首页 > 解决方案 > 在 Python 中解决问题以在团队中分配多个项目



一位经理想向他的员工分发巧克力。实际上,分发巧克力并不容易。每个员工小队都有严格的资历等级,必须尊重 - 否则员工会反抗。

为了避免叛乱,您必须遵循 4 条关键规则:

1. The most junior employee (with the least seniority) gets exactly 1 chocolate.  (There will always be at least 1 employee on a team.)
2. An employee will revolt if the person who ranks immediately above them gets more than double the number of chocolates as they do.
3. An employee will revolt if the amount of chocolates given to their next two subordinates combined is more than the number of chocolates they get.  (Note that the two most junior employees won't have two subordinates, so this rule doesn't apply to them.  The 2nd most junior employee would require at least as many chocolates as the most junior employee.)
4. You can always find more employees to pay - the Manager has plenty of employees.  If there is enough chocolate leftover such that another employee could be added as the most senior while obeying the other rules, you must always add and pay that employee.

请注意,您可能无法分发所有巧克力。单个 LAMB 不能细分。也就是说,所有的追随者必须得到一个正整数的巧克力。

编写一个名为 solution(total_chocolates) 的函数,其中 total_chocolates 是您尝试划分的讲义中巧克力的整数个数。它应该返回一个整数,该整数表示可以分享巧克力的最小和最大员工数量之间的差异(即,分别对您支付的员工尽可能慷慨和尽可能小气),同时仍然遵守所有以上规则,以避免叛乱。例如,如果你有 10 块巧克力,并且尽可能慷慨,你只能支付 3 名员工(1、2 和 4 块巧克力,按资历升序),而如果你尽可能小气,则可以支付 4员工(1、1、2 和 3 块巧克力)。因此,solution(10) 应该返回 4-3 = 1。

为了让事情变得有趣,经理改变了巧克力支出的大小。您可以期望 total_chocolates 始终是小于 10 亿 (10 ^ 9) 的正整数。


def solution(total_chocolates):

    if not isinstance(total_chocolates, int) or total_lambs<=1 or total_lambs >= 1000000000: 
        return 0


        for i in range(1,total_chocolates):

            if sum(F1) < total_chocolates:
                F1.append(F1[-1]+F1[-2])    #fibonacci series from 1
            if sum(F1) > total_chocolates:

            LEN_F1 = len(F1)

            if sum(F2) < total_chocolates:
                F2.append(F2[-1] * 2)      #1,2,4,8,16.. series
            if sum(F2) > total_chocolates:

            LEN_F2 = len(F2)

        return (LEN_F1-LEN_F2)


标签: pythonalgorithmdata-structures

