首页 > 解决方案 > 有没有办法检查两个左孩子右兄弟树是否相等?



bool CTree::operator==(const CTree &root){
return ((kids)==(root.kids));
return ((sibs)==(root.sibs));
return (data==root.data);

这是我当前检查两个左子右兄弟树是否相等的函数;我认为这有两个问题我找不到解决方法;首先,它返回kids==root.kids 而不检查sibs,其次,一旦kids 和sibs 指向null,这个函数就会停止检查两棵树的相等性。我试图写第二个函数

bool CTree::operator==(const CTree &root){
    if (!(kids==root.kids)){
        return false;
      if (!(kids==root.sibs)){
          return false;
      if (!(data==root.data)){
          return false;
  return true;


class CTree {
  friend class CTreeTest;

  char data;     // the value stored in the tree node

  CTree * kids;  // children - pointer to first child of list, maintain order & uniqueness

  CTree * sibs;  // siblings - pointer to rest of children list, maintain order & uniqueness
                 // this should always be null if the object is the root of a tree

  CTree * prev;  // pointer to parent if this is a first child, or left sibling otherwise
                 // this should always be null if the object is the root of a tree}

标签: c++classrecursiontreeoperator-overloading


(看看struct _xmlNode我的意思。)


    bool operator==(const CTree &cTree) const
  1. 我会比较第data一个。如果根节点有不同的数据,则无需遍历任何子节点或兄弟节点。
      if (data != cTree.data) return false; // unequal data -> equality failed
  1. 下一步是kids成对比较指针。如果其中一个节点有子节点,而另一个节点没有,则相等比较可以退出。为此,我只是将指针转换为bools。
      if (!kids != !cTree.kids) return false; // only one has kids -> equality failed
  1. 同级指针也是如此。
      if (!sibs != !cTree.sibs) return false; // only one has sibs -> equality failed 
  1. 现在,两个或没有一个节点有孩子。因此,对于前一种情况,第一次递归到孩子中已经完成。(在后一种情况下,可以跳过此步骤。)
      // recursion into kids (if there are kids)
      if (kids && *kids != *cTree.kids) return false; // kids exist but are unequal
  1. 最后一步,如果有兄弟姐妹,则必须对兄弟姐妹进行递归。否则,此时节点(子树)已被视为相等。
    我使用逻辑或短路。因此,如果sibs有 anullptr则跳过右侧并返回!nullptr( == true)。否则,返回值会导致兄弟姐妹的比较。
      // recursion into sibs (if there are sibs)
      return !sibs || *sibs == *cTree.sibs; // no sibs or result of sibs equality check
  1. 而已。
  1. 为了对称(并且因为它已经被使用过),operator!=()还必须定义对应部分。它只是建立在operator==()AFAIK 之上,这很常见。
    bool operator!=(const CTree &cTree) const { return !(*this == cTree); }

我制作了一个 MCVE 来检查和演示这一点。因此,我更改了datafrom的类型charstd::string使其更具说明性:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class CTree {
    std::string data;
    CTree *kids;
    CTree *sibs;
    CTree *prev;
    CTree(const std::string data = ""):
      data(data), kids(nullptr), sibs(nullptr), prev(nullptr)
    { }

    // adds a child.
    void add(CTree *kid)
      if (kids) {
        kids->prev = kid; kid->sibs = kids; 
      kids = kid; kid->prev = this;

    bool operator==(const CTree &cTree) const
      if (data != cTree.data) return false; // unequal data -> equality failed
      if (!kids != !cTree.kids) return false; // only one has kids -> equality failed
      // recursion into kids (if there are kids)
      if (kids && *kids != *cTree.kids) return false; // kids exist but are unequal
      if (!sibs != !cTree.sibs) return false; // only one has sibs -> equality failed 
      // recursion into sibs (if there are sibs)
      return !sibs || *sibs == *cTree.sibs; // no sibs or result of sibs equality check

    bool operator!=(const CTree &cTree) const { return !(*this == cTree); }

CTree* install(bool complete)
  CTree *pRoot = new CTree("/");
  CTree *pBin = new CTree("bin/"); pRoot->add(pBin);
  CTree *pUsr = new CTree("usr/"); pRoot->add(pUsr);
  CTree *pBash = new CTree("bash"); pBin->add(pBash);
  CTree *pCsh = new CTree("csh"); pBin->add(pCsh);
  if (complete) {
    CTree *pEtc = new CTree("etc/"); pRoot->add(pEtc);
    CTree *pInitD = new CTree("init.d"); pEtc->add(pInitD);
  return pRoot;

int main()
  CTree *drv1 = install(false);
  CTree *drv2 = install(false);
  CTree *drv3 = install(true);
  std::cout << "drv1 == drv2? " << (*drv1 == *drv2 ? "yes" : "no") << '\n';
  std::cout << "drv1 == drv3? " << (*drv1 == *drv3 ? "yes" : "no") << '\n';
  std::cout << "drv2 == drv3? " << (*drv2 == *drv3 ? "yes" : "no") << '\n';


drv1 == drv2? yes
drv1 == drv3? no
drv2 == drv3? no

coliru 现场演示


    bool operator==(const CTree &cTree) const
      return data == cTree.data // unequal data -> equality failed
        && !kids == !cTree.kids // only one has kids -> equality failed
        && !sibs == !cTree.sibs // only one has sibs -> equality failed
        && (!kids || *kids == *cTree.kids) // no kids or result of kids equality check
        && (!sibs || *sibs == *cTree.sibs); // no sibs or result of sibs equality check

coliru 现场演示
