首页 > 解决方案 > 能够使用 entitymanager.persist() 持久化数据,但无法在 spring hibernate 应用程序中使用 entitymanager.find()



public class Customer
    private String account_no;
    private String customer_name,father_name,gender, phone, email, aadhaar;     // phone no is varchar because I'll do validation in angular.
    private double salary;

    // one customer can have one loan. Relation is unidirectional
    @OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    private Loan loan;

    public Customer() {}

    public String toString() {
        return "CustomerInfo [account_no=" + account_no + ", customer_name=" + customer_name + ", phone=" + phone
                + ", email=" + email + ", aadhaar=" + aadhaar + ", salary="
                + salary + ", loan=" + loan + "]";


public class Loan

    private String account_no;          // making this as foreign key will not allow any holder to take loan again.
    private String type;
    private String issue_date;
    private String last_payment;
    private double loan_amount;
    private double emi_amount;
    private int emi_balance;

    public Loan() {

    public String toString() {
        return "LoanInfo [account_no=" + account_no + ", type=" + type + ", loan_amount=" + loan_amount
                + ", emi_amount=" + emi_amount + ", emi_balance=" + emi_balance + ", issue_date=" + issue_date + "]";


现在 Dao 层的代码
findCustomer() 函数返回 null。在 dao findLoan() 和 addCustomer() 工作正常。即使我检查过 database ,它也会将数据持久化到数据库中。
我使用的数据库是mysql,hibernate用于实现应用程序。使用 Spring mvc。

public class BankDao {

    EntityManager em;

    // It add customer details and loan details like emi while sanctioning any loan.
    public void addCustomer(Customer customer) throws RevokeLoanException
        try {
        catch(Exception e) {
            throw new RevokeLoanException();

    // for customer details
    public Customer findCustomer(String accNo) throws LoanNotFoundException{

        System.out.println(em.find(Customer.class, accNo));
        Customer customer=em.find(Customer.class, accNo);
            throw new LoanNotFoundException();
        return customer;

    // useful while paying emi
    public Loan findLoan(String acc_no) throws LoanNotFoundException{
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        Loan loan=em.find(Loan.class, acc_no);
            throw new LoanNotFoundException();
        return loan;

控制器出现问题。控制器没有以特定方式工作 id=2020-04-30T23:22:00.210
Api call = http://localhost:8082/LoanBackEnd/loan/loanStatus/2020-04-30T23:22:00.210

    public ResponseEntity<Map<String, String>> loanStatus(@PathVariable String id) throws LoanNotFoundException{
        System.out.println(id+" which got");
        Map<String,String> response=bankService.loanStatus(id);

        return new ResponseEntity<Map<String,String>>(response,HttpStatus.OK);

那条打印线返回我 2020-04-30T23:22:00 代替 2020-04-30T23:22:00.210

标签: springhibernatespring-mvcpersistence

