首页 > 解决方案 > COUNTIFS 函数跨多个工作表工作



如何在我当前的代码集中包含一个 vlookup,以对所有类似工作表中的所有 vlookup 结果进行计数。我拥有的代码将尝试对一个指定单元格或列或行中的整个数据范围跨工作表执行 countif。相反,我希望下面的函数能够计算跨相似名称工作表的列中 vlookup 结果的数量。

Function myCountIfSheet1(rng As Range, criteria) As Long
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If ws.Name Like "Sheet1*" Then
            myCountIfSheet1 = myCountIfSheet1 + WorksheetFunction.CountIf(ws.Range(rng.Address), criteria)
        End If
    Next ws
End Function

Public Function shifted_lookup(lookup_value As Variant, table_array As Range, column_index As Integer, range_lookup As Integer) As Variant
    Dim curr_wsname As String, oth_wsname As String
    Dim curr_ws As Worksheet, oth_ws As Worksheet
    Set curr_ws = ActiveSheet
    curr_wsname = curr_ws.Name
    oth_wsname = Right(curr_wsname, 3)
    Set oth_ws = Worksheets(oth_wsname)
    Dim src_rng_base As String, src_rng As Range
    src_rng_base = table_array.Address
    Set src_rng = oth_ws.Range(src_rng_base)
    Dim aux As Variant
    shifted_lookup = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(lookup_value, src_rng, column_index, range_lookup)
End Function

标签: excelvbavlookupcountif



Function myCountIfSheet1(Rng As Range, _
                         Clm1 As Long, _
                         Crit1 As Variant, _
                         Clm2 As Long, _
                         Crit2 As Variant) As Long
    ' 011

    Dim Fun As Long                         ' function return value
    Dim Ws As Worksheet

    For Each Ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        With Ws
            If .Name Like "Sheet1*" Then
                Fun = Fun + WorksheetFunction.CountIfs( _
                            .Range(Rng.Columns(Clm1).Address), Crit1, _
                            .Range(Rng.Columns(Clm2).Address), Crit2)
            End If
        End With
    Next Ws

    myCountIfSheet1 = Fun
End Function

为了便于调用,我将函数调用结构化为仅提供一个范围地址。在我的测试中,我使用了 A1:D30。列 (A) 包含一个标准,列 (D) 包含另一个。当然,列(A)是范围的第一列 - 列(1) - 列 D 是范围的列(4)。因此,以下函数调用将在 A 列中查找“3”,在 D 列中查找“red”。

Debug.Print myCountIfSheet1(Range("A1:D30"), 4, "red", 1, 3)

