首页 > 解决方案 > 如何在不使用任何特殊头文件的情况下序列化可能包含 C++ 中用户定义类的其他对象的对象?


我正在制作一个包含用户定义类的小程序,该类包含结构类型日期和时间的对象对象。结构日期包含一个字符串类型。我如何序列化包含对象条目以便能够将条目对象存储在文件中以及在 C++ 中读取它?这是我的最小代码:

#define s ' ' //defining space character

using namespace std;

struct date{
int day;
string month;
int year;

struct time{
int hr;
int min;

class entry{
    date d;
    time t;
    int sno=0;

    void incrementsno(){++sno;}

void getdate(){      //This function gets date
        cout<<"\nEnter the date : ";
        cout<<"\nDay : ";
        cout<<"Month : ";
        cout<<"Year :";

    void gettime(){     //This function gets time
    cout<<"\n\nEnter time : ";
    cout<<"\nHours :";
    cout<<"Minutes :";


int main(){

//declaring variables
char c;
string filename;
entry e;
ifstream filer; 
ofstream filew;

//getting file name begins
cout<<"Enter the name of file you want to create : ";
cout<<"\nThe file name is : "<<filename<<endl;
//getting file name over

//creating and opening file
//file association operation successful

cout<<"\nDo you want to write to file? : ";

if(c=='y')//Entering date and time
        cout<<"\nFile write operation successful.\n";
        cout<<"\nDo you wish to continue? :";
    cout<<"\nReading file...\n";


filer.open(filename.c_str(),ios::binary|ios::in);   //opening file for reading 


cout<<"\n\nFile IO successful...";


return 0;

标签: c++serialization


这是一个基于评论的非工作、半度量流框架。它不起作用 - 这是可以使用的东西。

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

struct Date {
    int day;
    std::string month;
    int year;

// Date serializing support:

// stream out a Date to a generic stream (like a file)
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Date& d) {
    return os << d.day << '\n' << d.month << '\n' << d.year << '\n';

// read a Date from a generic stream (like a file)
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Date& d) {
    return is >> d.day >> d.month >> d.year;

// Date adapters for human interaction - only holds references to "real" objects
struct DateUIout {
    explicit DateUIout(const Date& d) : date(d) {}
    // DateUIout(const Date&) = delete; // not copyable - but made it explicitly
    // clear

    // holds a reference to the Date struct we'd like to work with
    // and an output stream for asking the user questions if needed
    const Date& date;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const DateUIout& dui) {
    const Date& d = dui.date; // alias to the Date we'd like to work with
    return os << "Day: " << d.day << " Month: " << d.month << " Year: " << d.year
              << '\n';

struct DateUIin {
    explicit DateUIin(Date& d, std::ostream& qs = std::cout) :
        date(d), questions(qs) {}
    DateUIin(const Date&) = delete; // not copyable - but made it explicitly clear

    Date& date;
    std::ostream& questions; // used for printing questions to humans

std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, DateUIin& dui) {
    Date& d = dui.date; // alias to the Date we'd like to work with
    dui.questions << "Enter the date:\n"
                  << " Day: ";
    is >> d.day;
    dui.questions << " Month: ";
    is >> d.month;
    dui.questions << " Year: ";
    return is >> d.year;

struct Time {
    int hr;
    int min;

// Time serializing support: (much like everything in Date)

// stream out a Time
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Time& t) {
    return os << t.hr << '\n' << t.min << '\n';

// read a Time from a stream
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Time& t) {
    return is >> t.hr >> t.min;

// Time adapter for human interaction - only holds references to "real" objects
struct TimeUI {
    explicit TimeUI(Time& t, std::ostream& qs = std::cout) : tim(t), questions(qs) {}
    Time& tim;
    std::ostream& questions;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TimeUI& tui) {
    Time& t = tui.tim;
    return os << "Hour: " << t.hr << ' ' << t.min << '\n';

std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, TimeUI& tui) {
    Time& t = tui.tim;
    tui.questions << "Enter the time:\n Hour: ";
    is >> t.hr;
    tui.questions << " Minute: ";
    return is >> t.min;
struct Timestamp {
    Date date{};
    Time time{};

// Timestamp serializing support:

// stream out a Timestamp
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Timestamp& ts) {
    return os << ts.date << ts.time;

// read a Timestamp from a stream
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Timestamp& ts) {
    return is >> ts.date >> ts.time;

// Timestamp adapter for human interaction - only holds references to "real" objects
struct TimestampUIout {
    TimestampUIout(const Timestamp& Ts) : ts(Ts) {}
    // TimestampUIout(const TimestampUI&) = delete;

    Timestamp& ts;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const TimestampUIout& tsui) {
    return os << DateUIout(tsui.ts.date) << TimeUI(tsui.ts.time, os);

struct TimestampUIin {
    TimestampUI(Timestamp& Ts, std::ostream& qs = std::cout) :
        ts(Ts), questions(qs) {}
    TimestampUI(const TimestampUI&) = delete;

    Timestamp& ts;
    std::ostream& questions;

std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, TimestampUIin& tsui) {
    DateUIin dui(tsui.ts.date, tsui.questions);
    TimeUI tui(tsui.ts.time, tsui.questions);
    return is >> dui >> tui;

int main() {
    Timestamp tmp;
    TimestampUI tsui(tmp, std::cout); // bind UI adapter to the Timestamp

    std::vector<Timestamp> timestamps;

    while(std::cin >> tsui) {      // use UI adapter
        timestamps.push_back(tmp); // store a raw Timestamp

    // print collected timestamps - using adapter
    for(const Timestamp& ts : timestamps) {
        std::cout << TimestampUIout(ts);
    // print collected timestamps - as they would be streamed to a file
    for(const Timestamp& ts : timestamps) {
        std::cout << ts;
