首页 > 解决方案 > Pyserial 在接收时引发 Visual c++ 运行时错误


Windows 7(64 位)、Python 2.7.18(32 位)


## serial communications thread
class Communication(threading.Thread):
        Serial communications class. Runs in own thread. This class handles
        everything related to interfacing with the serial connection.
    ## thread initialisation
    def __init__(self, port, gui):
            Thread initialisation. Sets up the thread, data queue, state
            variables and connection.

                port (str): The serial port to use.
                gui (ui): Instance of the ui() class which is controlling the

            No returns.
        global baud
        ## initialise self as a thread

        ## set up local reference to variables from other threads
        self.gui = gui

        ## set up a FIFO queue to handle received serial data
        self.rx = Queue.Queue()

        ## set up a state variable
        self.terminate = False

        ## actually open the serial connection
        self.lib_serial = gui.serial ## this is 'serial' from the pyserial library. we get this
                                     ## from the gui because it is handling the case
                                     ## where the user forgot to install pyserial
        self.connection = self.lib_serial.Serial(port, baud, timeout = 0.1, write_timeout = 1)

    ## what to do when start() is called on this thread class
    def run (self):
            Main thread loop (runs until terminated). Gets data from the serial
            port, cleans it up and adds it to the receive buffer queue and
            communication log.

            No arguments.

            No returns.
        ## run forever (in a seperate thread)
        while self.terminate == False:        
            ## read a line of data, with error handling
                line = self.readline()

                ## strip the endline characters from it
                cleanLine = line.decode("utf-8").rstrip('\r\n')

                ## only proceed if the data isn't a blank line
                if cleanLine != '':
                    ## print out the line
                    self.gui.add_communication(cleanLine, 'rx')

            ## if the read didn't succeed
                print('Error reading from serial connection')

    ## reimplementation of the pyserial readline() function to accept CR or
    ## LF as newline characters. also dumps received data after ten seconds
    def readline(self):
            Reads data until a newline, carrige return or the passage of ten
            seconds of time is seen (whichever is first) and returns it.

            No arguments.

                (bytes) Data received.
        ## set up a byte array to receive characters
        line = bytearray()
        ## note the start time for timeouts
        start_time = time.time()
        while True:

            ## try to get a byte of data
            c = self.connection.read(1)
            ## if there is a byte of data..
            if c:
                ## add it to the line buffer
                line += c
                ## if there is a carrige return (\r) or line-feed (\n)..
                if line[1:] == b'\r' or line[1:] == b'\n':
                    ## break the loop
            ## if there is no more data available..

            ## if this read has been looping for more than ten seconds, timeout
            ## (but don't raise an error)
            if (time.time() - start_time) > 10:

        ## return whatever data we have
        return bytes(line)

    ## write to the serial port one character at a time (to avoid MVME overrun
    ## errors)
    def write(self, data, eol = '\r', delay = 0.001):
            Sends data to the serial port one character at a time to avoid MVME
            buffer overrun issues. Wraps the actual write function.

                data (str): The data to send.
                eol (str): The end of line character to terminate the data with.
                delay (float): How long (in seconds) to wait between sending
                    successive characters.

            No returns.
        ## add the line end character to the string
        data = data + eol

        ## iterate through the string character by character
        for letter in list(data):
            ## send the character
            ## wait

        ## log the string to the GUI
        self.gui.add_communication(str(data), 'tx')

    ## write to the serial port. convert to bytes if not already
    def write_raw(self, data, is_bytes = False):
            Converts data to bytes and writes it to the serial port.

                data (str or bytes): Data to write.
                is_bytes (bool): True if the data is bytes, False otherwise.

            No returns.
        ## convert to bytes
        if is_bytes == False and sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
            data = bytes(data, encoding = 'utf-8', errors = 'ignore')

            ## write to the serial port
            ## flush serial buffers
            ## complain about errors
            print('Serial write error')
            self.gui.add_communication('Serial write error!', 'error')

    ## read data from the receive queue
    def read(self):
            Reads data from the receive queue.

            No arguments.

                (str) New data from the receive queue.
        ## get data from the receive queue without blocking. if there is none,
        ## just return an empty string
            new_data = self.rx.get_nowait()
        except Queue.Empty:
            new_data = ''

        return new_data

    ## shut down the serial connection
    def kill(self):
            Terminates the serial connection and serial thread (this thread).

            No arguments.

            No returns.
        ## terminate the thread main loop
        self.terminate = True
        ## close the serial connection

不幸的是,在目标 PC 上,此代码将导致“Visual C++ 运行时错误”,说明程序以不寻常的方式请求终止。当从串行设备接收到第一行数据时会发生这种情况,或者在将第一行数据发送到串行设备时偶尔会发生这种情况。



标签: python-2.7tkinterruntime-errorpyserial


经过进一步调查,这似乎与调用更新在主线程而不是在该线程中创建的 GUI 元素有关。

我已经使用队列重新实现了 GUI 更新,并且没有看到问题再次出现。通信线程填充队列,GUI 线程使用 Tkinter 事件系统定期轮询此队列以获取更新。

这里的教训似乎是您应该只从创建它们的线程中更新 GUI 元素。
