首页 > 解决方案 > 如何更新不同视图控制器中的标签?


我对编码很陌生。我创建了一个游戏,scoreLabelGameViewController. 我在另一个ShopViewController名为moneyLabel. 我希望钱标签等于分数。我这样做是为了让我的分数标签在你每次开始新游戏时都会重置,但我希望我的钱保持不变,这样我就可以用这笔钱在游戏中购买。

我不知道如何让它更新。我试过:gameViewController = GameViewController()然后使用代码更新我的标签,但它不起作用。我的标签根本没有更新。它保持在 0。

标签: swiftswift5



struct GameData{
    var totalScore: Int = 0
    var currentGameScore: Int = 0

    func invalidateCurrentScore(){
        totalScore += currentGameScore
        currentGameScore = 0
        //call this method when you need to set your current score to 0, and pass all the accumulated points to your total score (f.ex. in the end of the game)

    //some other data like player's name and etc...

您还需要创建一个委托协议,以便在 ShopViewController 中使用其方法并将游戏数据返回给 GameViewController:

protocol ShopViewControllerDelegate{
     func updateGameData(by gameData: GameData)

带有新部件的 GameViewController:

class GameViewConroller: UIViewController, ShopViewControllerDelegate{

    @IBOutlet weak var scoreLabel: UILabel!
    var gameData: GameData!

    override func viewDidLoad(){
        gameData = GameData()

    private func updateScoreLabel(){ //call it anyTime when you manipulate the score of current game
        scoreLabel.text = "Score: \(gameData.currentGameScore)"

    func updateGameData(by gameData: GameData){ //This is the delegate's method that ShopViewController needs to trigger when you buy something in the shop
         self.gameData = gameData

    override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, 
      sender: Any?){
        if let shopViewController = segue.destination as? ShopViewController{
            //passing game data to ShopViewController
            shopViewController.gameData = self.gameData
            shopViewController.delegate = self //!IMPORTANT

这些是您的 ShopViewController 应该具有的一些属性和方法:

class ShopViewController{
    @IBOutlet weak var totalScoreLabel: UILabel!
    var gameData: GameData!
    var delegate: ShopViewControllerDelegate?

    override func viewDidLoad(){
    private func updateTotalScoreLabel(){
        totalScoreLabel.text = "Total Score: \(gameData.totalScore + gameData.currentGameScore)"

    private func purchasingSomething(){
        //logic of getting price of an item
        gameData.currentGameScore -= price
        if gameData.currentGameScore < 0{
            gameData.totalScore += gameData.currentGameScore
            gameData.currentGameScore = 0
            //if your current score is less than 0 after some purchase, your total score decreases and the current score becomes 0
        delegate?.updateGameData(by gameData: gameData) //Pass refreshed gameData back to the GameViewController

Swift 也有静态变量,但它非常易于使用。代表带来更多乐趣并使代码更漂亮。

struct GameData{
    static var totalScore: Int = 0
    static var currentGameScore: Int = 0

