首页 > 解决方案 > 像 CIColorMatrix 一样,使用 vImageMatrixMultiply_ARGB8888 将颜色矩阵过滤器应用于 UIImage


我正在尝试使用Accelerate 框架的vImageMatrixMultiply_ARGB8888构建一个快速函数以将颜色矩阵过滤器应用于图像。我以前能够使用CIFilter CIColorMatrix 将颜色矩阵应用于图像。

     let ciimage = CIImage(image: image)!
     let colorMatrix = CIFilter(name: "CIColorMatrix")!
     colorMatrix.setValue(ciimage, forKey: "inputImage")
     colorMatrix.setValue(CIVector(x: 1.9692307692307693, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0), forKey: "inputRVector")
     colorMatrix.setValue(CIVector(x: 0, y: 2.226086956521739, z: 0, w: 0), forKey: "inputGVector")
     colorMatrix.setValue(CIVector(x: 0, y: 0, z: 2.585858585858586, w: 0), forKey: "inputBVector")
     colorMatrix.setValue(CIVector(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1), forKey: "inputAVector")
     return UIImage(ciImage: colorMatrix.outputImage!)


rotationMatrix = [1.9692307692307693, 0, 0, 0
                  0, 2.226086956521739, 0, 0,
                  0, 0, 2.585858585858586, 0,
                  0, 0, 0, 1].map {
                     return Int16(Float($0) * Float(divisor)) // divisor = 256

以下代码不会产生与上面 CIFilter 相同的结果。

private func rgbAdjustmentWithMatrix(image sourceImage: UIImage, rotationMatrix: [Int16]) -> UIImage? {

        let cgImage = sourceImage.cgImage,
        let sourceImageFormat = vImage_CGImageFormat(cgImage: cgImage),
        let rgbDestinationImageFormat = vImage_CGImageFormat(
            bitsPerComponent: 8,
            bitsPerPixel: 32,
            colorSpace: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(),
            bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo(rawValue: CGImageAlphaInfo.first.rawValue),
            renderingIntent: .defaultIntent) else {
                print("Unable to initialize cgImage or colorSpace.")
                return nil

        let sourceBuffer = try? vImage_Buffer(cgImage: cgImage),
        var rgbDestinationBuffer = try? vImage_Buffer(width: Int(sourceBuffer.width),
            height: Int(sourceBuffer.height),
            bitsPerPixel: rgbDestinationImageFormat.bitsPerPixel) else {
                print("Unable to initialize source buffer or destination buffer.")
                return nil

    defer {

    do {
        let toRgbConverter = try vImageConverter.make(sourceFormat: sourceImageFormat, destinationFormat: rgbDestinationImageFormat)
            try toRgbConverter.convert(source: sourceBuffer, destination: &rgbDestinationBuffer)
    } catch {
        print("Unable to initialize converter or unable to convert.")
        return nil

    guard var resultBuffer = try? vImage_Buffer(width: Int(sourceBuffer.width),
            height: Int(sourceBuffer.height),
            bitsPerPixel: rgbDestinationImageFormat.bitsPerPixel) else {
                print("Unable to initialize result buffer.")
                return nil

    defer {
    var error: vImage_Error

    let divisor: Int32 = 256

    let preBias = [Int16](repeating: -256, count: 4)
    let postBias = [Int32](repeating: 256 * divisor, count: 4)

    error = vImageMatrixMultiply_ARGB8888(&rgbDestinationBuffer,
    guard error == kvImageNoError else { return nil }

    if let cgImage = try? resultBuffer.createCGImage(format: rgbDestinationImageFormat) {
        return UIImage(cgImage: cgImage)
    } else {
        return nil


可能是色彩空间问题?还是 vImageMatrixMultiply_ARGB8888 输入矩阵与 CIFilter 输入矩阵不同?

标签: swiftcifilteraccelerate-framework



因此,看起来 vImageMatrixMultiply_ARGB8888 期望值按以下顺序:

let rotationMatrix = [
    1, 0,                  0,                 0,                 // A
    0, 1.9692307692307693, 0,                 0,                 // R
    0, 0,                  2.226086956521739, 0,                 // G
    0, 0,                  0,                 2.585858585858586  // B
    ].map { return Int16($0 * Float(divisor)) } // divisor = 0x1000

这与暗示 BGRA 的 Apple 示例代码不一致。可能该矩阵最初打算用于不同的 pixelBuffer 格式 - 或其他一些问题。

我相信您遇到的另一个问题是 CIFilter 使用的是默认 CIContext。当我运行它时,我得到一个线性 SRGB 工作颜色空间。

let context = CIContext()
print(context.workingColorSpace ?? "")


<CGColorSpace 0x7fe4abd06d30> (kCGColorSpaceICCBased; kCGColorSpaceModelRGB; sRGB Linear)

因此,您可以将 CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB() 指定为 CIFilter 的 CIContext workingColorSpace,或者在 vImage 使用中将 rgbDestinationImageFormat colorSpace 设置为 .linearSRGB。在这和更正的矩阵顺序之间,我相信您的输出图像现在​​将匹配。

// error handling removed for brevity
let ciImage = CIImage(cgImage: cgImage)
let colorMatrix = CIFilter(name: "CIColorMatrix")!
colorMatrix.setValue(ciImage, forKey: "inputImage")
colorMatrix.setValue(CIVector(x: 1.9692307692307693, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0), forKey: "inputRVector")
colorMatrix.setValue(CIVector(x: 0, y: 2.226086956521739, z: 0, w: 0), forKey: "inputGVector")
colorMatrix.setValue(CIVector(x: 0, y: 0, z: 2.585858585858586, w: 0), forKey: "inputBVector")
colorMatrix.setValue(CIVector(x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1), forKey: "inputAVector")
let context = CIContext(options: [.workingColorSpace : CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()]) // without this, colorSpace defaults to linearSRGB
return context.createCGImage(colorMatrix.outputImage!, from: rect)! 


最后,您可能会受益于更大的除数。每个通道的像素数据为 8 位,累加器为 32 位,矩阵值为 16 位。大多数参考代码使用 0x1000 (4096) 的除数。

func rgbAdjustmentWithMatrix(image sourceImage: NSImage, rotationMatrix: [Int16]) -> CGImage?  {

    var rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: sourceImage.size.width, height: sourceImage.size.height)

        let cgImage = sourceImage.cgImage(forProposedRect: &rect, context: nil, hints: nil),
        let sourceImageFormat = vImage_CGImageFormat(cgImage: cgImage),
        let rgbDestinationImageFormat = vImage_CGImageFormat(
            bitsPerComponent: 8,
            bitsPerPixel: 32,
            colorSpace: CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(),
            // can match CIFilter default with this:
            // colorSpace: CGColorSpace(name: CGColorSpace.linearSRGB)!,
            bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo(rawValue: CGImageAlphaInfo.first.rawValue),
            renderingIntent: .defaultIntent)
        else {
                print("Unable to initialize cgImage or colorSpace.")
                return nil

        var sourceBuffer = try? vImage_Buffer(cgImage: cgImage),
        var rgbDestinationBuffer = try? vImage_Buffer(width: Int(sourceBuffer.width),
                                                      height: Int(sourceBuffer.height),
                                                    bitsPerPixel: rgbDestinationImageFormat.bitsPerPixel)
        else {
            fatalError("Error initializing source and destination buffers.")

    defer {

    do {
        let toRgbConverter = try vImageConverter.make(sourceFormat: sourceImageFormat, destinationFormat: rgbDestinationImageFormat)
        try toRgbConverter.convert(source: sourceBuffer, destination: &rgbDestinationBuffer)
    } catch {

    let divisor: Int32 = 0x1000 // matrix values are 16 bit and accumulator is 32 bit
                                // 4096 gives us decent overhead for the matrix operation
                                // 12-bit color

    let preBias: [Int16] = [0, 0, 0, 0]  // or simply pass nil
    let postBias: [Int32] = [0, 0, 0, 0] // or simply pass nil

    let error = vImageMatrixMultiply_ARGB8888(&rgbDestinationBuffer,

    if error != kvImageNoError { print("Error: \(error)") }

    let result = try? rgbDestinationBuffer.createCGImage(format: rgbDestinationImageFormat)
    return result



查看您的代码和输出图像,我相信您的红色和蓝色系数颠倒了。如果是这样,您将像这样填充 vImage 矩阵:

rotationMatrix = [2.585858585858586, 0, 0, 0   // b
                  0, 2.226086956521739, 0, 0,  // g
                  0, 0, 1.9692307692307693, 0, // r
                  0, 0, 0, 1].map {            // a
                     return Int16(Float($0) * Float(divisor)) // divisor = 256

这将与 Apple 的用于对图像的选定部分去饱和的 vImage 示例代码一致。

    let desaturationMatrix = [
        0.0722, 0.0722, 0.0722, 0,
        0.7152, 0.7152, 0.7152, 0,
        0.2126, 0.2126, 0.2126, 0,
        0,      0,      0,      1
        ].map {
            return Int16($0 * Float(divisor))

请注意,Rec709到 Luma 的转换系数如下所示:

Y = R * 0.2126 + G * 0.7152 + B * 0.0722 
