首页 > 解决方案 > WooCommerce:如果客户是 VIP,则自动生成优惠券


如果有人花费超过 750 美元,我想生成一张优惠券。

我在想我可以在结帐页面或电子邮件上显示优惠券。优惠券的有效期为自发行之日起 12 个月。



首先,如果客户确实提取了用户 ID 和订单 ID 并发送到优惠券代码生成,我想看看他们是否花费了超过 750 美元

// Function to work out if a customer is a VIP
function ch_cust_is_a_vip()
   if (ch_get_customer_spend() > 750)
    $ch_order = wc_get_order( $order_id );       // get current order_id
    $ch_user = get_current_user_id();            // Current user ID

    coupon_code_generation( $ch_order, $ch_user );

add_filter( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_form_cart_notices', 'ch_cust_is_a_vip', 20, 2 );  // woocommerce_before_checkout_form_cart_notices


// function to return total customer spend
function ch_get_customer_spend()
  global $wpdb;

 $user_id = get_current_user_id(); // Current user ID

 $user_purchases_total_sum = $wpdb->get_var( "
   SELECT SUM(pm.meta_value) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta as pm
   INNER JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}posts as p ON pm.post_id = p.ID
   INNER JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta as pm2 ON pm.post_id = pm2.post_id
   WHERE p.post_status LIKE 'wc-completed' AND p.post_type LIKE 'shop_order'
   AND pm.meta_key LIKE '_order_total' AND pm2.meta_key LIKE '_customer_user'
   AND pm2.meta_value LIKE $user_id " );

 return $user_purchases_total_sum;

和优惠券代码生成,我发现这个广告刚刚添加了 12 个月的过期日期。

  // Utility function that check if coupon exist
  function does_coupon_exist( $coupon_code ) 
     global $wpdb;

     $value = $wpdb->get_var( "
       SELECT ID
       FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts
       WHERE post_type = 'shop_coupon'
       AND post_name = '".strtolower($coupon_code)."'
       AND post_status = 'publish'; ");

   return $value > 0 ? true : false;

// custom coupon generation 

  function coupon_code_generation( $order_id, $i )
   $coupon_code = $order_id."".$i; // Coupon Code

   // Check that coupon code not exists
   if( ! does_coupon_exist( $coupon_code ) ) 

    // Get a new instance of the WC_Coupon object
    $coupon = new WC_Coupon();

    // Get the instance of the WC_Order object
    $order = wc_get_order( $order_id );

    ## --- Coupon settings --- ##
    $discount_type  = 'percent'; // set the dicount Type
    $coupon_amount  = '30'; // set the discount Amount
    $customer_email = array( $order->get_billing_email() ); // Customer billing email
    $product_categories_names = array('skincare');
    $date_expires = strtotime("+ 12 Months"); // put an expiry date 12 months from today 

    // Convert to term IDs
    $term_ids = array();
    foreach( $product_categories_names as $term_name ) 
        if ( term_exists( $term_name, 'product_cat' ) )
            $term_ids[] = get_term_by( 'name', $term_name, 'product_cat' )->term_id;

    ## --- Coupon settings --- ##

    // Set the necessary coupon data
    $coupon->set_code( $coupon_code );
    $coupon->set_discount_type( $discount_type );
    $coupon->set_amount( $coupon_amount );

    if( is_array($term_ids) && sizeof($term_ids) > 0 )
        $coupon->set_product_categories( $term_ids );

    $coupon->set_email_restrictions( $customer_email );
    $coupon->set_individual_use( true );
    $coupon->set_usage_limit( 1 );
    $coupon->set_usage_limit_per_user( 1 );
    $coupon->set_limit_usage_to_x_items( 1 );
    $coupon->set_date_expires( date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($date_expires) ) );

    // Save the data
    $post_id = $coupon->save();

  echo isset($post_id) && $post_id > 0 ? sprintf(
    '<div class="couponCode"><strong>%s <code>%s</code></strong>.<hr></div>',
    __("Your Coupon Code for your next purchase is", "woocommerce"), $coupon_code
  ) : __("Sorry, a coupon code already exist.", "woocommerce");

我有时确实会看到“ $customer_email = array( $order->get_billing_email() );//客户帐单电子邮件”的错误,但并非总是如此

标签: phpwordpresswoocommercehook-woocommercecoupon

