - y21) / (x22 - x21);
            double b2 = (x22 * y21 - x21 * y22) / (x22 - x21);

            if ((long) m1 == (long) m2) {
                // no intersection point
                return false;
            // calculating intersection coordinates
            double x = (b2 - b1)/(m1 - m2);
            double y = m1 * x + b1;  // or m2 * x + b2

            Point.intersection = new Point (x,y);
            return true;
    // Returns the intersection point if the lines intersect,
    // and null otherwise.
    public Point intersectionWith(Line other) {
        if (isIntersecting(other)) {
            return Point.intersection;
        return null;


另外,你认为关于段而不是不定式,我应该在第一个函数中添加更多条件吗?我的意思是是的,可以说两者具有相同的斜率,但这并不意味着它们不能只有一个交点。因为如果我们在谈论 Line1: (1,0) (1,2) 和 Line2: (1,2) (1,3) 它们都有相同的斜率,但它们仍然在 (1,2) 处有一个交点)。那么你认为我应该在代码中添加什么来消除所有这些情况?我想到了类似的东西:

return false;

我想我还应该添加一个小检查来检查交叉点是否在两个段上。我应该取交点的 X 和 Y 值并检查 X 值是否在起点的 X 值和终点的 X 值之间(在两个段上)并对 Y 值进行相同的检查。你怎么看?


标签: javamathgeometryline



public Point isIntersecting(Line other) {
//your calculation here
return Point

public Boolean intersectionWith(Line other) {
Point p=isIntersecting(other)
   return false
return true
