首页 > 解决方案 > 如何使用 Node 和 ExpressJS 库进行 POST 调用


我正在使用 NodeJS 开发 Express 来构建一些自定义 API。我已经成功构建了一些 API。使用 GET,我能够检索数据。

这是我的 index.js 文件,其中包含所有代码。

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

//Create user data.
const userData = [
        id : 673630,
        firstName : 'Prasanta',
        lastName : 'Banerjee',
        age : 24,
        hobby : [
                coding : ['java', 'python', 'javascript'],
                movies : ['action', 'comedy' , 'suspense'],
                sports : "basketball"
        oper_sys : ['Mac', 'Windows']
        id : 673631,
        firstName : 'Neha',
        lastName : 'Bharti',
        age : 23
        id : 673651,
        firstName : 'Priyanka',
        lastName : 'Moharana',
        age : 24
        id : 673649,
        firstName : 'Shreyanshu',
        lastName : 'Jena',
        age : 25
        id : 673632,
        firstName : 'Priyanka',
        lastName : 'Sonalia',
        age : 23
        id : 673653,
        firstName : 'Bhupinder',
        lastName : 'Singh',
        age : 25

//Create the API endpoints with callback functions.
//Display all Employees data.
app.get('/api/employees', function(req, res) {

//Display employee data based on 'id' param.
app.get('/api/employees/:id', function(req, res) {
    const id = req.params.id;
    const user = userData.find(user => user.id == id)

        res.statusCode = 200
    else {
        res.statusCode = 404
        return res.json({Error: ['ID Not Found']});

//start the node server.
const PORT = 7777;
app.listen(PORT, function() {
    console.log('Your server is up & running at localhost:'+PORT+'. Please hit the APIs.');

假设我想将 id:12345 firstName:Michael lastName:Andrews 添加到我的 userData 中。我应该如何使用 POST 调用?

我正在寻找可以将新数据添加到我的 userData 的代码,这样每次我对它执行 GET 操作时,我都会得到更新的数据集。

标签: node.jsrestexpress


为了根据请求发送 POST 数据,您必须通过请求正文传递数据。为此,您必须安装一个名为body-parser的 Node.js 正文解析中间件。请阅读本文以了解如何在您的应用程序上进行配置。

然后你必须将 POST 路由和方法添加到你的 app.js 文件中。然后通过 body 解析数据来命中路由。我已经编辑了您的代码并将其发布在下面。我已经评论了我添加方法和中间件的地方。

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

// require body parser middleware
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')

// parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }))

// parse application/json

//Create user data.
const userData = [
        id: 673630,
        firstName: 'Prasanta',
        lastName: 'Banerjee',
        age: 24,
        hobby: [
                coding: ['java', 'python', 'javascript'],
                movies: ['action', 'comedy', 'suspense'],
                sports: "basketball"
        oper_sys: ['Mac', 'Windows']
        id: 673631,
        firstName: 'Neha',
        lastName: 'Bharti',
        age: 23
        id: 673651,
        firstName: 'Priyanka',
        lastName: 'Moharana',
        age: 24
        id: 673649,
        firstName: 'Shreyanshu',
        lastName: 'Jena',
        age: 25
        id: 673632,
        firstName: 'Priyanka',
        lastName: 'Sonalia',
        age: 23
        id: 673653,
        firstName: 'Bhupinder',
        lastName: 'Singh',
        age: 25

//Create the API endpoints with callback functions.
//Display all Employees data.
app.get('/api/employees', function (req, res) {

//Display employee data based on 'id' param.
app.get('/api/employees/:id', function (req, res) {
    const id = req.params.id;
    const user = userData.find(user => user.id == id)

    if (user) {
        res.statusCode = 200
    else {
        res.statusCode = 404
        return res.json({ Error: ['ID Not Found'] });

// POST emplyee data
app.post('/api/employees/', function (req, res) {

    // catch request body data, break it down and assign it to a variable
    // you can just parse req.body as well
    const newUser = {
        id: req.body.id,
        firstName: req.body.firstName,
        lastName: req.body.lastName


//start the node server.
const PORT = 7777;
app.listen(PORT, function () {
    console.log('Your server is up & running at localhost:' + PORT + '. Please hit the APIs.');
