首页 > 解决方案 > 使用随机数生成器选择数组值


它是一个基于文本的垄断游戏,我需要骰子从数组中选择数字,就像在棋盘上一样。我有数字生成器,但我需要做的是,当值出现时,它会在数组上加上它以获得匹配的数字,例如,如果玩家掷出 6,则 6 + 数组 0 = 数组值 6 这将是街道的名称,但这意味着玩家知道他们在组成的棋盘上的哪个位置。这是我用来尝试这样做的编码,但我一直在获取 006ff65。我怎样才能得到它来显示数字,因为稍后将添加名称。

    int main()
        int number = 12;
        int rnum = (rand() % number) + 1;
        int house = 1;
        int moneyscore = 10000;
        double values[] = { 
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40 };

        char name[50];
        cout << "Who are you, Dog, Car, Hat or Bus" << endl;
        cin.getline(name, 50);
        cout << "Welcome to Our Game " << name << " You have " << moneyscore << " .PLease Roll dice to get started" <<  endl;
        cout << "\n----------------------Press any Enter to roll dice----------------------" << endl;

        int choiceOne_Path;
        cout << "# You roll a " << rnum << endl;
        rnum = values[rnum];
        cout << "# you have " << moneyscore << endl;
        cout << "# You move to grid "<< values << endl;
        cout << "\t >> Enter '1' Buy Property" << endl;
        cout << "\t >> Enter '2' Recieve Rent" << endl;
        cout << "\t >> Enter '3' End turn" << endl;
        cout << "\nEnter your choice: ";
        cin >> choiceOne_Path;
        if (choiceOne_Path == 1)
            cout << "\n Buy Property " << endl;
            cout << "  " << name << " has " << moneyscore << endl;
            cout << "  " << house <<" House has been placed by " << name <<" who spent 2,500" << endl;
            moneyscore -= 2500;
            cout << "  " << name << " now has " << moneyscore << endl;
            cout << "\n Roll again" << endl;
            cout << "# You roll a " << rnum << endl;

        else if (choiceOne_Path == 2)
            cout << "\n You recieved 2500 from rent" << endl;
            moneyscore += 2500;
            cout << "  " << name << "\n now has" << moneyscore << endl;
            cout << "\n(Player will gain money form house, will need to find a way in order to make the 
            console remember what score == to postion)" << endl;
            cout << "Ends turn" << endl;

        else if (choiceOne_Path == 3)
            cout << "\n Roll again" << endl;
            cout << "# You roll a " << rnum << endl;
            cout << "You are doing it wrong, player! Press either '1' or '2', nothing else!" << endl;
            goto retry;

        cout << "\n----------------------Press any key to continue----------------------" << endl;


标签: c++



首先,您将数组查找的结果分配回您的随机数:rnum = values[rnum];这没什么大不了的,除非您稍后使用该变量并且它不再包含您可能认为的内容。它实际上包含您正在寻找的价值!

其次,变量values是指向数组头部的指针,因此您将使用这一行输出 values 数组的地址:这里根本没有发生数组查找。奇怪的是,您错过了这一点,因为您在之前替换随机数值时确实正确引用了数组内容。cout << "# You move to grid "<< values << endl;
