首页 > 解决方案 > 设置网箱,AttributeError:模块“秘密”没有属性“选择”


我正在尝试在 RedHat 8 服务器上设置 Netbox,但在尝试运行脚本以创建 netbox 超级用户时遇到了障碍:python3 manage.py createsuperuser。系统提示我输入新的用户名/电子邮件/密码,但之后我收到错误:AttributeError: module 'secrets' has no attribute 'choice' 我正在运行 python 3.6,并且脚本确实已经导入了机密。任何人都知道为什么选择不会被认可?我尝试查看以前的线程,但没有找到与秘密模块相关的任何内容。


Django's standard crypto functions and utilities.
import hashlib
import hmac
import secrets

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes

def salted_hmac(key_salt, value, secret=None):
    Return the HMAC-SHA1 of 'value', using a key generated from key_salt and a
    secret (which defaults to settings.SECRET_KEY).

    A different key_salt should be passed in for every application of HMAC.
    if secret is None:
        secret = settings.SECRET_KEY

    key_salt = force_bytes(key_salt)
    secret = force_bytes(secret)

    # We need to generate a derived key from our base key.  We can do this by
    # passing the key_salt and our base key through a pseudo-random function and
    # SHA1 works nicely.
    key = hashlib.sha1(key_salt + secret).digest()

    # If len(key_salt + secret) > sha_constructor().block_size, the above
    # line is redundant and could be replaced by key = key_salt + secret, since
    # the hmac module does the same thing for keys longer than the block size.
    # However, we need to ensure that we *always* do this.
    return hmac.new(key, msg=force_bytes(value), digestmod=hashlib.sha1)

def get_random_string(length=12,
    Return a securely generated random string.

    The default length of 12 with the a-z, A-Z, 0-9 character set returns
    a 71-bit value. log_2((26+26+10)^12) =~ 71 bits
    return ''.join(secrets.choice(allowed_chars) for i in range(length))

def constant_time_compare(val1, val2):
    """Return True if the two strings are equal, False otherwise."""
    return secrets.compare_digest(force_bytes(val1), force_bytes(val2))

def pbkdf2(password, salt, iterations, dklen=0, digest=None):
    """Return the hash of password using pbkdf2."""
    if digest is None:
        digest = hashlib.sha256
    dklen = dklen or None
    password = force_bytes(password)
    salt = force_bytes(salt)
    return hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac(digest().name, password, salt, iterations, dklen)

标签: pythonpython-3.xnetworking


将我的项目投入生产后,我遇到了类似的问题。我已经命名了一个“secrets.py”文件,用于 db 和 secret_key 设置(很容易被 git 忽略),显然这个名称冲突并破坏了我的管理视图。

只需更改我的 secrets.py 文件的名称即可解决我的问题。
