首页 > 解决方案 > 在 SwiftUI 中为 TextField 设置初始值 - 比较新旧值


我已经看过很多关于如何使用空 TextField 来收集新值的示例和教程,但没有一个显示如何使用 TextField 来编辑值。

在我的用例中,我希望 TextField 预填充/预填充来自我的视图模型的数据,然后当用户编辑数据时,应该启用保存按钮。在我的表单中,我还有一个导航链接,它指向一个子页面,用户可以在该子页面中从列表中选择某些内容,然后将其路由回表单。


struct TextFieldDemo: View {

    var model:String    // Actual a more complex view model
    @State var editedValue:String = ""

    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 20) {
                Text("Some label")
                TextField("Placeholder text", text: $editedValue)
            Text("Some navigation link to push in a page where " +
                "the user can select something from a list and click back...")

            // If the user starts to edit the textfield - follows a navigation link and comes back
            // he should be able to continue edit the field where he left of - the text field should
            // not have been reset to the original value.

            Button(action: {
                // Call some save function in the ViewModel
                },label: {
            ).disabled(model == editedValue)
            // I could have done something like:
            //   self.editedValue = model
            // but it seems like this will fire if the user navigates into the described page and reset
            // the TextField to the model value.

struct TextFieldDemo_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        TextFieldDemo(model: "The old value")

标签: swiftui



struct TextFieldDemo: View {

    var model:String    // Actual a more complex view model
    @State var editedValue: String

    init(model: String) {
        self.model = model
        self._editedValue = State(wrappedValue: model) // _editedValue is State<String>

    var body: some View {
        VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 20) {
                Text("Some label")
                TextField("Placeholder text", text: $editedValue)
            Text("Some navigation link to push in a page where " +
                "the user can select something from a list and click back...")

            // If the user starts to edit the textfield - follows a navigation link and comes back
            // he should be able to continue edit the field where he left of - the text field should
            // not have been reset to the original value.

            Button(action: {
                // Call some save function in the ViewModel
                },label: {
            ).disabled(model == editedValue)
            // I could have done something like:
            //   self.editedValue = model
            // but it seems like this will fire if the user navigates into the described page and reset
            // the TextField to the model value.

struct TextFieldDemo_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
        TextFieldDemo(model: "The old value")
