首页 > 解决方案 > 如何赋予方法处理 Unity 中另一个线程的对象的能力




    return Task.Run(() =>
        // My method in library

标签: c#multithreadingunity3d


您不能从主线程外部修改 Unity 对象。因此,如果您的任务需要修改 Unity 对象,则需要从主线程中获取 SynchronizationContext 并使用它来将工作发布或发送回主线程,以进行实际的统一对象修改和引用。

// make sure you are on the main thread when you call this next line.
SynchronizationContext mainThreadSyncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
Task.Run(() => {
    // do heavy work
    // then when you want to modify a unity object or referenc them, you have to delegate the work to run
    // on the main thread.
    mainThreadSyncContext.Post(_ => {
        // async so it does not block and the work will be executed at some point (most likely the next tick)
        // safely reference Unity objects and functions
    }, null);

    mainThreadSyncContext.Send(_ => {
        // synchronous so it will send the the main thread and wait for a return before continuing
        // safely reference Unity objects and functions
    }, null);
