首页 > 解决方案 > Why does my child theme break my Divi website's header menu?


When I activate my child theme, the header menu on my website displays a combination of all header and footer menu items plus others that aren't on any menu. I was able to activate the same child theme on a staging site of my website where the menus all displayed properly. I even tried activating the child theme on the live site without any files in the child theme folder. Even without any files in there, the problem still happened. Re-activating the main divi theme solves the problem, but obviously means I can't have a child-theme.

I've tried the usual google search avenues for this problem but haven't found anything or anyone with the same problem. Has anyone here had this kind of problem with divi or a different theme before and may I ask what you did to solve it?

Many thanks

标签: wordpress-themingdivi-theme


最终,我意识到我的问题是在更改语言时发生的,因此它与我的语言插件 Polylang 有关。从那里我发现最近有同样问题的其他人找到了解决方案:https ://wordpress.org/support/topic/polylang-doesnt-work-with-child-theme/
