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 int main() {
    softdrink drink[7];

strcpy(drink[0].name,"Espresso"); drink[0].itemprice=120;drink[0].country="Italy"; drink[0].quantity=20;
strcpy(drink[1].name,"Iced coffee"); drink[1].itemprice=150;drink[1].country="France"; drink[1].quantity=20;
strcpy(drink[2].name,"Long black"); drink[2].itemprice=80;drink[2].country="Australia"; drink[2].quantity=20;
strcpy(drink[3].name,"Americano"); drink[3].itemprice=100;drink[3].country="America"; drink[3].quantity=20;
strcpy(drink[4].name,"Latte"); drink[4].itemprice=200;drink[4].country="Italy"; drink[4].quantity=20;
strcpy(drink[5].name,"Irish coffee"); drink[5].itemprice=130;drink[5].country="Ireland"; drink[5].quantity=20;
strcpy(drink[6].name,"Cappuccino"); drink[6].itemprice=180;drink[6].country="Italy"; drink[6].quantity=20;

    cout << fixed;
    cout << setprecision(2);

    int coffeetype = 1;

while(coffeetype != 8){
cout<<"\n 1) "<<drink[0].name<<"\t\t"<<drink[0].itemprice<<"\t\t"<<drink[0].country<<"\t\t("<<drink[0].quantity<<") remaining";
cout<<"\n 2) "<<drink[1].name<<"\t\t"<<drink[1].itemprice<<"\t\t"<<drink[1].country<<"\t\t("<<drink[1].quantity<<") remaining";
cout<<"\n 3) "<<drink[2].name<<"\t\t"<<drink[2].itemprice<<"\t\t"<<drink[2].country<<"\t("<<drink[2].quantity<<") remaining";
cout<<"\n 4) "<<drink[3].name<<"\t\t"<<drink[3].itemprice<<"\t\t"<<drink[3].country<<"\t\t("<<drink[3].quantity<<") remaining";
cout<<"\n 5) "<<drink[4].name<<"\t\t"<<drink[4].itemprice<<"\t\t"<<drink[4].country<<"\t\t("<<drink[4].quantity<<") remaining";
cout<<"\n 6) "<<drink[5].name<<"\t"<<drink[5].itemprice<<"\t\t"<<drink[5].country<<"\t\t("<<drink[5].quantity<<") remaining";
cout<<"\n 7) "<<drink[6].name<<"\t\t"<<drink[6].itemprice<<"\t\t"<<drink[6].country<<"\t\t("<<drink[6].quantity<<") remaining";

cout<<"\n 8) Leave the drink machine \n\n";
cout<<"\n Choose one:";
cin >> coffeetype;

标签: c++



#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

struct softdrink {
  string name;
  int itemprice;
  string country;
  int quantity;

int main() {
    softdrink drink[] = {
      { "Espresso", 120, "Italy", 20 },
      { "Iced coffee", 150, "France", 20 },
      { "Long black", 80, "Australia", 20 },
      { "Americano", 100, "America", 20 },
      { "Latte", 200, "Italy", 20 },
      { "Irish coffee", 130, "Ireland", 20 },
      { "Cappuccino", 180, "Italy", 20 }

    cout << fixed;
    cout << setprecision(2);

    int coffeetype = 1;

    while (coffeetype != 8) {
      int i;

      for (i = 0; i != sizeof(drink)/sizeof(drink[0]); ++i)
        cout<< "\n " << i+1 << ") "<<drink[i].name<<"\t\t"<<drink[i].itemprice<<"\t\t"<<drink[i].country<<"\t\t("<<drink[i].quantity<<") remaining";

      cout<<"\n " << i+1 << ") Leave the drink machine \n\n";
      cout<<"\n Choose one:";
      cin >> coffeetype;

当然你也可以定义operator<<on softdrink并在main中使用它。如果您在数组中添加新元素,则8将不是正确的值,使用文字值是危险的,因为您可能会错过更新它

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

struct softdrink {
  string name;
  int itemprice;
  string country;
  int quantity;

ostream & operator<<( ostream & os, const softdrink & sd)
  os << sd.name << "\t\t" << sd.itemprice << "\t\t" << sd.country << "\t\t(" << sd.quantity << ") remaining";
  return os;

int main() {
    softdrink drink[] = {
      { "Espresso", 120, "Italy", 20 },
      { "Iced coffee", 150, "France", 20 },
      { "Long black", 80, "Australia", 20 },
      { "Americano", 100, "America", 20 },
      { "Latte", 200, "Italy", 20 },
      { "Irish coffee", 130, "Ireland", 20 },
      { "Cappuccino", 180, "Italy", 20 }

    cout << fixed;
    cout << setprecision(2);

    int coffeetype = 1;

    while (coffeetype != sizeof(drink)/sizeof(drink[0])) {
      int i;

      for (i = 0; i != sizeof(drink)/sizeof(drink[0]); ++i)
        cout << "\n " << i+1 << ") " <<  drink[i];

      cout<<"\n " << i+1 << ") Leave the drink machine \n\n";
      cout<<"\n Choose one:";
      cin >> coffeetype;


pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ g++ -Wall d.cc
pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ ./a.out

 1) Espresso        120     Italy       (20) remaining
 2) Iced coffee     150     France      (20) remaining
 3) Long black      80      Australia       (20) remaining
 4) Americano       100     America     (20) remaining
 5) Latte       200     Italy       (20) remaining
 6) Irish coffee        130     Ireland     (20) remaining
 7) Cappuccino      180     Italy       (20) remaining
 8) Leave the drink machine 

 Choose one:8
pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ 

如您所见,使用tab不是拥有常规列的正确方法,因此例如修改operator<<为 have :

ostream & operator<<( ostream & os, const softdrink & sd)
  os << left << setw(5) << sd.name 
     << left << setw(10) << sd.itemprice 
     << left << setw(15) << sd.country 
     << '(' << sd.quantity << ") remaining";
  return os;


pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ ./a.out

 1) Espresso       120       Italy          (20) remaining
 2) Iced coffee    150       France         (20) remaining
 3) Long black     80        Australia      (20) remaining
 4) Americano      100       America        (20) remaining
 5) Latte          200       Italy          (20) remaining
 6) Irish coffee   130       Ireland        (20) remaining
 7) Cappuccino     180       Italy          (20) remaining
 8) Leave the drink machine 

 Choose one:8
pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ 

如果要operator<<为您的级别定义 is to early,您可以使用标准函数:

void output(int i, const softdrink sd[])
  cout << "\n " << i+1 <<  ") "
     << left << setw(15) << sd[i].name 
     << left << setw(10) << sd[i].itemprice 
     << left << setw(15) << sd[i].country 
     << '(' << sd[i].quantity << ") remaining";


for (i = 0; i != sizeof(drink)/sizeof(drink[0]); ++i)
  output(i, drink);


const softdrink drink[] = {


另外你在 C++ 中,你有一些有趣的类来管理数组,例如std::vector,它们有几个优点,你可以获得元素的数量,它们的大小可以改变(甚至这里不需要),它们有迭代器等,例如输出签名变成

void output(size_t i, const vector<softdrink> & sd)


int main() {
    const vector<softdrink> drink = {
      { "Espresso", 120, "Italy", 20 },
      { "Iced coffee", 150, "France", 20 },
      { "Long black", 80, "Australia", 20 },
      { "Americano", 100, "America", 20 },
      { "Latte", 200, "Italy", 20 },
      { "Irish coffee", 130, "Ireland", 20 },
      { "Cappuccino", 180, "Italy", 20 }
    size_t coffeetype = 1;

    while (coffeetype != drink.size()) {
      size_t i;

      for (i = 0; i != drink.size(); ++i)

还要注意你的whileis ado while因为你初始化了 coffeetype来测试whilefalse :

size_t coffeetype;

do {
} while (coffeetype != drink.size());


do {
  cout<<"\n Choose one:";
} while ((cin >> coffeetype) && (coffeetype != drink.size()));


